MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

Covid 19 is their "reset". To make everyone afraid in order to control.
This is mass media Bullshit.
Show me body bags,hospitals out of control,......MORE than they already are .....and Ill listen to the BS

This is all about money.

Watch the rich get richer
and the normal


‘event 201’—oct 2019
they planned all this last yr 3-4mo ths before the outbreak
-look up ‘pirbright’ corp the company funded by B gates that owns the ‘patent’ on it

were all being played like a video game-
might be a $$ reset-
electronic $$ only coming
-no xtra penny that cant be traked-

welcome to ‘legal-lies’-
tax and regulate


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I don’t care much for Bill and Melinda Gates, or believe a fucking word they say, however they did include this in the patent description (accessible through the link):

DISCLAIMER: Coronavirus is a broad name for a family of viruses. This patent is NOT for the new COVID-19 virus and The Pirbright Institute does not currently work with human coronaviruses. If you share this patent online, be aware you are in fact sharing a separate patent for avian infectious bronchitis virus and porcine delta-coronavirus. This is not a patent for the new COVID-19 virus.
what can be gained by a patent on a avian infectious bronchitis bird virus????
never mind I get it....when you have so much coin that your hobbies include collecting viruses and other odd ball things...probably has a tissue collection or a collection of baby monkey fetuses and goat vagina's
It is well know that the position of CEO, etc is to have a high prevalence of psychopaths.

They are also known to be highly charming and go through great efforts to appear normal, charitable... virtuous. (Serial killers)

Give one a few billion and an obvious hard on for Virus scenarios that harm/wipe out humanity...

He’s an eugenics man, just like his Dad.
craft cannabis really needs to find someone to smoke a big gagger with Bill and Melinda Gates....and get them interested in cannabis and cannabis strains and smoking weed....its time we turn the really rich guys into new stoners....with all the interest and and thought process alteration cannabis can provide to new users...would be perfect for old Bill...that dude has enough coin to make things happen....even in an Lp setting... now that could set up some real research and development...for cannabis... just a thought