Max Yield In Small 2x4' Grow Room?

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**Please note that the light is raised in pictures for your viewing pleasure**

Hello everyone, I am starting a smallish stealth grow cabinet (2ft by 4 ft roughly) and need some advice. I have covered the walls with reflective mylar and have started 15 beautiful seedlings that are under a 2ft 4 bulb T5. I have a fan going on them and a carbon filter hooked up to a 420CFM inline fan which is vented outside and then I have a duct coming in for fresh air intake. I wasnt planning on 100% success from seed so I germinated 15 feminized seeds but all 15 germinated are doing great. My strains are all from greenhouse seeds. Chemdog, Jack Herer, and Kings kush. I have a 400w HPS that will be in the cabinet for flower. The plants are in 1L pots and in Pro-Mix indoor growing medium. I was using Growteks Kick start 1-2-1 but just recently switched over to Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4. I am wondering how many plants I should keep in the cabinet to flower, I am looking for the best setup to get the largest yield possible. I am wondering how to maximize my yield by either growing 4-6 large plants or keeping most/all of the 15 plants and doing a SOG, SCROG, or LST setup. Also what kind of yield do you think I could get with these methods? This isnt my first grow but it is my first time doing SOG, SCROG, or LST so tips and advice on how to do these methods would be great . I also have a bit of a budget for more equipment if needed so any advice is great!

Thanks guys, Happy smokin


Well-Known Member
I guess I don't understand what's wrong with the question. Where should the OP put this post and question? Is the issue that it's too basic a question for the advanced cultivation forum? I'll never understand why people take the time to be rude to someone seeking advice but won't answer the question. Budsahoy44, I wish I wasn't a noob and had some knowledge to share with you. Try re-posting your question in one of the less pretentious areas of the site (maybe the Indoor/soil forum).


Well-Known Member
youd probably be looking at like 4 plants, choose the best 4, put them all under 1 screen and fill it out while vegging then flower
in a 2x4 area I would do a small sog with a perpetual harvest. that way u dont run out of meds ;) but u have to keep a mother plant n clone area. if u don't have the extra room i would do 2-4 plants a 2ft tall plant can easly be 3-4 around with pruning. check out you tube 420smokingjoe those girls range from 20" to 26" but the smallest is 2' across. there lots of ways to get a good yeild in a space. my room is not small but it show you how much area one plant can fill. happy growing!