do not take the meds dude im serious , i was on anti depresents for a couple years and they turned me into a walking, eating ,sleeping emotionless zombie , they changed my high metabolism to an extremely low one wich made me gain a massive amount of weight over a short period of time , this was 6 years ago and im still fighting the weight , getting off of those tablets was horrendous, much much worse than coming off a 3 year amphetamine addiction , i had out of body experiences , electric shots throughout my body , dizzy spells, blackouts and many more shitty side effects , somehow i got through the withdrawal.... cold turkey , and its something i dont ever wanna mess with again .
these doctors now a days will subscribe this shit to people so fuckin easy , i think its criminal.they dont even know what they are prescribing half the time . my doctor said they had never heard of any side effects from the drugs and basically accused me of making this shit up lol he should of come around my house and watched how fucked up i was , just like my familly had to.
i hope you find the strenght to pull through the bad times without those shitty meds my friend , i damn wish i had done .