Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

What are you talking about?

There's a difference between using the firearm, and showing someone the firearm to scare them.

I can't help it if you don't understand this.
I'm talking about you spinning my suicidal plow mission into some fantasy about the military, spike strips, and running me off of the road before I can kill dozens, if not hundreds.

BTW, I'm talking about trucks, not waving guns in peoples faces. Are you trying to say you haven't touch the goal posts when talking about this to me?

Me and NoDrama are two different people. I think talking to 2 different people is confusing you. What was that number?
So your argument is that since it hasn't happened it couldn't happen?

I suppose buildings couldn't have been blown up before Timothy McVeigh...but, now they can?

How many people will die before the cops take me out? Again...what was that number I asked you about?

No, I'm saying because it hasn't happened in 100 years, and many, many, mass murders with guns have happened, there is a correlation between ease of killing and the use of the specific killing instrument.

You are suggesting that regardless of the fact that no one has ever gone on a Carmageddon style death spree, it is still as viable a method for committing a mass murder as firearms.

I don't know what number you asked me about, probably something unrelated or not pertinent to the topic at hand.
I'm talking about you spinning my suicidal plow mission into some fantasy about the military, spike strips, and running me off of the road before I can kill dozens, if not hundreds.

BTW, I'm talking about trucks, not waving guns in peoples faces. Are you trying to say you haven't touch the goal posts when talking about this to me?

Me and NoDrama are two different people. I think talking to 2 different people is confusing you. What was that number?

Dude, cops stop cars all the time. Your suicidal plow mission would get stopped quickly, and your ability to kill people with a plow is greatly exaggerated unles you're discussing a scenario where no one moves out of the way, and no one screams or makes noise when being assaulted. Also, in your scenario the cops would have to do literally... nothing.

The cops stopped a dude in a tank. You in a truck = dead.

You replied to a post I made to NoDrama, I think you're confused.
You admit it, then try and hide it amongst the BS.

Guns are never going away, deal with it.

Not at all. I admit that guns can deter, and I don't want them to go away. I'm arguing they're a much better all around implement for killing people.

You are explicitly stating that showing someone a gun is the same as using it.

It's not. You're wrong.

You just don't have the balls to admit it.
The cops stopped a dude in a tank. You in a truck = dead.
That's why I called it a suicide mission!

How many would I kill before they stopped me is the question. I could easily kill fifty before leaving the first crosswalk.

How many were killed in the single largest attack by firearm by a single person in a domestic event?

The Luby's massacre was a mass murder that took place on October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas, United States. George Hennard[SUP][1][/SUP] (October 15, 1956 – October 16, 1991) crashed his pickup truck through the front window of a Luby's Cafeteria, shot 50 people (killing 23), exchanged shots with responding police, and then hid in a bathroom and fatally shot himself.
It was the deadliest shooting rampage in American history until the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, and is now the third deadliest behind Virginia Tech and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. It remains the deadliest non-school shooting rampage in American history.

Crashed his pickup truck through the window, but didn't kill anyone with the truck.....

Then he GOT OUT and shot people. Didn't this guy know that the truck was deadlier than the gun?

Why didn't he kill them with his truck instead? According to Kelly, it's a much better choice.
According to Kelly, it's a much better choice.

That isn't what he has been saying at all, in fact he already said the opposite.

What he has been saying is that in the absence of guns, the mass murders aren't going to stop.

But there will never be a day where there are no guns, so you need to deal with it.

Ok, good examples! Let's look at them;

One was in Japan, where gun ownership is highly restricted. They used something besides guns because guns aren't available. He killed 3 people with the truck, then GOT OUT and stabbed people.


Let's look at the Dutch example, this should interest Kelly. It was DURING A PARADE!!! His DREAM example, remember the example he gave where hundreds of people were gathered in one place and would be easy pickings in a truck? Well, apparently even at a crowded parade, while driving down the sidewalk, only 8 people died! Kelly claims DOZENS or HUNDREDS would be killed; reality call, 8 people dead.


This one is actually in the USA! Grats for finding an example that's relevant to this discussion! Dude goes ballistic, and starts running people over, kills 4 people. Hmmmm... not comprable to even small mass murders via firearm, but he was pretty crazy and got out of his car and started yelling about..well, insane shit. So it could be argued he'd of killed more people, but speculation is just that, speculation.
1) The truck doesn't need concealing, you can drive it to the killing grounds and have cops smile and wave at you.

2) What does that matter when on a suicide mission?

3) Cost doesn't matter when you know you are going to die or go to prison for life.

4) So what? Anyone can go buy (or steal) a truck and plow, today, with no back ground check.

5) You don't think a truck and plow hitting you from behind at 50 mph will surprise you?

6) A truck hitting you at 50 mph with a plow raised 3 feet off the ground won't?

7) Not as difficult as someone who just got ripped in half and run over with 35" mudders.

Obviously, ya can't go on a glamorous school or mall shooting...but, mowing down hundreds at a marathon will probably still make the nightly news.

Truck with plow, FTW.

1) So what? By the time cops know what's going on...dozens are already dead.

2) Since we are talking about mass killing people in public. Do you think Adam Lanza thought he was getting away?

3) Someone who wants to kill as many people as possible will find a way. Do you think James Holmes could have afforded a truck? I also didn't realize this argument had a salary cap.

4)do you think that every Mercedes and BMW stolen is left unlocked in a dark alley?

5) If the truck is doing 50 mph from behind... How much noise does it make? How much time would it take for everyone to realize what's going on? How many shots would have to be fired to kill me? Also, how many marathons are ran inside of buildings?

6) I'm saying it's better. How many we're killed in Sandy Hook? You seriously don't think an F350 with lift, mudders, plow, and a suicidal driver on a marathon course would kill more people?

7) I didn't realize that we were talking about efficiency of killing...when was efficiency brought into the equation? If we're going to talk efficiency, then guns lose out to bombs. Just ask Timothy Mcveigh. Or doesn't that count since most people can't afford a bomb that big?

I never said a plow truck was a better weapon. I said it's a better choice than a gun if you want a higher death toll in a mass killing.

That isn't what he has been saying at all, in fact he already said the opposite.

What he has been saying is that in the absence of guns, the mass murders aren't going to stop.

But there will never be a day where there are no guns, so you need to deal with it.

According to Kelly, using a truck will bag you more kills than a gun.

For someone who wants to KILL PEOPLE, killing MORE PEOPLE (e.g. using a truck) = better choice.

You really are dense, aren't you?

I love guns, I own many. I'm just not so in love with them that I forget that they cause problems, and that they're the best weapon we have available for killing people.
Ok, good examples! Let's look at them;

One was in Japan, where gun ownership is highly restricted. They used something besides guns because guns aren't available. He killed 3 people with the truck, then GOT OUT and stabbed people.


Let's look at the Dutch example, this should interest Kelly. It was DURING A PARADE!!! His DREAM example, remember the example he gave where hundreds of people were gathered in one place and would be easy pickings in a truck? Well, apparently even at a crowded parade, while driving down the sidewalk, only 8 people died! Kelly claims DOZENS or HUNDREDS would be killed; reality call, 8 people dead.


This one is actually in the USA! Grats for finding an example that's relevant to this discussion! Dude goes ballistic, and starts running people over, kills 4 people. Hmmmm... not comprable to even small mass murders via firearm, but he was pretty crazy and got out of his car and started yelling about..well, insane shit. So it could be argued he'd of killed more people, but speculation is just that, speculation.

Were any of those people driving a raised F350, with 35 inchers and a half raised plow leading the way?

Just because 1 person is not very good at killing, doesn't mean that someone else can't do it better.
Were any of those people driving a raised F350, with 35 inchers and a half raised plow leading the way?

Just because 1 person is not very good at killing, doesn't mean that someone else can't do it better.

Moving goal posts much? Are we just coming up with stupid one-off situations where things are favored in the direction of our specific arguments?

What about a guy in bomb defusing armor, with dual m249's, who has an ex-navy seal in a ghilie suit covering him with a barret .50 cal?

I can come up with retarded situations too.
According to Kelly, using a truck will bag you more kills than a gun.

For someone who wants to KILL PEOPLE, killing MORE PEOPLE (e.g. using a truck) = better choice.

You really are dense, aren't you?

I love guns, I own many. I'm just not so in love with them that I forget that they cause problems, and that they're the best weapon we have available for killing people.

Yep, I'm smart enough to pick my time and place.

All of these scary guns and the highest death toll is Sandy Hook. I could get that many people before driving a block after the game, a concert, a graduation.

If you don't think you could easily kill at least 50 with the truck, you are one mistaken fool.
According to Kelly, using a truck will bag you more kills than a gun.

For someone who wants to KILL PEOPLE, killing MORE PEOPLE (e.g. using a truck) = better choice.

You really are dense, aren't you?

I love guns, I own many. I'm just not so in love with them that I forget that they cause problems, and that they're the best weapon we have available for killing people.

Guns are designed to kill, trucks with plows can also likewise be designed to kill. A few modifications and a nice parade, and you would be looking at some serious carnage.

BTW guns don't CAUSE problems, idiot people do. Guns by themselves are only inanimate objects and are not even capable of the kind of damage a simple houseplant can do left to its own devices.

You claim to love and own guns, yet demonize the gun as the problem and not the idiots behind them. I guess that gives you an excuse if you go and kill someone, you can claim you were innocent and the evil guns made you do it, cuz that's what you are claiming here.
What you 'say' means nothing.

Examples have already been posted, e.g. the parade example, and fewer people were killed than from most firearm mas murders.

I saw an article in the paper where a gunman was only ably to kill 2 people before he was stopped. Does that mean that the new limit for gun deaths is two? Nobody can do something that hasn't been done? Awesome, by your logic, nothing larger than Sandy Hook can never happen...the limit has been set!
Guns are designed to kill, trucks with plows can also likewise be designed to kill. A few modifications and a nice parade, and you would be looking at some serious carnage.

BTW guns don't CAUSE problems, idiot people do. Guns by themselves are only inanimate objects and are not even capable of the kind of damage a simple houseplant can do left to its own devices.

You claim to love and own guns, yet demonize the gun as the problem and not the idiots behind them. I guess that gives you an excuse if you go and kill someone, you can claim you were innocent and the evil guns made you do it, cuz that's what you are claiming here.

Ok, so here we go again into bizarro, fantasy land where people modify trucks with plows into raging death machines.

PSSST! Guns don't need modifications, making them exponentially easier to use, and exponentially more likely to be used.

Guns can, and do in some cases, exacerbate already volatile situations. Guns aren't inherently evil, but as you and Kelly have shown lots of people are inherently dumb.
I saw an article in the paper where a gunman was only ably to kill 2 people before he was stopped. Does that mean that the new limit for gun deaths is two? Nobody can do something that hasn't been done? Awesome, by your logic, nothing larger than Sandy Hook can never happen...the limit has been set!

Logic fail.

When events like sandy hook REPEATEDLY happen, 15-20+ killings, it kind of sets a 'bar' if you will. Not a ceiling.

Where's the 'bar' for vehicular homicide? 8?

Never said more couldn't happen, just stating that for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to happen. Whereas gun mass murders do. There have been people who have tried to commit mass murders via truck, they just didn't do very well despite your 'sound reasoning' regarding the issue. LOLOLOLOL

Why is that? Still waiting on an answer.

Yep, I'm smart enough to pick my time and place.

Most people are smart enough to not get hit by a car on a sidewalk/crosswalk. The giant 350 series truck with 35" tires roaring at them might be a giveaway.