Republicans refuse to debate

I defended America with military service. I'm proud to be an American. Still, you can only bash trump. I knew a parrot who had a bigger thought process.
maybe you did, and maybe you didn't...i honestly don't really care one way or the other.
i don't particularly care for you, so if i can refute anything you say, i will. i could care less if you're a sock or a new member, either way, you're rude and combative. i don't care if you're a republican or a democrat, you're still offensive. i read your posts, just so i can accurately reply, because i, unlike you, try to educate the ignorant. and you are the ignorant. i've already heard all your opinions on various offensive right wing news programs and blogs (you have to know your enemy, no matter how offensive you find them) and know the story behind most of the fucked up lying narratives you're trying to push. you do you, just don't try to convince anyone around here, as you can see, none of them are buying it
I tire of pre-teens typing nonsensical things for me to read. Enjoy your "wokeness" fellas, and continue hating what you know nothing about. If Biden doesn't screw America beyond belief, I'll post kudos for the old boy. Enjoy.
that's the ....4th time? you've said goodbye. how many times do you usually say goodbye before you actually leave?
It's pretty funny, whatever, fuck em. I think people who are going to decide their votes based on debate performance would put enough stock in someone no-showing to not vote for them. It might swing a few close states, really speaks volumes about the content of their character and leadership ability.
So lame. Biden won, he sucks as president.
No he doesn't
Live with it.
I shall do so, thanks
Trump said a lot of dumb stuff. Who cares?
Caring people?
You can say anything bad about trump, don't phase me a bit.
Making light of Trump's utter reprehensibility is not about "fazing" you, although you seem more willing to adopt that mantle than is warranted
Well snowflakes, I've enjoyed my time on your retard forum. So many intelligent ideas you've given me to ponder. I'm going back to growing my weed and associating with my 420 buds. Lavish in your 'but, but, what about me' world. Likes for everyone! Hooray!

Do you even grow?