If you have all this money and are licensed to do a medical grow on such a massive scale, then I would suggest you get someone from a reputable dispensary in the area and have them consult with you on what you would need as far as space per plant, CO2(so many plants inside will eat relative CO2), fans, lights, ballasts, reflectors, air cooling configurations, calculating the BTU output of all the lights for proper cooling implementation, nutrient choice, growing media, and anything else I missed. Once a plan is on paper and gone over many times, get a GOOD electrician in there. All those lights are going to need juice and you may need a more robust drop put in depending on the final plan. With such large plants, I would look at going with as mentioned above, 10gal pots with soil less media and use nutes. Now with everything planned, make a diagram / layout of the design and get the power points put in at the right places.
You are looking at boku bucks here to implement this properly. Putting in the right infrastructure for this kind of op is BIG money and would be a massive waste if you got out of running your indoor botanical forest. I would suggest starting with a single grow room and honing your skills before expanding so enormously with more big dreams than experience. If you do have the cash, surround yourself with people who know what they're doing and hang on their every word and you should somehow come out of this with a good harvest!
good luck.