Mature Shortryder (Autoflower)


Okay, so these are some Shortryder (Top 44 + Early Special) with the autoflowering gene from, I don't know the age of the most mature of the plants because I wasn't recording the dates at the time, but the other 3 are about 4 and a half weeks old, I'll have to double check my calendar and update this post to give the exact date of when I planted. For germination I use an autogrower meant for growing indoor herbs and spices, which works wonders and gets them from seed to being potted in about a week. Again, I'll get the exact model and nutrients I'm using. In the Veg room I am using 8 2 foot florescent lights and the SensiGrow nutrients. In the Flowering room I am using a 1000 watt HPS bulb, Reflector Size: 8"H x 21"W x 19-1/4"L, and am using the SensiBloom nutrients. I don't have pictures of the plants that are currently in the Veg phase but I will take pictures when I get the chance, I also have some Master Kush and Aurora Indica that I just put into pots yesterday, I will start a grow journal for them too and include pictures (also from nirvana). I really recommend the SensiGrow and SensiBloom nutrients because they have been working WONDERS for my ladies.
Oh, I also just clipped one of my shortryders from nirvana 2 days ago and they have been drying in my drybox, I will take some pictures and post up to show the end result. For the light cycles, I have them set to 20-4 in the veg room and 12-12 in the flowering room. I also realize that you can use a 20-4 light cycle all the way through, but I have been getting really good results using regular light cycles, also personal preferences.

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
I am also growing a few auto-flower strains from Buddha seeds, and can say that if you are going after bud weight only, go for the most light you can get. Even do 24/0, but if you want good trichome formation (resin) go with a more traditional time setup like 12/12 or even 14/10. The yield will be smaller but more potent...

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
Hey herpinderp, I forgot to mention that if you are using florescent bulbs in your veg room make sure that if you want to put your shorty autos in the veg room to make sure you add some low wavelength (2700K, warm) bulbs. Remember even though they will grow under 6500K, they need the lower part of the spectrum for flowering to it's full potential. This might be why you are having better results under your HPS even though the clock is at 12/12. I also noticed your dried main cola looks like it's good quality but slightly small...
I could of course be wrong about this as I have not used Nirvana Seeds, but I grow lowryder #2, syrup auto and white dwarf, and all seem to have much thicker colas than the one in your pic, most likely because I crank the lower end spectrum and set the clock at 15.5/8.5 which gives them quite a lot more grow time for bigger colas while maintaining good resin production...


Hey herpinderp, I forgot to mention that if you are using florescent bulbs in your veg room make sure that if you want to put your shorty autos in the veg room to make sure you add some low wavelength (2700K, warm) bulbs. Remember even though they will grow under 6500K, they need the lower part of the spectrum for flowering to it's full potential. This might be why you are having better results under your HPS even though the clock is at 12/12. I also noticed your dried main cola looks like it's good quality but slightly small...
I could of course be wrong about this as I have not used Nirvana Seeds, but I grow lowryder #2, syrup auto and white dwarf, and all seem to have much thicker colas than the one in your pic, most likely because I crank the lower end spectrum and set the clock at 15.5/8.5 which gives them quite a lot more grow time for bigger colas while maintaining good resin production...
You are correct, I had to pull the one that is currently drying a little early due to problems with the grow rooms and the smell of the plant. But now that I have the flowering room situated in my shed, it is no concern.

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
Oh cool, so those shortryders are stinky huh? I wonder if it is slightly different than buddah seeds Lowryder #1, because i never had an issue with the smell of it, which actually kind of pissed me off at the time because I like stinky weed. Luckily they came out with Lowryder #2 and that has some smell to it. I'm interested to know more about your overall experience with nirvana seeds... Was also wondering if you had ever pulled an outside crop of autos?


Oh cool, so those shortryders are stinky huh? I wonder if it is slightly different than buddah seeds Lowryder #1, because i never had an issue with the smell of it, which actually kind of pissed me off at the time because I like stinky weed. Luckily they came out with Lowryder #2 and that has some smell to it. I'm interested to know more about your overall experience with nirvana seeds... Was also wondering if you had ever pulled an outside crop of autos?
Yeah, the smell was definitely very overwhelming, the Shortryder strain can get very stinky from my experience. And no, I haven't been able to experiment with any autos and outside growing, I haven't had a place to set up for an outside grow sadly, maybe I can get a plant going in the back of my vegetable garden this summer. Shortryder is turning out to be a very potent strain though, would definitely recommend for a fast finishing, high yielding bud.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants ya got there. You're gonna need to keep a dairy or something to keep up with your germ/seedling dates as most autos are going to finish very close to the breeders recs, especially if they're in a controlled environment.....with a "born on" date, one can begin to assess "finish" at a proper watching receding hairs, swollen pods (calynx) and tric maturity....
LR2 has been a fav of mine for the many years I've been growing autos and gave me my largest yeild ever for an auto...42g dry....kudos to ya for doing some of the little ones...they're my bread and butter and have been for several years...rep to ya


Okay so I've been doing some work in my shed and also brought Short Rider's 4, 5, 6 and 7 over from veg to flower. My flower room still isn't done yet, but it's getting there :)

Oh also, the dry weight for the Shortrider that I was forced to chop down early was 34 grams dry weight. Not bad! Hoping to get more out of these next plants though. Short Rider 1 should be coming down in about a week-week and a half.


So I repotted SR6 into a bigger pot because she's getting to be one tall motherfucker. I switched SR0 (did I say SR1 in my last post? I meant SR0) to water only on sunday, she should be coming down sometime next week. She's not as big as I would like, but I really need the room because I've got more plants coming over from the veg room soon. SR 1 through 6 are all looking gorgeous and very healthy, and I really enjoy coming in and watering them everyday and talking to them and listening to music while smoking next to them. I'd also like to say that listening to "Dr. Greenthumb" while mixing nutes right next to a bunch of plants makes you feel like the biggest badass in the world hahaha. I don't think there are too many things that I have enjoyed in life more than taking care of my plants.
Anyways, here's some pictures:


I have a light sprayer, I was wondering if it was a good idea to sprinkle the buds with purified water to simulate rain? I know that the plants do absorb water through their leaves, but would I be spraying the THC off?


I guess I should update today. I'm more using my Short Rider to keep my weed bag full now, since I've got my Aurora Indica and Master Kush coming up. Still haven't gotten the seeds I ordered from nirvana, I've got 4 different strains supposedly coming in the mail, so I'm excited about that.
Anyways, my Short Riders have bugs, I'm pretty sure they're whiteflys, I'm having trouble with them in my vegetable garden also. I got some organic soap and started spraying them down yesterday, so we'll see if this does the trick. I also moved my fan fixture around so it's blowing above my plants to cool off the air above them near the light. I also have an air cooler/filter blowing right through them too, so it should hopefully keep them cool enough as it is getting into the upper 90's now. I'm going to have to replant the small ones into bigger pots and move the table down so they're not too close to the light. I might do that today (if my stoned ass isn't too lazy) or tomorrow. Man SR-0 really smokes good, this stuff is pretty good quality I gotta admit.
Okay, took some pictures and sprayed them down with the soap.
The light came a little dented, but it was easy to move back, the material is very light which is a plus.


My 2 far plants have been put on water only as of Saturday, and since my poor ladies probably have bugs, I've been spraying them with Neem oil every night, and it looks like its starting to work. It was starting to get really hot in my flowering room so I went out and got another air conditioner to blow on them and its cooling the room down (From 94 degrees to 87).


After starting the Neem oil, a few of my plants have started to wilt. So I stopped the neem oil and and starting to wash them with a light dishwashing liquid and water. I think I'm just going to go with this for a while and see how that goes. Any advice would be great to get my poor ladies back up.



Well-Known Member
Mix one tblsp. neem oil with one tblspn. dishsoap and one gallon of water. Be sure you are only using it when the light's off and that they are dry by the time the light comes on. What's the temperature range?