me and my girl what should i do


Well-Known Member
ive been with this girl since high school im 25 now and things arent going so well. shes cheated on me in the past and gave me an std its cured now but what if it was one that couldnt be cured? we have hurt eachother in many ways. our trust and communications cannot be restored. i seem to be the only one trying in our relationship. i am giving up. my best friend wants to get a place together cuz he having girl probs too. i know i should leave cuz 85% of the time we are butting heads or not talking to eachother. i still love her to death but i dont feel its mutual i feel like giving up. i know i need to pack up and leave her but i am too stubborn to walk out on her she has two kids one with me (they should both be mine but she was a whore back then) i love both the kids and they both call me daddy. i dont want to walk out on the kids. i feel this way cuz i would be moving 250 miles away. how can i cope with the feelings? i know i need to leave but i want to tell her why without her getting mad. which is impossible. how can i convince myself that this is what i need to do and to move on with my life and to tell myself i will be there for the kids. how can i change the way i feel. how can i prepare myself for it?


Well-Known Member
Dude, you gotta be there for your kids. Not for the girl but at least your kid. Tell her you're leaving and taking your child with you. She probably won't mind, most women I've met just consider children a burden.


Well-Known Member
the kid we have together she feels is a burden to her. both kids for that matter. if i were to leave, she wouldnt let me take my son. she would however call me in a month or two for me to come get him cuz shes tired of him. she has anger management probs and takes it out on everyone just not me. but because we are together i catch the blunt force of it


Well-Known Member
i know the only reason im here is cuz of the kids. i need to convince myself that this is the best thing for me


shoot her!!! dont tell anyone!!!! dissolve the body in acid, and tell your kids mommy ran away with some one else


Well-Known Member
i wish it was that easy like i said i still love her but i also hate her at the same time. i just need to know how to convince myself that its the right thing to do


Well-Known Member
i know the only reason im here is cuz of the kids. i need to convince myself that this is the best thing for me
reread your first post thats what conviced me that you needed to leave her!! do you realize your taking care of a kid thats not your but a guy that your gf sheated on you with?!? i mean how fucked up his that, just leave bro just do it if you want your kid try to convince her or go to court.


Well-Known Member
makes sense i just dont want to deal with the pain and hurting and all that. but its all good im goin to leave her. i just wish the kids were old enough to understand why

Top 44

Well-Known Member
IMO, it's not gonna get better and it's not good for the kids to see you fighting all the time. It's not gonna be easy, but get the fuck outta there. If you think it's right, try to get custody of your boy.


Active Member
You have got to suck it up and leave asap. Unless you got $ to blow on lawyers or your girls a real dead beat (even then her parent's have a better chance of custody, if they so choose) Your going to have to seperate from your kids as it's difficult for the father to ever get custody.... You will get visitation though. Get a lawyers consultation in your state to see what you legally can do......after you leave.....if the kids are to young to understand, make something up and leave. It's better than fighting around them and getting run around on at the same time. man up
she cheated on you. sad to say but once a cheater- always. take it from a girl, you can tell she really doesnt give a damn. If she did then she would change. sometimes you have to do something for you. if you are not happy then whats the point. life is way to short. you gotta move on =]


Well-Known Member
yeah its just the intitial walking away thats the hardest once i get my mind off her ill be ok its just taking the first step


Active Member
dude leave that bitch and pimp slap that hoe on the way out. the best way to get over one is to get another. i dont mean run out and get a new girlfriend but if you meet any new females that even give you a remote chance pursue it and pole vault in every pussy you can!! use protection of course lol. as for the kids bro teach that bitch a lesson and walk pay your child support and get your child. that other bastard child is someone elses responsibility and she needs to learn that as well. if you continue to have a a relationship with the child that is not yours all that will ever become of that is your feelings about how the lil fucker got here in the first place will come back and do nothing but piss you off in the long run. this is just my personal opinion on your matter but i myself have gone through something very similar in the past and please take it from me the best way to say fuck that hoe is fuck some hoes!!!


Active Member
oh yeah i also forgot to throw in that since all of her friends have seen what has happened in you guys relationship they will most likely side with you and you should try and fuck as many of her friends as humanly possible also

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Here's what I have 2 say about this:
My mom and dad split up when I was 8 and my dad moved across the state. My mom kept all the kids but me cuz I pitched a huge fit until she let me go live with him. But when I got older my mom got sick and I moved back to her city to be close to her and help her through it cuz my kid sisters were too young.
Anyway, my point is that my dad and me are still really close and I think their separation was a good thing because kids learn from their parents and if their parents have a shitty relationship and are always fighting that is going to get into the kids and they may think thats how relationships should be. I don't know what u should do but I think, whatever u decide to do, you should do it because it is what u think is best for everyone.