Message To April : )


Well-Known Member
Short answer, no...I questioned Urca's motives for being an RIU member for like 10 pages, so it's a lot of nothing for a long time...

so alot of the same thing....

I notice a urca bashing thread not to far above this one.

You all been having a party while I've been out I see.


Well-Known Member
the last three threads I remember reading are about urca....or turned into a urca bash fest very quickly.

I swear people just need to fuck and get it over with ;)


Well-Known Member
pretty much... wanna join? it wouldnt hurt
Don't get discouraged, they're just blowing off steam...We ALL know I'm guilty of doing that more often than most...This latest thread is a little over the top though...


Well-Known Member
its the same guys over and over again. let them say what they want. its not like everything they say is something ive never heard before.


Well-Known Member
Don't get discouraged, they're just blowing off steam...We ALL know I'm guilty of doing that more often than most...This latest thread is a little over the top though...
well it did make me cry, so i figure it worked. i refuse to defend myself. you either like me or you dont

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
urcas one of the toughest ppl here...she may ask alot of ridiculous questions....but she takes the most ridicule and is always back for more....i no idv left a long time ago....


Well-Known Member
well it did make me cry, so i figure it worked. i refuse to defend myself. you either like me or you dont
Don't post any more over there hun, just let it run it's course...It'll be over soon enough...I knew that one would make you cry, and for that, I feel remorse...Even though I didn't start it, I feel like they're taking it too far. For this, I honestly say I'm Sorry...


Well-Known Member
yeah im done with posting over there, starting new threads... shit ill just reply to other people's threads...


Well-Known Member
yeah im done with posting over there, starting new threads... shit ill just reply to other people's threads...
Naw, you just keep doing what you're doing and you'll be cooler than any of us...Blaze your own path and don't care about what other people think, then you'll see that it was all bullshit to begin with. Don't change cause of us, you're stronger than that...


Well-Known Member
i may be toughened up by years of torment throughout school, but i cant be tough all the time. Idk what im gonna do...


Well-Known Member
i may be toughened up by years of torment throughout school, but i cant be tough all the time. Idk what im gonna do...
You're gonna be fine, it's no big deal, the fuck what some people on RIU think of you, it's not real so that shit means nothing. Really, unless someone has a meaningful relationship with you, the sooner that you learn their opinion means nothing, the better! Obviously there are exceptions for every rule, you want your teachers and bosses to think highly of you, but who cares about what me or some other twat online who has nothing better to do than jerk off at the thought of making teenagers cry thinks about you...

EDIT: Not really what turns me on, but you get the idea... ;)