buckaroo bonzai
Well-Known Member
http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/videos.htmlCovid 19 is their "reset". To make everyone afraid in order to control.
This is mass media Bullshit.
Show me body bags,hospitals out of control,......MORE than they already are .....and Ill listen to the BS
This is all about money.
Watch the rich get richer
and the normal
‘event 201’—oct 2019
they planned all this last yr 3-4mo ths before the outbreak
-look up ‘pirbright’ corp the company funded by B gates that owns the ‘patent’ on it
were all being played like a video game-
might be a $$ reset-
electronic $$ only coming
-no xtra penny that cant be traked-
welcome to ‘legal-lies’-
tax and regulate