McCain-Palin Put 'Country Last'


Well-Known Member
By Robert Parry
October 9, 2008

Now, with the McCain-Palin campaign’s recent decision to go intensely negative on Obama, those risks appear to be growing, putting added pressure on the Secret Service detail assigned to protect Obama.

In particular, Sarah Palin’s reckless talk about Obama “palling around with terrorists” has helped validate the anti-Obama hate that has long obsessed the American Right. She also accused Obama of insulting American troops in Afghanistan, a twisting of Obama’s words that was then reprised in a McCain-Palin attack ad.

Though avoiding some of Palin’s most incendiary rhetoric, John McCain has played this dangerous game, too, asking ominously “who is the real Barack Obama?” – suggesting that there are dark secrets in Obama’s past that would make him a threat to the nation.

Warm-up speakers at Republican rallies have insisted on emphasizing Obama’s middle name “Hussein” as another epithet.

Not surprisingly, McCain-Palin supporters have responded to this “red meat” by shouting words like “treason,” “communist,” “kill him.” At a Palin event in Florida, some excited backers yelled ugly taunts at an African-American working in a TV crew.

For her part, Palin appears oblivious to the dangerous political storm that she is stirring up. Caught up in her new celebrity – and lost in her own ambition – she acts as if there are no consequences for putting ugly words together and spewing them into the fervid world of the angry American Right.

Many observers are more surprised about McCain, who vowed at the end of the GOP convention to become a President who would end “partisan rancor” – although his convention was filled with partisan rancor targeting Obama.

Now, facing slumping poll numbers, McCain has jettisoned what’s left of his promise to run a respectful campaign as well as his prized slogan “Country First,” in exchange for a new goal of winning at all costs.

Like Palin, McCain seems not to care that he is feeding the anger of white racists and the paranoia of xenophobes who have long recycled false allegations about Obama’s religion and his loyalty to the United States.

The Real McCain?

This “new” McCain has startled many of his old fans in the U.S. press corps who bought into his image as a bipartisan reformer who was victimized by George W. Bush’s dirty tactics in 2000. Some now shake their heads about an aging politician letting his ambition – or fear of defeat – overwhelm his larger sense of decency.

But other assessments hold that McCain is simply reverting to the real McCain, the spoiled son of one four-star admiral and the grandson of another, the brat who earned the nickname “McNasty” and who exploited his family influence to rise in military rank despite a poor record as a student and a pilot.

A new account of McCain’s life by Tim Dickinson published in Rolling Stone describes not only McCain’s playboy youth – his gambling, womanizing and tendency to crash planes – but debunks a central element of his personal narrative, that his ordeal as a Vietnam War POW transformed him into a person who puts “country first.”

The article opens with an anecdote from 1974 when former POW McCain encounters another ex-POW, Air Force Lt. Col. John Dramesi, at the prestigious National War College, where McCain had pulled strings to get in.

Dramesi, who unlike McCain had refused to make an anti-American “confession” for the North Vietnamese, describes his plans to seek an assignment in the Middle East because he fears it will become a future danger zone for U.S. interests.

McCain is dismissive of Dramesi’s plans, saying he was off to Rio de Janeiro.

"What the hell are you going to Rio for?" Dramesi asked.

McCain, who was then a married father of three, responded, "I got a better chance of getting laid."

Indeed, if one looks at McCain’s life through a single prism of self-interest, all the twists and turns of his career – including his ventures into reform, bipartisanship and even his coziness with the mainstream press – make sense.

As Dickinson observes in his biographical article, “the real John McCain … has been hiding in plain sight. It is the story of a man who has consistently put his own advancement above all else, a man willing to say and do anything to achieve his ultimate ambition: to become commander in chief, ascending to the one position that would finally enable him to outrank his four-star father and grandfather.”

In this view, McCain is like his erstwhile Republican rival, George W. Bush, a screw-up scion of a dynastic family who learned how to come across as an “everyman” and who became adept at playing the political game. McCain, like Bush, also wanted to outdo his more accomplished father.

Country Last

So, it shouldn’t be too surprising that McCain – finding himself in a political hole – would do whatever it takes to climb out, even if that means smearing an opponent, further polarizing the country and inciting some extremists with violent tendencies.

This evidence of the “real McCain” should have been long apparent, certainly since he recruited to run his campaign many of the Bush veterans who threw mud at Al Gore, John Kerry and McCain himself – the likes of Karl Rove protégés Steve Schmidt to the top job and Tucker Eskew, who smeared McCain in the 2000 South Carolina primary.

Then, when McCain needed to solidify his Republican base and inject some excitement into his campaign, the 72-year-old cancer survivor selected Sarah Palin, a first-term governor of Alaska with virtually no foreign policy experience, as his running mate.

For a while, the Palin pick worked politically giving McCain a boost at his convention and in the polls. However, increasingly, American voters look at Palin as eminently unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

But McCain is undaunted. Despite concerns among medical experts that his melanoma could recur, he continues to defend his vice-presidential choice, now unleashing her as the lead attack dog against Obama.

McCain’s ambition, which burns as brightly as Palin’s, seems to have few limits. Nor does his disdain for his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, whom McCain sneeringly referred to in Tuesday’s debate as “that one.”

But the most worrisome question in these last four weeks of the campaign is whether McCain and Palin will continue with dangerous rhetoric that might encourage some unstable character to take matters into his own hands.

If something like that does happen – or even if McCain-Palin somehow manage to turn their ugly messaging into a tainted victory – the ultimate loser will be the United States, which will be left even more deeply divided than it is today.

Instead of putting “Country First,” the ugly tactics of McCain and Palin are putting “Country Last.”
McCain/Palin, a scourge upon the earth, Should by some fluke (Diedold type voting Machines) they win, we are in for an extremely rough ride,
Dank ...

This article is way beneath you, my friend. If you can't see the double standard it presents, you are freakin' blind. :roll:

It's pretty hilarious watching McCain 2000 bitching about negative campaigning and saying if he was in charge, he'd not run such a campaign, that the American people deserve better. And then we have McCain 2008, who apparently hates McCain 2000, loves negative campaigning, and doesn't think the American people deserve better. A psychotic break probably isn't far away. You just never know what you're going to get with him. He contradicts himself weekly, sometimes daily, and sometimes it only takes him an hour or two. Totally erratic. I thought a lot more of McCain 2000. Too bad he didn't run.
I get sick of the finger pointing. Instead of telling me what this or that person did when they were in their 20's and NOT running for president tell me what you are going to do to make my life better. They can't stop slinging mud long enough to eve get their ideas out there. It's sickening . I'm sure everyone out there has a skeleton or two in their closet and if you say you don't then we can easily tell that your skeleton is lying.

I also am sick of only the 2 parties being allowed to participate in debates. If candidates are running from other parties they need to be allowed to debate too.

We need to overhaul the way things are done. These rules for Washington were put into place by men in Washington who needed to design the system to make it harder to get voted out.
I get sick of the finger pointing. Instead of telling me what this or that person did when they were in their 20's and NOT running for president tell me what you are going to do to make my life better. They can't stop slinging mud long enough to eve get their ideas out there. It's sickening . I'm sure everyone out there has a skeleton or two in their closet and if you say you don't then we can easily tell that your skeleton is lying.

I also am sick of only the 2 parties being allowed to participate in debates. If candidates are running from other parties they need to be allowed to debate too.

We need to overhaul the way things are done. These rules for Washington were put into place by men in Washington who needed to design the system to make it harder to get voted out.
don't u think we should demand representitives not leaders
The 70's radical that they're talking about isn't he working at a University.. Also Obama was vetted.. so Do we cut funding to all those that have hired these people and arrest the people who vetted Obama as accomplices to terrorism... Either you prove it and arrest, act and put all in prison.. And if you think that no Southern repub or dem. doesn't have a friend or family member that was or IS KKK you're blind.... Isn't scooter Libby a felon... and Scooter Palin is ducking and weaving herself now, what brother in law... This is not meant to chose a side (mines obvious), but all of us have either by choice or not known bad people..sen L (I'm not saying thats bad. but to a republican its leprosy).. Libby felon...etc and soon maybe Palin for use of influence to fire inlaw..
Hell, my brother-in-law was an alcoholic and heroin addict, robbed filling stations at gunpoint for drug money, and did some prison time, before dying at age 28 of liver disease from the drinking. So I certainly have associated with some shady people myself, convicted felons even. I was RELATED to them. But I'd be pissed if anyone judged *me* by that -- I didn't do any of those things, and didn't agree with them when he did them.

The whole "you're evil if you have sat next to someone evil" thing is simply ridiculous. It's not like an evil person nearby sneezes and you catch the evil because you didn't get your anti-evil booster shot. What happened to individuals being responsible for their OWN choices? I shouldn't be held responsible for what other people choose to do.
I even heard a couple of guys at a local bar debating that if McCain was really a POW and not a collaborater (sp), he would have looked worse then photos, maybe he stayed to help the enemy with transmissions.etc... Balderdash.... but .... thats the problem when proof isn't proffered.. Bush by his own admission used coke... So he's a drug kingpin because he knew a dealer.. Winning on others loses is not winning ... and no one wins..
As one who suffered from years of severe chronic pain, I can almost assure you guys that McCain is in constant pain. I bet he never complains though.

Oh, I bet he complains a lot. I mean, he cracked and told his captors in Vietnam that he was the son of a four-star admiral when they hurt him, so that he'd get better treatment than the rest of the prisoners, who maintained their honor, some of them unto death. If he had been an uncomplaining man of honor, he'd likely be missing limbs now, or he'd be dead. He's an honorless coward in hero's clothing.
He has 100 million dollars and 12 houses, his wife stole prescription meds from a charity and a prescription pad as well. He shouldn't be feeling anything but embarrassment for the shit in his past.

As one who suffered from years of severe chronic pain, I can almost assure you guys that McCain is in constant pain. I bet he never complains though.

Oh, I bet he complains a lot. I mean, he cracked and told his captors in Vietnam that he was the son of a four-star admiral when they hurt him, so that he'd get better treatment than the rest of the prisoners, who maintained their honor, some of them unto death. If he had been an uncomplaining man of honor, he'd likely be missing limbs now, or he'd be dead. He's an honorless coward in hero's clothing.

Have you ever been torture Bongulator, or do you just subject people to torture by making them read your comments?
Nope, never been tortured, at least not physically. But so what? None of McCain's fellow prisoners were rats like he was, so I'm not giving him a pass. He gave up his honor in order to survive. His fellow prisoners were the heroes, certainly not McCain. He's just an opportunistic coward. He kinda reminds me of my commanding officer in Grenada, who ran off to safety with the bigwigs and left the rest of us grunts behind to fend for ourselves, after Castro threatened retaliation.
Where is the compassion of the right? Can ya point to if for me, I can't see it, not even with binoculars. :?:

McCain doesn't want Medical Marijuana because we wouldn't want people to be able to produce their own medication and save some cash. McCain has to look out for big pharma who is padding his bank account. That doesn't sound very compassionate. :wall:

Ahh yes! The compassion of the left is really astounding! :clap:

Where is the compassion of the right? Can ya point to if for me, I can't see it, not even with binoculars.

Keep you eyes open the next time you see Palin walking out on the stage holding her special needs child.

Also, there's a chance that you haven't seen John and Cindy McCain's adopted daughter, so I'll post a picture for you:


With her 2 social security checks and her daughters welfare check hanging out of her pocket.

Compassion for self is not the same as compassion for people as a whole.