1) so can knives, blackjacks, knuckle dusters, jimmie sticks, screwdrivers, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, nunchucks, garrotes, explosive vests, and rosie odonell nude pics.
2)so can crossbows, longbows, slings, slingshots, atlatls, javelins, poison blowdarts, ninja stars, pianos pushed out of upper story windows, and rosie odonell nude pic email blasts.
3) all of the above are cheaper and easier to get than guns, except the piano.
4) there are more knives, cars, baseball bats, and garrote-worthy lengths of cordage in america than there are guns.
5)so does the piano.
6) same with the piano
7) the damage done by a regular full metal jacket rifle bullet, or a wadcutter pistol bullet, or a musket ball is equally difficult to repair. also, whats a "standard" hollowpoint? i use dozens of different types, depending on the gun, and application, from pinhole hollowpoint boattail spitzers for long range, to "partition" polymer tipped rapid expansion rifle slugs, to frangible rounds to the "flying ashtray" deep cavity controlled expansion .45's, to Starfire rapid expansion slugs, to silver/antimony jacketed hydroshocks to the infamous "black talon" slugs. each one is VERY different and each performs differently
with the exception of frangible, flechette, and explosive rounds, a bullet wound is a bullet wound. placement and depth of the wound are what determines the damage, not the shape of the spent bullet.
the stories of "razor edged cop killer armor-piercing hollow points" are hollywood BULLSHIT. if such rounds existed, the cops would be using them.