Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

Dam life must have really fucked you in the ass huh, all your posts are filled with such hate I can only imagine that's how you really feel inside.... I hope you find peace

And not by spamming people with worthless insults..
Bro what could possibly make you think i give a fuck about what a drooling, half wit has to say?
Youre a simple moron, your thoughts, words etc= disposable idiocy
Aww it's ok old timer... It's a new age of information.

Those who can adapt will survive
Sounds as if you are devolving towards the maggot you mutated from.

Your posts read like youre a bigger nit wit than @MuyLocoNC. Keep drooling out of your pie hole. Youll drown here jack ass. You too are dangerously out of your depth.
Bro you went back and edited your posts twice on two different replies. I think you're a little upset. Step away from your computer and go ride that big black dildo that you love
Signature reply of a stupid bigoted moron is to reveal their obsession with cock. Youre an obvious half wit pos. Your cringe inducing posts are the work of an asshole.
Your belief isn't proof. There are no serious movements afoot that would ban the ownership of fire arms by civilians. You can always find people who have nutty ideas and quote them. I can quote some pretty strange shit too but it wouldn't make it true.

So, Muy Loco and Shoreline, you are just swallowing unfiltered propaganda turds whole if you actually believe this shit is serious and a part of the "liberal agenda". Mainstream progressive proposals do not include a total ban of fire arms.

I got a notification saying you had quoted me and it brings me to this post. Yet when I get here there is no quote from me. :?
Signature reply of a stupid bigoted moron is to reveal their obsession with cock. Youre an obvious half wit pos. Your cringe inducing posts are the work of an asshole.
Well see you're right I am obsessed with my cock, it's big and girls love it.

Any normal healthy well hung guy would appreciate the mighty tool gods have given him.

I can tell you spend a lot of time on pornhub ....
So would you be cool with your 13-14year old daughter fucking a male school teacher? Sure I would have happily fucked a couple female teachers but would it be cool if a male teacher even touched me?

I was talking high school, so 15+

And I didn't say I'd be cool with it. I just said thats horse shit to call it rape.
um, ok. not sure what that has to do with what i posted.

we know when the guy in FL took his last dump for the evening yet nobody is even mentioning the guy who was caught in CA. guess it doesn't fit the agenda.
um, ok. not sure what that has to do with what i posted.

we know when the guy in FL took his last dump for the evening yet nobody is even mentioning the guy who was caught in CA. guess it doesn't fit the agenda.
What guy?

Also found this on abc
FBI agents heard accounts that Mateen used gay dating apps to make contact with men.

PHOTO: Orlando shooting suspect Omar Mateen is pictured in an undated photo from Myspace.Myspace
Orlando shooting suspect Omar Mateen is pictured in an undated photo from Myspace.
"When he first contacted me, he was saying, like, asking what clubs, in his words, what clubs are popping and things of that sort and what are good places are to go," Kevin West said to ABC Houston station KTRK-TV.
I got a notification saying you had quoted me and it brings me to this post. Yet when I get here there is no quote from me. :?
I started a message and thought, why bother, so didn't finish or maybe I deleted it after posting. Sorry about the mistaken notification.
Comey said the shooter, who was killed in a gunfight with police responders, made three 911 phone calls from the club during the attack, beginning at about 2:30 a.m. In the calls, he claimed allegiance to the leader of the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) as well as the perpetrators of the 2013 Boston Marathon attack and a Florida man who died as a suicide bomber in Syria for a terrorist group in conflict with ISIL.

“There are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorism organizations,” Comey said, adding that the FBI is the lead investigative agency on this case because it is a terrorism investigation.
I heard yesterday too that they're were two other suspects, white males presumably
People have a hard time believing that one person can do that much damage. So, it's conspiracy theory time!

I'll believe there were multiple shooters when more credible information is available.

How about the guy who talks to plasma beings? They live in the center of the earth and are helping mankind get ready for the ascension. You can read all about it here:

Better yet, you can attend one of his seminars. For a fee of course.