Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

He's not worth your time man he's a waste of evolved star dust. And I use the word evolved very loosely..

How can you say that about The Rockodile hunter?

He's a genius, kung fu master/rock hunter, trained in the way of the rock, capable of feats impossible to any other human.

He is clearly the most evolved person on the planet, how else would he capable of such feats of excellence?
He's not worth your time man he's a waste of evolved star dust. And I use the word evolved very loosely..

You guys seemed to have it all figured... beef cover bestiality. HA Haaaaaa.
Feel it's wrath, Witness it's awful judgement of star dust. Bow before it's almighty Rightfulness, Smotting and Smitting and Being iInsulting.
Tremble! Quake! Experience Real (tm) Fear. Avert your gaze, for IT is the Kingdom and IT is the Glory. Beef Burger Bestiality

Super 8 Motel, by Denny's on the Interstate. Room 8. Call first. Cash Only
(found posted on Craigslist)
He's not worth your time man he's a waste of evolved star dust. And I use the word evolved very loosely..

You guys seemed to have it all figured... beef cove bestiality. HA Haaaaaa.
Feel it's wrath, Witness it's awful judgement of star dust. Bow before it's almighty Rightfulness, Smotting and Smitting and Being Insulting. Tremble! Quake! Experience Real (tm) Fear. Avert your Gaze! For IT is the Kingdom and IT is the Glory. Beef Cove Bestiality, open to 11pm.

Super 8 Motel, by Denny's on the Interstate. Room 8. Call first. Cash Only
(found posted on Craigslist today, so I really wonder about you two)
That made no sense.
It seems to suggest, you can't tell the difference between a KILL and a SAVE

So,. it is not some complicate math. A kill is a kill and a save is..... never mind.


PERPS don't count. See how confused you are? Now if it was an UN-lawful kill of a perp, DUDE THAT IS A KILL.

See here is the problem. You can't admit it. Guns save 5 times what the kill and an lawful killing is a save.

So, with my generous 5 x, there is no problem with guns but the people that attempt to negate that 5x ratio. (I'm sure it is more like 10x)

This quibble alone, tells me no one will face it. They are duped and co-oppted Saganists. So, therefore these cannot handle the truth.
If someone dies, that's a kill. Your rhetoric can't change the facts. Killing a criminal does not mean you saved a life. Kinda funny you would be so obsessed with dispatching criminals when you openly advertise your criminal actions on this website.
Reasons why guns are better than a snow plow for killing people;

1) Guns can be concealed.
2) Guns can hit their targets from far away.
3) Guns are cheaper than a snowplow and truck.
4) There are more guns in the USA than trucks with snow plows.
5) Guns offer the element of surprise.
6) More often than not, center of mass hits will result in death.
7) The type of damage done with a standard HP bullet is difficult to repair.
Reasons why guns are better than a snow plow for killing people;

1) Guns can be concealed.
2) Guns can hit their targets from far away.
3) Guns are cheaper than a snowplow and truck.
4) There are more guns in the USA than trucks with snow plows.
5) Guns offer the element of surprise.
6) More often than not, center of mass hits will result in death.
7) The type of damage done with a standard HP bullet is difficult to repair.

1) so can knives, blackjacks, knuckle dusters, jimmie sticks, screwdrivers, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, nunchucks, garrotes, explosive vests, and rosie odonell nude pics.

2)so can crossbows, longbows, slings, slingshots, atlatls, javelins, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, pianos pushed out of upper story windows, and rosie odonell nude pic email blasts.

3) all of the above are cheaper and easier to get than guns, except the piano.

4) there are more knives, cars, baseball bats, and garrote-worthy lengths of cordage in america than there are guns.

5)so does the piano.

6) same with the piano

7) the damage done by a regular full metal jacket rifle bullet, or a wadcutter pistol bullet, or a musket ball is equally difficult to repair. also, whats a "standard" hollowpoint? i use dozens of different types, depending on the gun, and application, from pinhole hollowpoint boattail spitzers for long range, to "partition" polymer tipped rapid expansion rifle slugs, to frangible rounds to the "flying ashtray" deep cavity controlled expansion .45's, to Starfire rapid expansion slugs, to silver/antimony jacketed hydroshocks to the infamous "black talon" slugs. each one is VERY different and each performs differently

with the exception of frangible, flechette, and explosive rounds, a bullet wound is a bullet wound. placement and depth of the wound are what determines the damage, not the shape of the spent bullet.

the stories of "razor edged cop killer armor-piercing hollow points" are hollywood BULLSHIT. if such rounds existed, the cops would be using them.
1) so can knives, blackjacks, knuckle dusters, jimmie sticks, screwdrivers, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, nunchucks, garrotes, explosive vests, and rosie odonell nude pics.

2)so can crossbows, longbows, slings, slingshots, atlatls, javelins, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, pianos pushed out of upper story windows, and rosie odonell nude pic email blasts.

3) all of the above are cheaper and easier to get than guns, except the piano.

4) there are more knives, cars, baseball bats, and garrote-worthy lengths of cordage in america than there are guns.

5)so does the piano.

6) same with the piano

7) the damage done by a regular full metal jacket rifle bullet, or a wadcutter pistol bullet, or a musket ball is equally difficult to repair. also, whats a "standard" hollowpoint? i use dozens of different types, depending on the gun, and application, from pinhole hollowpoint boattail spitzers for long range, to "partition" polymer tipped rapid expansion rifle slugs, to frangible rounds to the "flying ashtray" deep cavity controlled expansion .45's, to Starfire rapid expansion slugs, to silver/antimony jacketed hydroshocks to the infamous "black talon" slugs. each one is VERY different and each performs differently

with the exception of frangible, flechette, and explosive rounds, a bullet wound is a bullet wound. placement and depth of the wound are what determines the damage, not the shape of the spent bullet.

the stories of "razor edged cop killer armor-piercing hollow points" are hollywood BULLSHIT. if such rounds existed, the cops would be using them.
A couple things. First, none of the items you posted have ALL the advantages of a gun, you just found another reason guns trump all of the things you listed (As one thing with 6 qualities is better than 16 things each with one of those 6 qualities). Second, neither a crossbow nor a longbow are cheaper than a gun, unless you are buying a children's version. Third, Armor Piercing Bullets and Hollow Point Bullets are opposites. Armor piercing bullets are solid and heavy with a hardened tip to punch through armor. They cause less damage to soft tissue as they do not deform or break up upon impact. Hollow Point Bullets are light, and (as the name implies, hollow) and the massive amount of damage they cause is due to the fact that they deform and break up upon impact, causing more tissue damage and leaving a much larger exit wound (Or breaking apart completely inside the body and leaving no exit wound, even worse). Your claim that "A bullet wound is a bullet wound" is absurdly naive and betrays a tragic misunderstanding of both physics and firearms, as is saying that they are all "equally difficult to repair", but even you know this as you immediately contradict yourself by saying that "Each one is very different and performs differently". But way to make several unrelated and incorrect assertions that, even if true, have little to no bearing on the actual discussion.
1) so can knives, blackjacks, knuckle dusters, jimmie sticks, screwdrivers, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, nunchucks, garrotes, explosive vests, and rosie odonell nude pics.

2)so can crossbows, longbows, slings, slingshots, atlatls, javelins, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, pianos pushed out of upper story windows, and rosie odonell nude pic email blasts.

3) all of the above are cheaper and easier to get than guns, except the piano.

4) there are more knives, cars, baseball bats, and garrote-worthy lengths of cordage in america than there are guns.

5)so does the piano.

6) same with the piano

7) the damage done by a regular full metal jacket rifle bullet, or a wadcutter pistol bullet, or a musket ball is equally difficult to repair. also, whats a "standard" hollowpoint? i use dozens of different types, depending on the gun, and application, from pinhole hollowpoint boattail spitzers for long range, to "partition" polymer tipped rapid expansion rifle slugs, to frangible rounds to the "flying ashtray" deep cavity controlled expansion .45's, to Starfire rapid expansion slugs, to silver/antimony jacketed hydroshocks to the infamous "black talon" slugs. each one is VERY different and each performs differently

with the exception of frangible, flechette, and explosive rounds, a bullet wound is a bullet wound. placement and depth of the wound are what determines the damage, not the shape of the spent bullet.

the stories of "razor edged cop killer armor-piercing hollow points" are hollywood BULLSHIT. if such rounds existed, the cops would be using them.

WTF are you talking about?

He made a comment specifically regarding killing people with a snowplow and truck.

"Regular bullets" are not FMJ. "Regular bullets" expand so they use up more energy, and thus more damage. FMJ will more likely wound than kill, although they do posses more ability to penetrate body armor. In war, wouding is better tha killing becuase it takes resources to care for the wounded.

Some of your points were pretty funny although completely unrelated to the topic, and pointless for the most part.

HP rounds expand much better than soft tip lead bullets, and cause a large wound cavity. Also, there are some pretty insane rounds out now! Ever see the "G2 R.I.P"?


The person making the claim holds the burden of proof not the other way around.

Could there not be an amendment created that defines 'keep' in the 2nd?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

In a word, No.

verb: infringe; 3rd person present: infringes; past tense: infringed; past participle: infringed; gerund or present participle: infringing
actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).

There can however be statutes that elaborate on what "keep" might mean but you must contract with the society that creates the statute to be bound by it....the right to contract rights away is reserved for you by the Constitution as well.....go to prison some time and find out if they need your siggy to get your 2nd, they do.

This society of course will not directly be honest about this, instead choosing self preservation over honesty.

You should also take note the States are free and reserve rights federal does not.

Of course this is Law.....I believe the other is called Equity.
EXACTLY! I'm not the one that said you could... Your delusional rock marksman comrade did. You know, the one whose browneye you have your tongue buried in... you're telling beefbisquit and I what we already know. Pick a stance and have the backbone to stick by it. Cracks me up you are sitting there acting like he's right yet you're telling us such statistics aren't available - which is exactly what we're telling him!

So with that said, pull your head out and realize you can't simply make shit up simply to support your argument. Or rather, help doer pull his head out. I've had my share of schooling 14 year olds (mental equivalent) over the last couple days. I'm done with you two.

Easy with the comrade stuff unless you are prepared to bring unconstitutional war arms into the equation....comrade would be way appropriate for that discussion though.