Well, how does the saying go? “Life is what happens while you are busy making plans” or something along those lines.
Turns out that the seedlings were even hungrier than I had realized because today when I checked on them at least one of them was showing some spotting on its leaves (likely either Potassium or Manganese deficiency).
So, decided that today was the day that they got transplanted into their forever home and planted them into the bed.
Attempted to space them out so as to divide the bed into 5 fairly even sized spaces and placed them based on how deficient they were looking compared to how vigorously the plants already in those areas are looking.
Also decided to leave the plants in the bed for now to help with some dry back (soil was at 60 mBar today when I checked, after having watered it for the MSL Cover yesterday and having it drop down to around 35 mBar) and to keep the exudates going. But, I pruned them back to allow the seedlings to get “full sun”.
Once the seedlings have established themselves I’ll completely chop and mulch the big plants (or, I suppose I could take cuttings from them and try to grow them out, but probably not gonna as I want the space to be able to sex and grow out the Skunk Tops that I’ll be taking once they are big enough).
The rootballs were definitely intact enough, even though the soil was still quite wet from having watered them yesterday, to allow for easy removal from the tray and transplanting, so that’s good.
Absolutely psyched to finally have these plants in the bed and to watch them take off and see what I’ve got!