Message To April : )


This was the lunch I made today. A Navajo bacon cheeseburger. It was delicious.
Food is so wonderful! Still, I know you think I'm an immature little kid, Dried Meat man, but you make some decent looking food. Just don't be hating on the cumin too much!
here i am.... had to peacock for the lady a bit, am i right? not showing TOO much skin but i like the lighting heh

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Ooh! Thankyou for sharing, sir. I admire your physique- slim but with lovely musculature, but not too bulky either. Congratulations on maintaining yourself so well. As an artist, I'm fascinated with anatomy- how the underlying muscle interacts with the skin. I think the contours are beautiful, as are yours. <3

April, you are beautiful and beauty gravitates toward you.
Haha, so what, I dislike her style, and voice it every now and then...It's not like I'm intentionally slamming her to be malicious...

Really? Because you're the only person on this board that can recall/quote Urca's post history chapter and verse. Do you spend hours scouring her posts to see what you can use against her? How is that not malicious? You look for every opportunity to attack her. It's constant and ongoing to the point of psychotic behavior. Find a different hobby. This one just makes you look like a complete ass.
Food is so wonderful! Still, I know you think I'm an immature little kid, Dried Meat man, but you make some decent looking food. Just don't be hating on the cumin too much!

Cumin is evil. Pure unadulterated evil. :D

And I don't think you're an immature kid. I'm saying your actions are making it look that way. I like the hell out of you Meta. We've had some good interactions and I've had a good chuckle now and again. Just... ease up a bit, bro.
Really? Because you're the only person on this board that can recall/quote Urca's post history chapter and verse. Do you spend hours scouring her posts to see what you can use against her? How is that not malicious? You look for every opportunity to attack her. It's constant and ongoing to the point of psychotic behavior. Find a different hobby. This one just makes you look like a complete ass.

Um, I can recall many a post or reference just from memory after reading it one time, you think I went through your old posts to find out you hate cumin? I read that shit once and it stuck with act like I put so much effort into this, when it really comes easily...I understand you are vehemently opposed to my behavior, but understand that just because I read a lot of posts and retain information does not make me a stalker, I can recall similar information for most of the regular posters on here...
Um, I can recall many a post or reference just from memory after reading it one time, you think I went through your old posts to find out you hate cumin? I read that shit once and it stuck with act like I put so much effort into this, when it really comes easily...I understand you are vehemently opposed to my behavior, but understand that just because I read a lot of posts and retain information does not make me a stalker, I can recall similar information for most of the regular posters on here...

O.k. then. :) I said my piece. It's time to move on. So how about them Bears? :p
bush2.jpg The bushes chili peppers.jpg Chili peppers, lots and lots of chili peppers!! chili pepper.jpg Dittobush1.jpgLe "bushes" again, sorry can't get em all in one shot.
green chili peppers.jpgchili peppersalmost ripe.jpgalmost ready!!habenaros.jpgHabenaros, yummy!!green peppers.jpgGreen peppers bitches!!
View attachment 1765289 The bushes View attachment 1765288 Chili peppers, lots and lots of chili peppers!! View attachment 1765287 DittoView attachment 1765286Le "bushes" again, sorry can't get em all in one shot.
View attachment 1765291chili peppersView attachment 1765290almost ready!!View attachment 1765292Habenaros, yummy!!View attachment 1765293Green peppers bitches!!

lovely lovely bush you got there april!

i could just take a big bite out of your bush lmao.
Cumin='jeera' in Trinidad. They smother just about everything in it, especially chicken. I thought we could have a just a little cultural common ground to stand on lol ^^; Well, minus the Indian and Chinese business...
Nice looking peppers! HomeGrown food tastes SOOOO much better too!

Ya i keept topping my peppers like i do my other ladies and the bulked up nicely, now to achieve the same "bush" with my weed, now that would be awesome.

Oh yes it does!! I've dined on freshly dug tatters (potatoes) many times this summer, fresh yellow and purple beans, lettuce, still waiting on the p-nuts, pumpkins and watermellon, pulled the summer veggies that were drying today, i keep a neat and tidy garden.
Ya i keept topping my peppers like i do my other ladies and the bulked up nicely, now to achieve the same "bush" with my weed, now that would be awesome.

Oh yes it does!! I've dined on freshly dug tatters (potatoes) many times this summer, fresh yellow and purple beans, lettuce, still waiting on the p-nuts, pumpkins and watermellon, pulled the summer veggies that were drying today, i keep a neat and tidy garden.

Glad to hear you keep the bush fresh local ingredients is really the secret to good food in restraunts too...I dream of retiring with a B&B and a couple acre organic farm...Thats the goal at least! I was raised on it, my grandfather had a 2 acre "garden" that he worked in religiously after he retired, nothing tastes better than food from the heart!!