Message To April : )

who u talking about?

u willis!

lol you vs anyone off the forum...ill put up 10:1 on 1k bet... and fly you too them. Tape it. Get that shit stickied....epic. MMA. 3 min rounds. 10k$ to anyone who beats you...if you get $550 I'll take $450. simple.

sign on dotted line.

u willis!

lol you vs anyone off the forum...ill put up 10:1 on 1k bet... and fly you too them. Tape it. Get that shit stickied....epic. MMA. 3 min rounds. 10k$ to anyone who beats you...if you get $550 I'll take $450. simple.

sign on dotted line.

.................................................. .....................
i wanna fight him :D this it what it would be like for him.
[video=youtube;75cpv9PQkx8][/video] haha jk man
u willis!

lol you vs anyone off the forum...ill put up 10:1 on 1k bet... and fly you too them. Tape it. Get that shit stickied....epic. MMA. 3 min rounds. 10k$ to anyone who beats you...if you get $550 I'll take $450. simple.

sign on dotted line.


Is the space in between your dotted lines for Signature and Date?

No. Because in quote it's all one line. :rolleyes: ;)
u willis!

lol you vs anyone off the forum...ill put up 10:1 on 1k bet... and fly you too them. Tape it. Get that shit stickied....epic. MMA. 3 min rounds. 10k$ to anyone who beats you...if you get $550 I'll take $450. simple.

sign on dotted line.


Oh dam I'm down could use the extra cash. SO when this happening? i got a break between classes tomorrow 315pm till 630pm.
You need my address here or what?
now your flexing other people muscles this guy is talented

and on a side note a grilled cheese with tomato soup sounds really good right now
i got a buddy who is 5'6 170 3% bfp he could use some new clothes,i should mention he has the muscle stucture of someone 7in taller, five 1/2 vertibrea were not present and since re maid like the million dollar man,
Aww sweety what can i make u 2 eat?

i love girls like you lol something bomb what u good at making lol i have a bomb kitchen for just that purpose (i love cooking) but im lazy haha girls love cooking at my house though works for me aha