Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

The amount of fools posting nonsense on here.. no wonder there's so much shitty weed in the game

I guess I`m one. Apparently I offended you beyond your tolerance, for that I apologize. The Admin. (Rollie) has disciplined me, the apology is my doing. Again I apologize for offending you during our conversation and will try my best to tone it down.

It can get rough in here so be careful who you deal with. In my time off, I`ll say hi to Putin for you.
dude, nobody is talking about taking away everybody's guns. This is just reactionary right wing idiot level propaganda shit.

Since someone is delete happy when bad words are directed not at specific members, but liberals in general (despite countless example of worse being directed at Conservatives in this thread) I'll restate.

Bullshit, that's exactly the goal of liberal d*bags. They've been caught saying it unawares and even said it many times publicly. Take the recent example in Rolling Stone, a libtard professor wants to repeal the 2nd. People actually send their kids to learn from this walking, talking herpes sore.
Remember 1999 and Y2K? All the gun nut jobs fearing the end of civilization? I remember dudes burying guns in their fucking back yards in 1999 out of fear.

This is the saaaaaaame old bullshit all over again. Anything can be used as a trigger to start buying ammo and guns. Who is the REAL winner? Smith & Wesson. Who is really behind the NRA? Colt. Who directly influences our politicians? Remington.
Remember 1999 and Y2K? All the gun nut jobs fearing the end of civilization? I remember dudes burying guns in their fucking back yards in 1999 out of fear.

This is the saaaaaaame old bullshit all over again. Anything can be used as a trigger to start buying ammo and guns. Who is the REAL winner? Smith & Wesson. Who is really behind the NRA? Colt. Who directly influences our politicians? Remington.

Lol, nice fictional andicdote. Sig line is awesome, does shleprock actually believe ANYONE gives a f*ck if he has them on ignore? Comedy gold.
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Since someone is delete happy when bad words are directed not at specific members, but liberals in general (despite countless example of worse being directed at Conservatives in this thread) I'll restate.

Bullshit, that's exactly the goal of liberal d*bags. They've been caught saying it unawares and even said it many times publicly. Take the recent example in Rolling Stone, a libtard professor wants to repeal the 2nd. People actually send their kids to learn from this walking, talking herpes sore.
Your belief isn't proof. There are no serious movements afoot that would ban the ownership of fire arms by civilians. You can always find people who have nutty ideas and quote them. I can quote some pretty strange shit too but it wouldn't make it true.

So, Muy Loco and Shoreline, you are just swallowing unfiltered propaganda turds whole if you actually believe this shit is serious and a part of the "liberal agenda". Mainstream progressive proposals do not include a total ban of fire arms.