Republicans refuse to debate

You realize nothing, you think what other's have posted online somewhere say. Herd mentality illness. Sorry, maybe Haladol prescription could help you?
…and now we know what the sheep say: who knew the sheep were parrots?

Trick question: the people you parrot know you’re a sheep.

It’s *why* they feed you the shallow, tired bullshit you keep squawking, why you keep squawking it, why you never notice that you are exactly the ignorant, know-nothing mental prolapse & moral derelict you love to pretend *everyone ELSE is*.

You, young sir, are the fulfillment of your own words…but you’ll never know it if you never WAKE UP and actually look around….

As Abraham Lincoln once said, it’s better to remain silent and be *thought* a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

This has been your inspirational thought for today. Use it wisely.
…and now we know what the sheep say: who knew the sheep were parrots?

Trick question: the people you parrot know you’re a sheep.

It’s *why* they feed you the shallow, tired bullshit you keep squawking, why you keep squawking it, why you never notice that you are exactly the ignorant, know-nothing mental prolapse & moral derelict you love to pretend *everyone ELSE is*.

You, young sir, are the fulfillment of your own words…but you’ll never know it if you never WAKE UP and actually look around….

As Abraham Lincoln once said, it’s better to remain silent and be *thought* a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

This has been your inspirational thought for today. Use it wisely.
Good coffee this morning?
…and now we know what the sheep say: who knew the sheep were parrots?

Trick question: the people you parrot know you’re a sheep.

It’s *why* they feed you the shallow, tired bullshit you keep squawking, why you keep squawking it, why you never notice that you are exactly the ignorant, know-nothing mental prolapse & moral derelict you love to pretend *everyone ELSE is*.

You, young sir, are the fulfillment of your own words…but you’ll never know it if you never WAKE UP and actually look around….

As Abraham Lincoln once said, it’s better to remain silent and be *thought* a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

This has been your inspirational thought for today. Use it wisely.
Brillant composition
Kudos :)
Iowa demographically is not representative of America any longer and should not be the first any longer.

Lots of political history in Iowa.

You made me remember I was in Iowa a month before the Iowa Democratic Caucuses. I remember the small town of Newton and Obama and Clintons local offices were only a block apart.

Obama ended up winning Iowa and Super Tuesday. Good times

Desantis seems so fringe to me i wonder how he even gets coverage. The guy is a certifiable dick without any moral compass
Fuck DeSantis/Florida.
I used to catch flights that had layovers in Miami
No fucking more
I will never set foot in Florida again, no matter if it is inconvenient or costs me extra to avoid it.
I brought my son to Disney World/Universal 15 years ago thankfully for him he had that experience then before it became a Trump bastion.
Fucking cocksuckers (the Supreme Court) sided with that shithole & what did we get instead of an intelligent human being?
Fucking George Walker (what the fuck is a name like Walker) Bush & how the fuck did that work out, hey?
It cost fucking almost a million lives, for nothing & almost collapsed the economy

This soldier, who placed his life on the line for who/what?
I congratulate that soldier for sticking a fucking fork in Bush's forehead (listen to the boos for that soldier speaking the truth who put his life on the line for this country)
based on FUCKING LIES!!!!!!!!!!!

That cocksucker Cheney, who you know was the one that initiated the fucking lies & talked the stupidest POTUS we ever had until Trump showed up, into the biggest shitshow in American history (next to Vietnam).
That asshole brought us into war, using the lie that Iraq/Afghanis were somehow involved in 9/11, even though the attackers were fucking Saudis, who apparently can murder at will with no repercussions.
And who signed off/initiated this murder spree that cost thousands of American solders lives & killed 100's of thousands Iraqi/Afghani lives.
Fucking GW.
And did he pay for it?
Fuck no
So, what are consequences?
We have to look at his shit paintings, like this one of Hillary, forever.

Yea, yea
Home of the free (unless your Black/LGBTQ/a Woman) & the brave.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Home of the dumbest motherfuckers on the Planet Earth is more like it
Racist/bigoted/exploitive & just generally assholes that keep electing Republicans that DO FUCKING NOTHING BUT FUCK THINGS UP & kill people
Dispute it
I fucking dare you
Desantis seems so fringe to me i wonder how he even gets coverage. The guy is a certifiable dick without any moral compass

I agree

He's such a piece of shit it's hard to imagine that he comes up with all of it himself- he must have a team of dedicated miscreants working around the clock to come up with dick moves for him to implement

Florida has much bigger problems than some culture war bullshit that are not being addressed
I agree

He's such a piece of shit it's hard to imagine that he comes up with all of it himself- he must have a team of dedicated miscreants working around the clock to come up with dick moves for him to implement

Florida has much bigger problems than some culture war bullshit that are not being addressed
Yeah but they all involve the ecosphere which is plainly a colossal Commie plot.
Fuck Florida right in its stupid homophobic asshole.

I do believe DeSantis is what we call a front runner for the Republican primary. Which is great, I like that they are super in your face with the bad shit they do/believe now.
Fuck DeSantis/Florida.
I used to catch flights that had layovers in Miami
No fucking more
I will never set foot in Florida again, no matter if it is inconvenient or costs me extra to avoid it.
I brought my son to Disney World/Universal 15 years ago thankfully for him he had that experience then before it became a Trump bastion.
Fucking cocksuckers (the Supreme Court) sided with that shithole & what did we get instead of an intelligent human being?
Fucking George Walker (what the fuck is a name like Walker) Bush & how the fuck did that work out, hey?
It cost fucking almost a million lives, for nothing & almost collapsed the economy

This soldier, who placed his life on the line for who/what?
I congratulate that soldier for sticking a fucking fork in Bush's forehead (listen to the boos for that soldier speaking the truth who put his life on the line for this country)
based on FUCKING LIES!!!!!!!!!!!

That cocksucker Cheney, who you know was the one that initiated the fucking lies & talked the stupidest POTUS we ever had until Trump showed up, into the biggest shitshow in American history (next to Vietnam).
That asshole brought us into war, using the lie that Iraq/Afghanis were somehow involved in 9/11, even though the attackers were fucking Saudis, who apparently can murder at will with no repercussions.
And who signed off/initiated this murder spree that cost thousands of American solders lives & killed 100's of thousands Iraqi/Afghani lives.
Fucking GW.
And did he pay for it?
Fuck no
So, what are consequences?
We have to look at his shit paintings, like this one of Hillary, forever.

View attachment 5121325
Yea, yea
Home of the free (unless your Black/LGBTQ/a Woman) & the brave.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Home of the dumbest motherfuckers on the Planet Earth is more like it
Racist/bigoted/exploitive & just generally assholes that keep electing Republicans that DO FUCKING NOTHING BUT FUCK THINGS UP & kill people
Dispute it
I fucking dare you

Is that his signature at the bottom? It does say '08 but I didn't think he painted until afterward; his paintings have a certain look to them that I don't see here.
Fuck Florida right in its stupid homophobic asshole.

I do believe DeSantis is what we call a front runner for the Republican primary. Which is great, I like that they are super in your face with the bad shit they do/believe now.

I agree; Trump had no vocabulary, really didn't go to Wharton and thought he was a mafia boss..little Stevie on the Sopranos said more words ooooooooooooh!

DeSantis proud as a peacock stupid.

2024 should be fun.

Stop the Steal!
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