Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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New Member
it is because he is part of the conspiracy they get the truth deleted
next he will make u disappear like he did jimmy hoffa

7forever, you cant hide from the truth, why are you trying to hide and lie?

Why Cant you respond to this proof that you are complety wrong lol he even went as far as to get my last post about this deleted lol


NOVEMBER 22, 1963 8:00 am
Abraham Zapruder arrives at the offices of Jennifer Juniors. Marilyn Sitzman and Lillian Rogers persuade him to retrieve his 8 mm. movie camera from his home.
11:30 am
Zapruder returns to his office after retrieving his camera.
12:30 pm
Zapruder films the assassination from a pedestal in Dealey Plaza.
12:45 pm
Zapruder returns to his office and locks the camera in his safe.
1:30 pm
Reporter Harry McCormick takes Secret Service Agent Forrest Sorrels to Zapruder's office. Emotionally upset, Zapruder agrees to furnish Sorrels with a copy of his film - if Sorrels will agree that the copy is only for use by the Secret Service and that it would not be shown or given to any media. Sorrels agrees.
1:45 pm
Together with Zapruder's partner, Irwin Schwartz, Sorrels, McCormick and Zapruder drive to Dallas Morning News. Since they can't process the film, they walk to WFAA-TV. Zapruder is interviewed live; Schwartz is photographed with the camera.
2:15 pm
A police car takes Sorrels, Schwartz, Zapruder and McCormick to the Kodak plant. Zapruder makes arrangements for the processing of the film. Phil Willis meets Sorrels at the Kodak plant and also agrees to furnish the Secret Service with copies of his 35 mm. slides. Sorrels gets a phone call and leaves for Dallas Police Headquarters.
3:15 pm (est.)
The processed film is shown to fifteen to eighteen people. To have copies made, Zapruder must take camera original to Jamieson Company.
4:00 pm (est.)
Zapruder has three (3) copies made by the Jamieson Company. He requests affidavit that no more copies were made.
4:30 pm (est.)
Zapruder returns to Kodak plant with the original and three (3) copies. He has the three (3) copies processed and requests affidavits from Kodak personnel that only three (3) copies were processed.

Richard Stolley and Tommy Thompson of LIFE fly in from Los Angeles. LIFE stringers Patsy Swank and Holland McCombs learn that Zapruder has film of the assassination. Forrest Sorrels receives two of the three first generation copies and assures Zapruder they will be used only for official purposes by the Secret Service.
Stolley sets up offices in the Adolphus Hotel and begins calling Zapruder's home at fifteen minute intervals. Zapruder, shaken by the day's events, drives aimlessly around Dallas.
9:55 pm
Secret Service Agent Max Phillips sends one of the two copies to Secret Service Chief Rowley in Washington, D.C. In an accompanying note, Phillips says that "Mr. Zapruder is in custody of the 'master' film."
11:00 pm
Stolley reaches Zapruder at home and asks to come out and view the film. Zapruder declines. They agree to meet the next morning at 9:00am at Zapruder's office.
8:00 am
Stolley is waiting at Zapruder's office when Zapruder arrives. The film is screened for Stolley. Stolley agrees that LIFE will pay Zapruder $50,000 in two installments for print rights to the film. Stolley leaves with the original and perhaps the remaining copy. The original is sent to Chicago where the LIFE editorial staff has assembled to prepare the new issue to be on the newsstands the following Tuesday, November 26th. During the preparation of black and white copies, the original is broken in several places by photo technicians. Splices are made.
At some time this weekend, a copy of the film is sent to New York where it is viewed by C.D. Jackson, publisher of LIFE. Jackson decides to acquire all rights to the film and so instructs Stolley.
Since copies cannot be made in Dallas, Gordon Shanklin, FBI SAIC in Dallas, is instructed to send the copy the FBI obtained from Sorrels by commercial flight to Washington, D.C. Shanklin does so, at the same time requesting that the FBI Lab make three, second-generation copies, one for Washington and two for the Dallas Field Office.
Zapruder may have screened the film for Forrest Sorrels and other law enforcement agents.
Stolley meets with Zapruder in the offices of Zapruder's lawyer. The negotiations end with LIFE purchasing world-wide rights to the film for $150,000.
During these negotiations, Dan Rather is shown the film. He neglects to make an immediate bid but elects to check with New York first. During a radio broadcast with Richard C. Hottelet and Hughes Rudd, Rather describes the film which he has "just returned from seeing." Later that day, Rather describes his viewing of the film on the CBS Evening News. Rather could only have seen this film at this time if Zapruder had retained one copy and provided Stolley with only the original the previous Saturday.
NOVEMBER 26 Morning
LIFE begins newsstand distribution of the November 29th issue. At the same time, various LIFE editors order up prints of the film for viewing in their offices. I was shown one of these in October 1966. Since control was lax, bootleg copies began to circulate.

What emerges from this chronology is a single important fact: At no time during this hectic weekend did the original of the film ever leave the custody and control of Abraham Zapruder and LIFE magazine. Two first-generation copies were provided to Forrest Sorrels of the Secret Service in the late afternoon of November 22nd . One of these copies was shipped to Washington that night. The other was turned over to the FBI and sent by commercial air to Washington the next day. But the original stayed with Zapruder until the morning of November 23rd when Dick Stolley walked out of Zapruder's office with it under his arm. That original remained under LIFE's custody and control until it was given back to Zapruder's family in the 1970s.


Active Member
Debra Conway from JFK LANCER lies by ommission to her members about Greer placing gun in left hand.

If you guys don't cut out the personal attacks you'll have to stop playing in my yard. I mean it. With both your intelligence, you should be able to respond and be witty without being insulting.

Meanwhile, the Zfilm does show evidence that Greer did not shoot the president. All it takes is looking closely.

See JFK Lancer

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She fails to tell her members that Greer places a covered up object in his left hand 4 seconds before he kills Kennedy. She's saying his left hand is at his side but we now know for sure that it's definitely not there because the nix film shows it crossing his right shoulder in unison with the headshot. Greer was jfk's real assassin.
Places gun in left hand with right.

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit

Big P

Well-Known Member
hey 7forever i proved you wrong with showing you that the zapruder film could not have been doctored because there were several copies made before it was released to the authorities

the fact that you are just ignoring this fact shows that you are disingenuous and a liar plain and simple.

I have proved your whole existence on this thread to be a lie and a fallacy and proved you are nothing but a charlatan and a liar.

Pls stop spreading lies and misinforming the public here. you obviously are a very troubled person, the film has not been doctored and you cannot prove otherwise so you just ignore the facts while posting the same lies over and over again. everyone sees you for what you are which is a liar.

that’s not a personal attack it’s a fact clearly outlined and repeatedly proven. May god have mercy on your soul. If he exists



Well-Known Member
The reflection off his hair does not show in the other films because the cameras are pointed in a different direction and at different angles. Simple physics.

Science and reasoning are not your strong suits are they?


Active Member
Clint describes a massive exit that could have only been caused by that goon, Greer.

Clint Hill saw the massive hole on the right rear portion of his head.

Mr. HILL. This is the first sound that I heard; yes, sir. I jumped from the car, realizing that something was wrong, ran to the Presidential limousine. Just about as I reached it, there was another sound, which was different than the first sound. I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard object--it seemed to have some type of an echo. I put my right foot, I believe it was, on the left rear step of the automobile, and I had a hold of the handgrip with my hand, when the car lurched forward. I lost my footing and I had to run about three or four more steps before I could get back up in the car.
Between the time I originally grabbed the handhold and until I was up on the car, Mrs. Kennedy--the second noise that I heard had removed a portion of the President's head, and he had slumped noticeably to his left. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. She turned toward me and I grabbed her and put her back in the back seat, crawled up on top of the back seat and lay there.

Mr. SPECTER. What did you observe as to President Kennedy's condition on arrival at the hospital?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.



Active Member
"Elephant in the room" is an Englishidiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.[1]
It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook; thus, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there have made a choice. They are choosing to concern themselves with tangential or small and irrelevant issues rather than deal with the looming big one.

There are so many pink elephant's in this case but the greatest one thus far is Greer's left arm jerking over in the NIX GIF.



Active Member
The supposed hand that comes off the wheel at frame 304 is completely FAKE. There's no hand or arm and this is a visual fact which anyone can see if it's pointed out and they are willing to see what is clearly not there.
Greer places gun in hand at frame 242.


Proven beyond doubt by seeing Greer's left arm crossing in nix film.


Active Member
What Greer was told about the wound path and the entrance wound over the right eye is consistent with Dr. Mantik's interpretation of the x-ray showing fragments at the entrance site.

Mr. Specter.
Did you just mention, Mr. Greer, a hole in the President's head in addition to the large area of the skull which was shot away?
Mr. Greer.
No. I had just seen that, you know, the head was damaged in all this part of it but I believe looking at the X-rays, I looked at the X-rays when they were taken in the autopsy room, and the person who does that type work showed us the trace of it because there would be little specks of lead where the bullet had come from here and it came to the--they showed where it didn't come on through. It came to a sinus cavity or something they said, over the eye.
Mr. Specter.
Indicating the right eye. (GREER POINTED OVER HIS RIGHT EYE
Mr. Greer.
I may be wrong.
Mr. Specter.
You don't know which eye?
Mr. Greer.
I don't know which eye, I may be wrong. But they showed us the trace of it coming through but there were very little small specks on the X-rays that these professionals knew what course that the bullet had taken, the lead.
Mr. Specter.
Would you describe in very general terms what injury you observed as to the President's head during the course of the autopsy?
Mr. Greer.
I would--to the best of my recollection it was in this part of the head right here.
Mr. Specter.
Upper right?
Mr. Greer.
Upper right side.
Mr. Specter.
Upper right side, going toward the rear. And what was the condition of the skull at that point?
Mr. Greer.
The skull was completely--this part was completely gone

Greer's left arm crossing over right shoulder confirming his guilt and the government's cartoon alteration beyond any doubt.


Active Member
What I know is my work has proven Greer's guilt far beyond any reasonable doubt. Any jury would choose this over any other theory because it makes sense while every other is either totally baseless or crumbles under scrutiny like the grassy knoll. I can't explain everything nor can any prosecutor or investigator.

There will always be unanswered questions and even some anomalies but the case against Greer makes sense and hangs together every step of the way. They did their best at that time to cover-up Greer shooting but the technology was so far from being capable of even doing a half assed job. The alteration to the film is a complete joke making it totally obvious when anyone decided to expose it.


Active Member
Agent Greer to the FBI 11/22/63: "Greer stated that he first heard what he thought was possibly a motorcycle backfire and glanced around and noticed that the President had evidently been hit [notice that, early on, Greer admits seeing JFK, which the Zapruder proves he did two times before the fatsal head shot occurred]. He thereafter got on the radio and communicated with the other vehicles, stating that they desired to get the President to the hospital immediately [in reality, Greer did not talk on the radio, and Greer went on to deny ever saying this during his WC testimony]…Greer stated that they (the Secret Service) have always been instructed to keep the motorcade moving at a considerable speed inasmuch as a moving car offers a much more difficult target than a vehicle traveling at a very slow speed. He pointed out that on numerous occasions he has attempted to keep the car moving at a rather fast rate, but in view of the President's popularity and desire to maintain close liaison with the people, he has, on occasion, been instructed by the President to "slow down". Greer stated that he has been asking himself if there was any thing he could have done to have avoided this incident, but stated that things happened so fast that he could not account for full developments in this matter(!) [the "JFK-as-scapegoat" theme…and so much for Greer's remorse from earlier the same day!]."(Sibert & O'Neil Report, 11/22/63)

Agent Greer to the FBI 11/27/63: "…he heard a noise which sounded like a motorcycle backfire. On hearing this noise he glanced to his right toward Kellerman and out of the corner of his eye noticed that the Governor appeared to be falling toward his wife [notice that Greer now mentions nothing about seing JFK hit---he does the same thing in his undated report in the WC volumes (18 H 723)] He thereafter recalls hearing some type of outcry after which Kellerman said, "Let's get out of here." He further related that at the time of hearing the sound he was starting down an incline which passes beneath a railroad crossing and after passing under this viaduct, he closed in on the lead car and yelled to the occupants and a nearby police motorcyclist, "Hospital, Hospital! [nothing about using the radio this time out]" Thereafter follows a complete physical description of Greer, as if the FBI agents considered him a suspect, inc. age, height, and color of eyes! (Sibert & O'Neil Report, 11/29/63)

Greer realized several days later how incriminating his actions were and lied. HE WAS A STUPID GOON.


Active Member
The red blob is fake because it appears before the shot and after the bullet connects and you can see the mist disappear leaving the fake flap.



Active Member
Original Message -----
From: Charles P
To: Editor
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009
Subject: Re. [Altered] Zapruder Film/Driver as Gunman

You may consider this additional validation of the "driver-gunman theory."

My brother met the nephew of Governor Connelly [THE one who was also shot while in the car with JFK], and one day the nephew asked the governor, his uncle, "Who do you think shot Kennedy, uncle?" and Governor Connelly said, without hesitation, "It was his driver who shot him."
Hmmm...from the mouth of one who was IN THE CAR, along with numerous eye-witnesses who said [in effect] "It sounded like firecrackers were going off IN the car," that's a pretty convincing testimony!

I've watched numerous versions of the Zapruder film, and in some you can [fairly] clearly see the driver turn, and with his LEFT hand, over his right shoulder, shoot a pistol at Kennedy, turn back and speed away! Think of the "magic thumb" trick magicians pull, when they stuff the handkerchief "into their hand", and it disappears! It's a BIG, hollow thumb you NEVER LOOK AT, because your attention is diverted--classic misdirection!

In all of my years, I never looked at the driver, [in the Zapruder film] because I was too distracted by JFK's exploding head, and Jackie climbing onto the back of the car! WHY would he [the driver] BRAKE "in the kill zone", TURN AROUND, TAKE HIS
HAND OFF THE WHEEL, WHILE LOOKING BACK, and THEN speed away, ESPECIALLY if he was a "chauffeur by trade"?

In some versions of the film, it's jerky, and you can't see this action the driver makes, as it's been removed, like you can in other versions. But I have seen it, and those who have examined the evidence of the damage to JFK's skull say it "could have been done by a handgun at close range." So...I don't care what the Discovery Channel [controlled media] says, when there is OVERWHELMING evidence, especially of the "Zapruder film" being altered [I'm quite knowledgeable on photography, former photo major with many years in photography/film], and the film HAS been doctored. So there you go...

Charles P​


Active Member


Bill Greer was jfk's real assassin. Sad but true, irrefutable fact.


Active Member
I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that the film had in fact been altered to hide the fact the driver shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.

The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.



Active Member
Thanks, Governor Connally.
Governor CONNALLY. A very, very brief span of time. Again my trend of thought just happened to be, I suppose along this line, I immediately thought that this--that I had been shot. I knew it when I just looked down and I was covered with blood, and the thought immediately passed through my mind that there were either two or three people involved or more in this or someone was shooting with an automatic rifle. These were just thoughts that went through my mind because of the rapidity of these two, of the first shot plus the blow that I took, and I knew I had been hit, and I immediately assumed, because of the amount of blood, and in fact, that it had obviously passed through my chest. that I had probably been fatally hit.
So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

GREER FIRED RIGHT OVER CONNALLY'S HEAD and when he realized Greer fired it, he hit the floor, terrified. WATCH THE GOVERNOR.



Active Member
I did not crack the Da Vinci Code here. It's totally obvious that Greer fired the fatal shot.

The fake reflection causes the headshot by working in perfect sync with the fake blood mist. 312-313

In the nix film the headshot happens at the exact moment Greer's arm goes over his right shoulder which mirrors the altered zapruder film. It's that easy in a cartoon sort of way because that's exactly what the zfilm is, a cartoon of the driver shooting Kennedy.


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Mr. LIEBELER. Now, Mr. Zapruder, after you had the film developed I understand Mr. Sorrels from the Secret Service came over and helped you get the films developed and you gave two copies of your films to Mr. Sorrels, is that correct?

Mr. ZAPRUDER. Yes. One we have sent to Washington the same night and one went over for the viewers of the FBI on Ervay Street.

Mr. LIEBELER. That's the Secret Service?

Mr. ZAPRUDER. The Secret Service
--I brought one roll there and they told me to dispatch it by Army plane or I don't know what they had done with it but it was supposed to have gone to Washington and one of them, I believe, remained here with Mr. Sorrels. He came to my office quite a few times to show them to different people.

Zapruder never had possession of the original film, period. The unedited film showed Greer clearly shooting Kennedy.
Mr. LIEBELER. Now, I understand that you, yourself, retained the original film?

Mr. ZAPRUDER. No; I don't have that at all--I don't have any at all. They were sold to Time and Life magazines.

Mr. LIEBELER. You sold that to Life magazine?


Time Life never had the original film, period. The original showed Greer clearly shooting Kennedy. This was a back room pay off for Abe. Zapruder never had any control of this film at all. He was just playing along and became a multimillionaire by keeping his mouth shut. The original with Greer clearly shooting Kennedy is likely locked up somewhere but will likely never be shown or see the light of day, certainly not in our life times.
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