MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

Call it what it is wuhan or China flu /virus every other pandemic or epidemic has been named because of its origin Spanish flu /Mers =middle eastern respiratory syndrome /ebola is a river in Congo Zika forest in uganda
etc etc
And identifying a virus by race helps how again?
China is a do understand naming a disease after its place of origin.
Fairly common for racists to see racism in is one big mirror for the self deluded.
Why you choose to be the embodiment of all you project is...........the interesting question.
Your spin is so predictable
China is a do understand naming a disease after its place of origin.
Fairly common for racists to see racism in is one big mirror for the self deluded.
Why you choose to be the embodiment of all you project is...........the interesting question.
So well said.

Is the term "Chinese food" racist? Is the term "Mexican food" racist?
There was absolutely zero racism involved in my statement...only historical significance would not have mattered which country of origin...
just like naming the norwalk or legionaires....or any other of the multitude of examples...
It's perfect when I was about 10 years old but alas I matured
That and good parenting , obviously yours were far less successful
if you have taken offence,then I am big enough to say I'm sorry and that It was not my intention to offend ...just pointing out that the naming of these things traditionally included the name of origin a place a river a mountain a city a country etc etc is odd how suddenly borders,firearms and law enforcement are things that not only matter but are deserving of ALL our support.
In another month the right will be racist for not having a gun in every home and a wall on BOTH borders........lolz.
while we are at rattling the left and their thirst for finding racism everywhere [except in the mirror]

this has to do with global open borders

notice that in Europe they have discovered they have actual borders now..and i have not heard the word "diversity" for weeks
Hey where is Rudy?