Med Card question. How to get em...


Active Member
So i've been out of weed for awhile, and i've noticed i have developed insomnia, rage, lack of motivation (odd seeing as how thats a cause of smoking bud), bi-polar sometimes, i've been eating less (like... not eating all day really) and just over all i feel :spew:. I understand it could be withdraws, but last year i had to go without bud for a month, and the "withdraw" symptoms didnt leave. So i was curious as to what it takes to get a card.

Im not trying to just cheat the system or any of that shit. I just want to know what they have tied to mary that you can get a med card for. Living near Denver and Boulder is bombness at times...

But i just want a med card to legally grow for personal use. It'll save SO much money, and less stress...



Active Member
So i've been out of weed for awhile, and i've noticed i have developed insomnia, rage, lack of motivation (odd seeing as how thats a cause of smoking bud), bi-polar sometimes, i've been eating less (like... not eating all day really) and just over all i feel :spew:. I understand it could be withdraws, but last year i had to go without bud for a month, and the "withdraw" symptoms didnt leave. So i was curious as to what it takes to get a card.

Im not trying to just cheat the system or any of that shit. I just want to know what they have tied to mary that you can get a med card for. Living near Denver and Boulder is bombness at times...

But i just want a med card to legally grow for personal use. It'll save SO much money, and less stress...

Hey man i live in boulder and am a medical marijuana card holder, however they just dont hand out these things like coffee punch cards. You gotta have some documented illnesses, hiv, chrinic pain, ms, glaucoma, spinal problems, you aint gonna get one coz you think you need it to keep from withdrawing. But if you would like to try and be turned away, then by all means go for it: here is the link to the THC Clinic in wheatridge, you need to bring with you your documents for your illnes and all the meds you are currently taking. MMJ cards are for seriously ill patients who really need it and are not trying to get high. You will need to make an appointment with the THC CLINIC and then take your dcuments, the doc there will charge 180$ to see you, you will get a refund if you dont qualify, but you will get an interview. THEN, if you do get a "recommendation" from the doc, you will need to mail a copy of the papers along with a MMJ app, to the state of colorado with 110$ fee. Takes at least 30 days. If you feel you are seriously ill and really need MMj for relief from chronic illness then this will work for you, but if you are not ILL don't try it and save the back log of patients who really need it , OBTAIN IT> GOOD LUCK
The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation,Medical Marijuana Doctors, Medical Marijuana Clinics, Serving The Cannabis Community Since 1999 - Medical Marijuana as treatment for chronic pain, chronic nausea, AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, chronic muscle spasms, Oregon scroll down to wheatridge clinic


New Member
Yes and thank you kindly.
Its not a 'get in free' card

I have bipolar disorder and smoke weed to help with the symtoms and I am also in the midst of getting my mm card but I live in canada

Good luck to you. :mrgreen::peace:
Hey man i live in boulder and am a medical marijuana card holder, however they just dont hand out these things like coffee punch cards. You gotta have some documented illnesses, hiv, chrinic pain, ms, glaucoma, spinal problems, you aint gonna get one coz you think you need it to keep from withdrawing. But if you would like to try and be turned away, then by all means go for it: here is the link to the THC Clinic in wheatridge, you need to bring with you your documents for your illnes and all the meds you are currently taking. MMJ cards are for seriously ill patients who really need it and are not trying to get high. You will need to make an appointment with the THC CLINIC and then take your dcuments, the doc there will charge 180$ to see you, you will get a refund if you dont qualify, but you will get an interview. THEN, if you do get a "recommendation" from the doc, you will need to mail a copy of the papers along with a MMJ app, to the state of colorado with 110$ fee. Takes at least 30 days. If you feel you are seriously ill and really need MMj for relief from chronic illness then this will work for you, but if you are not ILL don't try it and save the back log of patients who really need it , OBTAIN IT> GOOD LUCK
The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation,Medical Marijuana Doctors, Medical Marijuana Clinics, Serving The Cannabis Community Since 1999 - Medical Marijuana as treatment for chronic pain, chronic nausea, AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, chronic muscle spasms, Oregon scroll down to wheatridge clinic


New Member
See and this is what I am getting at. A lot of members are applying for these cards just for the reason to have a get outta jail free card.

I know I will still smoke weed even if I didn't have said disorders BUT I know for certain that I would NOT apply based on the fact that I just wanna smoke dope safely. That just wouldn't sit right in my consciousness. I sort of thought more people would feel this way but apparently I am far and few between :|


Active Member
Did you even read my post a bit? I stated im not trying to rip the system or anything. I was curious as to what it took. I've heard a few different things and such. Its not withdraws im trying to fix, and its not a get out of jail card im looking for. I have several problems that occur when im not toking, (lack of sleep, lack of eating, shit thats NOT GOOD for me) and they really bother me. Sorry for intruding on your shit or whatever, but thats why i asked. Fuck, people jump your shit for this anymore... if you want to get technical, its still not even a get out of jail free card. Nor is it legal period. Federal law states MJ is a S1 drug, thus it is illegal. Period. Only 1 (well, less then 5, but im for sure of one) person has a REAL legal MJ card from the FEDS. Because the feds deemed that they were the only ones with REAL reasons for bud. So your MJ cards arnt shit anyway...

So dont go talking like your illness and shit is so damn serious that your a "privileged" one or some shit! Im not saying your illness isnt bad or whatever, but its not enough to get you a real MJ card like you think you have. That card only is good for certain area's, but will never be legal if the feds get your ass.

I sure know its a god send for cancer patients that have trouble with Kemo, and glaucoma... but i dont see how it'd solve bi-polarism.

Sorry if you think im bein an ass, but a simple "this is what it takes" or something would be better then "Well its not some bullshit card they hand out"... Common courtesy anyone? No need to jump someones shit for having a misunderstanding. And BTW, i know theres more then one way to get em... and those people do hand em out like candy sometimes...

P.S. after re-reading my post, my last sentence kinda sounds like im just trying to beat the system.. but still, no need to be pissy about it...


Well-Known Member
i love all the self righteous "my illness is better than yours" attitudes. very nice "family" we have here.

document your illness. see a "regular" DR. first. if he diagnoses you with ANYTHING then you are "sick". now you have records. take these to the pot doc.


New Member
Did you even read my post a bit? I stated im not trying to rip the system or anything. I was curious as to what it took. I've heard a few different things and such. Its not withdraws im trying to fix, and its not a get out of jail card im looking for. I have several problems that occur when im not toking, (lack of sleep, lack of eating, shit thats NOT GOOD for me) and they really bother me. Sorry for intruding on your shit or whatever, but thats why i asked. Fuck, people jump your shit for this anymore... if you want to get technical, its still not even a get out of jail free card. Nor is it legal period. Federal law states MJ is a S1 drug, thus it is illegal. Period. Only 1 (well, less then 5, but im for sure of one) person has a REAL legal MJ card from the FEDS. Because the feds deemed that they were the only ones with REAL reasons for bud. So your MJ cards arnt shit anyway...

So dont go talking like your illness and shit is so damn serious that your a "privileged" one or some shit! Im not saying your illness isnt bad or whatever, but its not enough to get you a real MJ card like you think you have. That card only is good for certain area's, but will never be legal if the feds get your ass.Who the FUCK are YOU talking to?

I sure know its a god send for cancer patients that have trouble with Kemo, and glaucoma... but i dont see how it'd solve bi-polarism.

Sorry if you think im bein an ass, but a simple "this is what it takes" or something would be better then "Well its not some bullshit card they hand out"... Common courtesy anyone? No need to jump someones shit for having a misunderstanding. And BTW, i know theres more then one way to get em... and those people do hand em out like candy sometimes...Well exactly dude. AND do you not think that for a moment it might piss some of us that do have legit disorders and cannot get a card for it.
I am bi-polar, have majoy anxiety issues along with ptsd, have fibromylagia. have broken all kinds of bones in my body. have insomnia often, nausea and vomiting etc etc etc....and I am still having a hard time getting mine.

So when someone posts a question 'asking' then I have a right to make any statement I want to.

P.S. after re-reading my post, my last sentence kinda sounds like im just trying to beat the system.. but still, no need to be pissy about it...
Yes it did and we do have a right to be pissy about it.
In fact, I'll be as pissy about it as i choose to be. :twisted:
Thank you. :peace:


Active Member
actually, i'm not really sure that you do have the right to say whatever you want, just because not everyone is fucked up like you doesn't mean they don't have the right to ask a question about getting an Mm card.


Active Member
What wrong with getting a get out of jail card?

If the ban on marijuana is illegitimate(morally constitutionally), and people are in jail unjustly for something that shouldnt be a crime(but rather a medical issue no matter how you look at it), then doing whatever to keep people out of jail including lying to doctors to get cards is justified.

A more extreme example would be lying to the german police about the existence of jews in the house.


Active Member
i have scoliosis and extreme back pain during random points every day. cant bend over to pick something up. really cant do much at all for that period of time. just sit down and wait it over

hope to apply for the card when im back in the states. Wont it seem like im a toker if i ask the doc "i think i know something swell for my back, mary jane"

dont think it would blow over pretty well


Active Member
I think that can sometimes be the best answer tho. "Doc, i tried morphene, viccodin, ect ect, but the only thing that helps is marijuana!"


Well-Known Member
I live in SoCal and just got my recommendation from my doctor. Do I now go to the county and get their card or go to the clubs and get a card? THx


Active Member
I am interested in learning about the application process particularly in Colorado. What I have read ffrom the state health department site states that any doctor with a colorado phycisian licsense can sign the consent form. It doesn't really say anything about what else to send. It said that they must be your bonofide caregiver meaning that the doctor must have experience being YOUR would going to just this one doctor be okay? Does every applicant need to go through this process to be accepted or would my doctor's signature and phone call verification be ample.

Another question one of my good friends is about to put in his application for his medical card. Under the caregiver section could anyone be this person's caregiver including me? What if I wasn't a medical card holder myself would this be okay? I read that the caregiver must be registered on some list, does this mean that I could as long as I registered myself with some database as being the caregiver for this patient I could be the caregiver?

I wish i lived in canada so I could sign my own application and become a med user.


Active Member
Just to chime in if I might, 'tis true, you can't get a mmj card simply for bi-polar, however, numerous patients have additional ailments, including chronic pain and/or nausea issues, which then, in a doctors mind, makes it an eligible situation, in some circumstances. I am NOT a doctor or lawyer, but legal patient advocate in the Rocky Mountain State. Hopefully, these contacts in Colorado will make there way to a posting to help educate you further. Good luck finding a better quality of life. //Colorado Midnight Rider

The woman who runs the Colorado Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Registry recently said in court testimony that there are over 350 physicians within the state who have signed recommendations for mmj therapy. The possibility of your discussing this with another family physician may just be a better and cheaper alternative to going through the few clinics available, which usually charge upwards of $200. to review medical records and make a decision for recommendation or not.

The contact at the registry regularly is willing to speak with physicians to ease their concerns and fears. You see, about eight years ago, after MMJ passed in Colorado, the federal DEA sent letters out to all the physicians in the state threatening them with prosecution, loss of medical license, and just plain HELL if they signed any recommendations. The ensuing "chilling effect" has obviously subsided with so many physicians now willing to see through the benefits of mmj therapy as means to cut down use of prescription and narcotic drugs.

Facts about Medical Marijuana from Colorado Department of Health
Medical Marijuana in Colorado

APPLICATION PACKET for Colorado Medical Marijuana

Colorado Public Education and Support:

North Denver Medical Marijuana Discussion Group
North Denver Medical Marijuana Discussion Group (Denver, CO) -


Colorado Springs Cares Medical Marijuana support
Colorado Springs Cares Medical Marijuana support (Colorado Springs, CO) -

~Colorado CHRONIX Medicinal Cannabis Community~
(Fort Collins)

~Colorado CHRONIX Medicinal Cannabis Community~ (Fort Collins, CO) -

PUEBLO CARES MMJ Education and Support Group
PUEBLO CARES Medical Marijuana Education and Support Group (Pueblo, CO) -

The local chapter of the compassionatecoaltion also has free copies of a CD which has over 300 research papers showing the benefits of mmj for a variety of ailments, that your family physician can review. Just go to one of the meetings listed below, and you should be able to secure a copy for your doctor.

Medical Marijuana Specialist Clinics

CANNAMED.ORG is a Denver area clinic having a complete network of physicians who conduct medical marijuana evalutions. Their unique service can help those who have no records, or old records, but have what they feel are approved ailments as identified by the Colorado Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Registry.
For appointment: 303.271.3450
Fax: 1.866.906.3847,
or email

Wheat Ridge:
THC Foundation Clinic
For appointment: 303.403.9996
Fax: 303.403.9998