MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset


Well-Known Member
Covid 19 is their "reset". To make everyone afraid in order to control.
This is mass media Bullshit.
Show me body bags,hospitals out of control,......MORE than they already are .....and Ill listen to the BS

This is all about money.

Watch the rich get richer
and the normal

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They get away with this Fear Mongering because WE Let Them.

"Every time we turn our heads the other way
when we see the law flouted, when we
tolerate what we know to be wrong, when
we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt
because we are too busy or too frightened,
when we fail to speak up and speak out, WE
strike a blow against freedom and decency
and justice."
" The Labels with which we identify
ourselves and others, only keep us
divided and fighting each other,
instead of Fighting Back"

“We the People are the Rightful Masters of both Congress and the Courts,
NOT to Overthrow the Constitution but to Overthrow the men who Pervert the Constitution.”.
A. Lincoln
"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." R. Kennedy
Covid 19 is their "reset". To make everyone afraid in order to control.
This is mass media Bullshit.
Snow me body bags,hospitals out of control,......MORE than they already are .....and Ill listen to the BS

This is all about money.

Watch the rich get richer
and the normal


Justin gonna make himself a dictator, lock us in our homes, and tell us when we can travel...then the endgame of forced vaccines, a new monetary system, digital currency with negative rates. You ready?
Covid 19 is their "reset". To make everyone afraid in order to control.
This is mass media Bullshit.
Snow me body bags,hospitals out of control,......MORE than they already are .....and Ill listen to the BS

This is all about money.

Watch the rich get richer
and the normal

I have no worries:idea: Its the OTHERS that are fucked.. and truthfully I dont find it funny at all
..and your take on it?
I bet you feel that EVERYONE IS DYING and the way they're handing it..... is OK by you
I have no worries Its the OTHERS that are fucked.. and truthfully I dont find it funny at all ..and your take on it?
I bet you fel that EVERYONE IS DYING and the way they're handing it..... is OK by you
There are absolutely people who are dying due to this. Is the sky falling? No. But to say it's all bullshit and made up as a means to control humanity is fucking hilarious and also hilariously ignorant or wildly ill informed.

People buying up everything in sight are over reacting, but given the transmission rate there should be some concern absolutely. Just not buying enough toilet paper to last 3 years kind of concern.
Wherever the virus came from, it sure doesn’t look like a wasted opportunity to invoke an act that authorizes confiscation of property at will.

If a worker comes to your door and demands you submit a swab, would you, knowing full well that they could use that as an opportunity to infect you?

I guess it depends how much you believe the fuckers.
Oh it's a real pandemic all right look at Italy which is having to decide who lives and who dies. We are about 2 weeks from where Italy is today. Just because there's a pandemic doesn't mean we should submit to tyranny though because as we all know those rights we granted the government circa 9/11 were given back to us right? I mean it's not like government granted itself all these invasive powers that it never rescinded right?
Wherever the virus came from, it sure doesn’t look like a wasted opportunity to invoke an act that authorizes confiscation of property at will.

If a worker comes to your door and demands you submit a swab, would you, knowing full well that they could use that as an opportunity to infect you?

I guess it depends how much you believe the fuckers.

you KNOW where the fk it came from sars.. like bird flu the black plague

this politically correct crap has gotta go...

fk conspiracy crap for now..i know i am..just isolate yourself for two weeks.

...then you can hang with others who you know have done the same

and God bless y'all
The people who cheat at their isolation are not worth hanging around. I know one guy that just got back from a trip to a town in the US that had the virus, confirmed cases. He is supposed to be isolating but instead having parties, passing doobies, lots of people over to drink, etc. Other household members work with the public, uptown every day. It’s so stupid it floors me.

There is very little excitement here. Just well prepared and observing the situation for now, through the clearest lens I can find.
I know of two people confirmed cov19 who are in isolation. Along with the other 9 people in the same friggin house lol
when one more gets sick that's another 14 days for the others lol
you can go out if need be with a mask. The paper signed at the airport says up to a 25 g fine if you break it
I know of two people confirmed cov19 who are in isolation. Along with the other 9 people in the same friggin house lol
when one more gets sick that's another 14 days for the others lol
you can go out if need be with a mask. The paper signed at the airport says up to a 25 g fine if you break it

Elderly parents crossed the border back today, guy gives them a piece of paper and says "do what you want". Hmm this self isolation thing for returning Canadians is going to work really well, I can already tell..:
I heard that return travellers cannot access testing unless they show symptoms. I also heard that testing before symptoms appear may not be reliable.
I heard that return travellers cannot access testing unless they show symptoms. I also heard that testing before symptoms appear may not be reliable.

And asymptomatic people can transmit the virus for up to 2 weeks before showing symptoms (if they even do, some don't). Except if you are Trudy Dancer Groper Covid boy, then you are not contagious because you don't have symptoms, the CBC says so...
California is in LOCK DOWN
when they try and force people to stay home,,