Maybe a RIU radio pop-up feature to listen to tunes


Well-Known Member
Listen to the RIU radio station while surfing the web on, huh? how about it? I am pretty technologically inept, so I have no idea how hard this would be or how plausible. But I just thought it would be a cool suggestion. Maybe even have members be able to post their favorite songs/music/playlist on their profiles, and have other members/friends be able to "tune in" and listen to their playlists, or just any playlist on the database or even the one RIU internet radio "station". Don't know the legal ramifications, but just thought since youtube and myspace (and even some websites solely dedicated to listening to music playlists freely) can do it, why not RIU? Thought it'd be very cool, if not very hard to do without having to make a whole new server.