Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

ahhhhhh yes, back to troll me incessantly..

retina scan is the PERFECT solution:

1. gun people get to keep their guns
2. insane people won't have access to others' guns
3. we have the technology
4. you must compromise and this is it
5. gun manufacturers need to stop being pussies and just need to do it

this would only work for new gun sales imo, which would leave how many millions (?) of guns that are presently on the street that don't have this technology, which would make it pretty useless imvho..
this would only work for new gun sales imo, which would leave how many millions (?) of guns that are presently on the street that don't have this technology, which would make it pretty useless imvho..

retinal scan is a way to insure that only the owner can charge retro-fit would be appropriate..wayne la pierre can donate the lobby money for manufacturers to update what's already out there.

let me know when you MEN have an idea on how to handle this issue.
retinal scan is a way to insure that only the owner can charge retro-fit would be appropriate..wayne la pierre can donate the lobby money for manufacturers to update what's already out there.

let me know when you MEN have an idea on how to handle this issue.

all fine and dandy, give them away free all day, i'm sure every thug on the corner who is packing heat will run right out and get in line for them.. just saying..
you can scan your retina quicker than the time it takes to take the safety off.

and as i mentioned, there must be compromise from gun owners/manufacturers for this to work.

It won't work. So, a compromise is not necessary. And a compromise of safety is stupid.
And your side is known for lying about all of it, for agenda.
It won't work. So, a compromise is not necessary. And a compromise of safety is stupid.
And your side is known for lying about all of it, for agenda.

this has nothing to do with ANY side..not left nor right..this has to do with solution..and YOU haven't even TRIED!

Sky, do you know about sigma in statistics? Our dial tone in the USA is 6 Sigma, far right, in the bell curve. That means out of every 1,000,000 opportunities for failure there is only 1 fail. Now, dial tone and death match are two different things are they not? But, here we consider the dial tone, life or death, unlike most places in this world.

So, have you ever had a fingerprint scanner on a laptop? It is not 6 Sigma. It fails. Our badge swipes at the work door, are not 6 Sigma. Hardly.

Your MacRumor is just No Sigma vapor ware. And it is not proposed for weapons. And you still have not said how you could manage a eye scan device on a weapon or what kind of Sigma we could expect.

So, no eye scan is instant. It takes software. But 2 of 3 of my Colt Commander safes are instant. The gun cannot be fired, even with the hammer back (#1 safe, is hammer down) That's 1/10 sec to cock it.

It still needs 2) hand grip instant safe in the grip, and 3) thumb switch, instant safe that goes hot, when my trigger finger goes on the trigger. It is part of the same movement.

Wisely choosing a weapon comes down to 3 questions: Is it easy to use? Is it effective? Is it reliable?

There will never be a safety device that has no effect on any of these and we've had a looong time to think about it. The ones we have now are the only ones we need.

Specifically concerning some scanning device.. Even IF you could make it seamless in the ease of use category, it's still going to need a power source. This would greatly hinder its reliability. Also, you'd have to enact this on a global scale to have any hope of an impact.

Sorry, but it's just way too impractical.

I love my guns, but I'm by no means a radical right winger. Not wanting to compromise on devices like this isn't being politically stubborn, it's the realities of engineering.
the issue, as i see it is..a non-owner of a weapon commits an atrocity..the solution has to be secure the weapon to owner spec.

so far no one has come up with a viable solution..iris scan being the closest.

and your solution is?..
the issue, as i see it is..a non-owner of a weapon commits an atrocity..the solution has to be secure the weapon to owner spec.

so far no one has come up with a viable solution..iris scan being the closest.

and your solution is?..
Non owner, owner, the problem is the people, not the gun.

And criminals totally couldn't get a gun, even if all legal firearms were equipped with your iris detection shit.

No way, totally not possible ;)
I don't have one. Nobody does. Because, again.. the realities of engineering. You don't think that gun owners would like a safer gun? And by safe, that includes being able to easily and effectively use it. Not just keep it from going off when you don't want it to, by an unknown user.

Don't take it personally if your idea isn't any good. Many brilliant minds have spent countless hours working on such things and they never came up with it. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try.. but keep that in perspective. They were likely smarter than anyone here and went through thousands of ideas just to get where we are today. You can't expect to change the face of firearms overnight without even a basic grasp of engineering.
the issue, as i see it is..a non-owner of a weapon commits an atrocity..the solution has to be secure the weapon to owner spec.

so far no one has come up with a viable solution..iris scan being the closest.

and your solution is?..

sky, do you really think that the people who legally own guns for say home protection or hunting or w/e reason they own them, are the same people who use guns to kill people or to use them in other crimes??
imo, it's not these people who are going around robbing and killing people with their legally owned guns, it happens from time to time of course, but the vast majority of crimes aren't committed by john doe, who has his gun registered with the state, but more so by felons and criminals who own guns that they bought through other avenues other then legally, from the gun store down the street, nor are they registered..
so, again, imvho, any measure that only effects legal guns and legal gun owners isn't really the answer as criminals don't usually use legal guns..

my $.02
the issue, as i see it is..a non-owner of a weapon commits an atrocity..the solution has to be secure the weapon to owner spec.

so far no one has come up with a viable solution..iris scan being the closest.

and your solution is?..

But, you cannot show a single case. You will not admit that Turnip's Mom was the problem. And a problem Mom, may let her kid, register, bi-metrically. And how about lawful use of another's gun? Maybe they were gunned down. Now it is the wife's turn to protect with that gun.

Why don't you answer to all this? You make up a problem from 1 nut case and come up with a non-solution that would not solve that Nut Mom..

So, "be so reasonable" and "must compromise" is all the Big Lie. No problem here.

Show me one case.
you can scan your retina quicker than the time it takes to take the safety off.

and as i mentioned, there must be compromise from gun owners/manufacturers for this to work.
My S&W 9 mm has no exterior safety. The safety is integrated into the trigger. And oh, no I will not compromise my rights.
It is obvious you never owned a cash only business in a major city. If you did you would realize how ridiculous your idea sounds.

Don't take it personally if your idea isn't any good. Many brilliant minds have spent countless hours working on such things and they never came up with it. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try.. but keep that in perspective. They were likely smarter than anyone here and went through thousands of ideas just to get where we are today. You can't expect to change the face of firearms overnight without even a basic grasp of engineering.

perhaps the gun lobby should donate their salaries/lobby money to the re-engineering..wayne?