Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

[Previous story, published at 1:33 p.m. ET]
Florida gunman Omar Mateen called a friend to say goodbye as he carried out his shooting rampage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, two law enforcement officials said Wednesday.
The FBI has interviewed the recipient of that call, the sources said. Mateen also made calls to 911 and a producer at CNN affiliate News 13 in Orlando, identifying himself as the shooter and saying he was acting out of allegiance to ISIS. Forty-nine people were killed and more than 50 others wounded in the massacre early Sunday at the club Pulse.
Matthew Gentili, a producer at the CNN affiliate, told the station he got a call about 2:45 a.m. Sunday from a man claiming to be the nightclub shooter.
' "Do you know about the shooting?' " the caller asked, according to Gentili.
"I'm the shooter. It's me. I am the shooter," the man said.
Gentili said the caller appeared to be speaking Arabic at one point and later told him, "I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State."
The caller would not say where he was.
"Is there anything else you want to say?" Gentili recalled asking. "He said no and hung up the phone."
The FBI is working to access data from the phone used by the gunman, law enforcement officials said. Investigators have obtained significant amounts of data from service providers, including email.
The Samsung phone was damaged after it became submerged in water and blood when SWAT officers severed a water main while tearing down a wall to the nightclub to rescue hostages, officials said.
[Previous story, published at 1:33 p.m. ET]
Florida gunman Omar Mateen called a friend to say goodbye as he carried out his shooting rampage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, two law enforcement officials said Wednesday.
The FBI has interviewed the recipient of that call, the sources said. Mateen also made calls to 911 and a producer at CNN affiliate News 13 in Orlando, identifying himself as the shooter and saying he was acting out of allegiance to ISIS. Forty-nine people were killed and more than 50 others wounded in the massacre early Sunday at the club Pulse.
Matthew Gentili, a producer at the CNN affiliate, told the station he got a call about 2:45 a.m. Sunday from a man claiming to be the nightclub shooter.
' "Do you know about the shooting?' " the caller asked, according to Gentili.
"I'm the shooter. It's me. I am the shooter," the man said.
Gentili said the caller appeared to be speaking Arabic at one point and later told him, "I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State."
The caller would not say where he was.
"Is there anything else you want to say?" Gentili recalled asking. "He said no and hung up the phone."
The FBI is working to access data from the phone used by the gunman, law enforcement officials said. Investigators have obtained significant amounts of data from service providers, including email.
The Samsung phone was damaged after it became submerged in water and blood when SWAT officers severed a water main while tearing down a wall to the nightclub to rescue hostages, officials said.

so he pledged allegiance to ISIS, then pledged allegiance to the tsarnaev brothers who are not affiliated with ISIS, and then he pledged allegiance to a syrian group which is in conflict with ISIS.

an you think that all of that blather is somehow significant?

sorry, pile, but you are fucked in the head retarded.

watching you trump racists try to blame everything and anything on muslims and mexicans is really just nauseating.
After all the vitriol is spewed at racial minorities anger at gays with obsessive references to cock, balls, dildoes is next. Its the pattern of attack from the idiot, broken child brigade.
[Previous story, published at 1:33 p.m. ET]
Florida gunman Omar Mateen called a friend to say goodbye as he carried out his shooting rampage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, two law enforcement officials said Wednesday.
The FBI has interviewed the recipient of that call, the sources said. Mateen also made calls to 911 and a producer at CNN affiliate News 13 in Orlando, identifying himself as the shooter and saying he was acting out of allegiance to ISIS. Forty-nine people were killed and more than 50 others wounded in the massacre early Sunday at the club Pulse.
Matthew Gentili, a producer at the CNN affiliate, told the station he got a call about 2:45 a.m. Sunday from a man claiming to be the nightclub shooter.
' "Do you know about the shooting?' " the caller asked, according to Gentili.
"I'm the shooter. It's me. I am the shooter," the man said.
Gentili said the caller appeared to be speaking Arabic at one point and later told him, "I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State."
The caller would not say where he was.
"Is there anything else you want to say?" Gentili recalled asking. "He said no and hung up the phone."
The FBI is working to access data from the phone used by the gunman, law enforcement officials said. Investigators have obtained significant amounts of data from service providers, including email.
The Samsung phone was damaged after it became submerged in water and blood when SWAT officers severed a water main while tearing down a wall to the nightclub to rescue hostages, officials said.
ooookay. Thanks for cutting and pasting the information. So, do you have a point to make?
muslims can also be " fair skinned " ..... look toward serbia, southern russia ....

or, indiana!


just look at this pile of muslim.

ooookay. Thanks for cutting and pasting the information. So, do you have a point to make?

he pledged allegiance to three different people/organizations with differing and conflicting goals.


ignore his whole mentally disturbed nature or underlying latent homosexuality, it was ISIS.


vote trump.
muslims can also be " fair skinned " ..... look toward serbia, southern russia or western converts ....
An entire religious group are described as Muslim, includes many races of people, including black and asian too.

And Cat Stevens

Is it all Muslims that you are afraid of? Or just Arabs?
English version of the classic sharia manual Reliance of the Traveller has been endorsed by scholars of al-Azhar University, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning since the tenth century; by the International Institute of Islamic Thought, a Muslim Brotherhood think tank that is influential in Washington; and by other influential Islamic governments and commentators. Here is its teaching on homosexuality, found in the chapter on “Enormities” — the most grave offenses:

Sec. p17.2: Allah Most High says: “Do you approach the males of humanity, leaving the wives Allah has created for you? But you are a people who transgress” (Koran 26:165-66). Sec. p17.3: The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him.” “May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did.” “Lesbianism by women is adultery between them.
so he pledged allegiance to ISIS, then pledged allegiance to the tsarnaev brothers who are not affiliated with ISIS, and then he pledged allegiance to a syrian group which is in conflict with ISIS.

an you think that all of that blather is somehow significant?

sorry, pile, but you are fucked in the head retarded.
They all have the same goal retard.
They all have the same goal retard.

that must be why they are in conflict with each other.

seriously though, look at the depths of your mental retardation right now.

we're talking about a white kid from indiana going to shoot up a gay pride parade in los angeles and your first thought is to blame it on muslims and ISIS.

seiously, wear a fucking helmet you dumb.
he pledged allegiance to three different people/organizations with differing and conflicting goals.


ignore his whole mentally disturbed nature or underlying latent homosexuality, it was ISIS.


vote trump.
That guy just made a phone call to three people and shouted ISIS in the phone. This somehow is a connection to the rebel group in bumfuck northern Iraq? I don't understand.

ISIS is this dead end gang of about 10,000 fighters in the middle of a really shitty part of the middle east. Why would the people of the most powerful nation in the history of the world be scared of them?
Well see you're right I am obsessed with my cock, it's big and girls love it.

Any normal healthy well hung guy would appreciate the mighty tool gods have given him.

I can tell you spend a lot of time on pornhub ....
Bro youre an idiot clown. Cock, didoes? Lol are you a preteen or pathological asshole? You carry the stench of failure, stupidity and fear.

Talking about "well hung guys" = tell tale indicator of insecure eunuch. You make yourself look like a biggest, ridiculous simpleton.
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English version of the classic sharia manual Reliance of the Traveller has been endorsed by scholars of al-Azhar University, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning since the tenth century; by the International Institute of Islamic Thought, a Muslim Brotherhood think tank that is influential in Washington; and by other influential Islamic governments and commentators. Here is its teaching on homosexuality, found in the chapter on “Enormities” — the most grave offenses:

Sec. p17.2: Allah Most High says: “Do you approach the males of humanity, leaving the wives Allah has created for you? But you are a people who transgress” (Koran 26:165-66). Sec. p17.3: The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him.” “May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did.” “Lesbianism by women is adultery between them.
There is shit like that in the bible too. Do you think people go into a trance after reading that and kill people? Maybe we should ban the bible and deport all Christians along with those Muslims you fear so much.