McCain's running mate ...


New Member
It really doesn't matter. Maybe he can use her as a partner for bridge. He won't need her for vice president as he would first have to get elected, chance, slim to none.


New Member
It really doesn't matter. Maybe he can use her as a partner for bridge. He won't need her for vice president as he would first have to get elected, chance, slim to none.
Yep, that's what the deluded said about Reagan right before he took 49 states in a landslide.



Well-Known Member
"She and her husband Todd Palin, have five children. The latest, a baby, was born with Down syndrome."

... lol excellent reporting


New Member
"She and her husband Todd Palin, have five children. The latest, a baby, was born with Down syndrome."... lol excellent reporting
Yep, and we haven't seen nuthin' yet. I can't wait until the VP debates. Biden had better wear his iron jock strap, cuz this pretty lil' paleo-conservative is gonna rip his balls out. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
she has 0 experience in Washington and shes a first term governor from what im hearing, so idk how hes gonna call Obama inexperienced then choose her as his VP


New Member
she has 0 experience in Washington and shes a first term governor from what im hearing, so idk how hes gonna call Obama inexperienced then choose her as his VP
Good question. Here's what's going to happen. The Republican will stop using the inexperience rap against O'Bama immediately. Its politics.



New Member
It seems all the inexperience comparisons are misplaced, in my opinion. McCain will be debating Obama, in the Presidential debates; and Biden will engage Palen in the VP debates. If experience is lacking, it will surely pan out in the debates. (I think Obama and Biden will both get skunked by their respective opponents.) This should not, however, take either Obama's or Palen's experience, or lack thereof, off the table as a topic of discussion as it pertains to each of their potential positions, in my opinion. Why should past experience be dismissed; because it might come across as hypocritical?


Well-Known Member
Our last two presidents were both two-term governors, and both lied and committed treason. I suppose, inexperienced officials could not be much worse. But, perhaps, a whole lot better.


New Member
Palen was a Governor and Obama was a Senator. Now, hear me out. There are 50 Governors and 100 Senators, (3 of which are running:blsmoke:). In my own comprehensive mathematical analysis, the results clearly show that Palen is twice as experienced as any of the other hopefuls. Politcal math is easy!


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't matter. Maybe he can use her as a partner for bridge. He won't need her for vice president as he would first have to get elected, chance, slim to none.

How can you say this? All pollster say the election is a statistical dead-heat? This election appears to close to call, right now.


Well-Known Member
I'll say this much...

At least she's no Cheney.Her primary job would be to reside over the Senate. She'd do a better job at that (given her reforms in AK) than the idiot Biden who is a career (in the pocket of corporate America) politician.

It's interesting to note the press speaking of her lack of Foreign Policy. Who the hell cares. Her primary job as a VEEP would be to reside over the Senate. The POTUS is the "Point Man" in Foreign Policy. Obama does not have that.

Palin represented the Executive Branch of the state of Alaska, She signed bills, and/or vetoed bills that were sent to her from the state legislature...You know...kinda like how the Federal Gov't works, yes?

Obama voted on bills that were sent to the POTUS...:lol:


Well-Known Member
she has 0 experience in Washington and shes a first term governor from what im hearing, so idk how hes gonna call Obama inexperienced then choose her as his VP
She has executive experience as governor of a state which borders a foreign country.

Obama has no executive experience. Largely being a U.S. Senator in name only, he has precious little experience there either.

The GOP VP candidate has more experience than the Democrat Presidential candidate. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Governor Paulin went to Kuwait months ago to visit her National Guard troops on the ground, in enemy territory. HooRah!
And when she stopped in Germany and found the time to visit wounded troops in the hospital. Something the Chosen One could not bring himself to do while campaigning for President of the World.


New Member
She also has a son in the Army who is going to Iraq in the next few days.

This is from the local paper in Alaska:


"September 11, 2001, was a day that changed America forever. The magnitude of that attack was terrible, its motivation inexplicable, and its result shocking. Those whom we lost on that fateful day will forever hold a place in our hearts and in the history of our great country."- Governor Sarah Palin

The Anchorage Daily News and other outlets have reported that Track Palin, 18, son of Todd Palin and Alaska Governor Sarah Heath Palin, has enlisted in the U.S. Army.

Young Palin will report to Fort Benning, GA, this week, along with John Bates, his friend and a fellow graduate of Wasilla High School. The ADN headlines reads, "Alaska's First Son will Soon Trade His Hockey Uniform for Khaki." (Track has been an All-Alaska hockey star who also played part of his senior year in Michigan.)

Palin and Bates enlisted on September 11, 2007, the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the U.S.

The mission of the Fort Benning infantry divisions is "to focus on the close, personal, violent Infantry fight," says Maj. Gen. Walter Wojdakowski, the chief of infantry..

Track has three younger sisters: Willow, Bristol, and Piper

On Gov. Palin's recent visit to soldiers in Kuwait, she noted that Track had expressed an interest in military service. She added that he had her support in pursuing such a career.

Currently, only 5 members of Congress (including presidential candidate Duncan Hunter) have offspring serving in the military. It's not known if any other Governor has a child serving in the military.

Gov. Palin has declined to comment. The Palin family wants to keep private some aspects of his decision, spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said.
Track was adamant about not wanting publicity, according to a military spokesman.

The young man's only public statement has been as follows: "Joining the military is something I've been considering for a while now. I've always been competitive and look forward to the challenges that will come as I answer the call and serve my country."

Note from Steve: As Governor Palin knows, the people who support her for the vice-presidency and, ultimately, for the presidency, wish only the best for her and her family. Track continues a tradition where the the name "Palin" stands for everything that is best about America.

Stephen R. Maloney -- Ambridge, PA
