me and my girl what should i do


Active Member
dude leave that bitch and pimp slap that hoe on the way out. the best way to get over one is to get another. i dont mean run out and get a new girlfriend but if you meet any new females that even give you a remote chance pursue it and pole vault in every pussy you can!! use protection of course lol. as for the kids bro teach that bitch a lesson and walk pay your child support and get your child. that other bastard child is someone elses responsibility and she needs to learn that as well. if you continue to have a a relationship with the child that is not yours all that will ever become of that is your feelings about how the lil fucker got here in the first place will come back and do nothing but piss you off in the long run. this is just my personal opinion on your matter but i myself have gone through something very similar in the past and please take it from me the best way to say fuck that hoe is fuck some hoes!!! sorry to say.....but if u follow this advice^^^ ur no better than she is thats our problem today....everyone thinks with their dicks......all plaesures of the wat heather says and find some one who cares.....not someone who will fuck you....thats how u got in this place


Active Member
yea she screwed me good in more than one way

and i no it hurts....(my dads a loser and my mas a coke whore).......but the best thing u can do is get urself out of there and try and take your kids......just remember.....if they fuck u on sight they will go fuck someone else without thinkin twice too..... good luck and i hope u work this out....


Active Member sorry to say.....but if u follow this advice^^^ ur no better than she is thats our problem today....everyone thinks with their dicks......all plaesures of the wat heather says and find some one who cares.....not someone who will fuck you....thats how u got in this place
dude if you follow my advice you will be way happier than you are now and thats for sure bro. what could be better than fucking her friends unless they are some huge beached whales or some shit like that. let that bitch know how it feels and rock out with your cock out


Well-Known Member
Dude, if she has anger management issues... you can just go to court and get custody of your kid. She might try and get child support out of you for the other one, though... even though you're not the biological father you are still a major 'provider' and they can rope you in that way. ... This girl sounds like she's not the best thing for you ... and is holding you back and keeping you (and your kid) from happiness. I'd talk it over with her first and see if she wants to be reasonable about it. ... From the sound of it she won't be, but you've gotta try.

Best of luck to you. *hug*


Well-Known Member
Dude, if she has anger management issues... you can just go to court and get custody of your kid. She might try and get child support out of you for the other one, though... even though you're not the biological father you are still a major 'provider' and they can rope you in that way. ... This girl sounds like she's not the best thing for you ... and is holding you back and keeping you (and your kid) from happiness. I'd talk it over with her first and see if she wants to be reasonable about it. ... From the sound of it she won't be, but you've gotta try.

Best of luck to you. *hug*
She can't do that hes not the father...


Well-Known Member
Yes she can. If he was the SOLE provider for that child, even if he never adopted it officially, he can be held responsible and be forced to pay child support. I know someone in this situation -- he lived with this girl for 10 years. She had three kids, one of which wasn't his (the other two were... presumably still are) ... he never married her. But they broke up and he moved out... he got stuck paying child support for all three kids. Yes, including the one that wasn't his. When he tried to fight it in court, he was told that because he provided for the kid for so long he was responsible for it.


Active Member
Def. get custody of your son then leave man I've been in a dangerously poisonous relationship and i got out man, but dont let your kid suffer with her the both of you need to get out...