Message To April : )

u willis!

lol you vs anyone off the forum...ill put up 10:1 on 1k bet... and fly you too them. Tape it. Get that shit stickied....epic. MMA. 3 min rounds. 10k$ to anyone who beats you...if you get $550 I'll take $450. simple.

sign on dotted line.


Can i wrestle u for potluck of ur stash? I promise i'll bite ;) grrrrrrrrr
haha i almost spit beer on my screen
son? how old are u
cuz im sure if truth be told i could be your dad
what is our moms name

u probably could be, im glad i brought some entertainment to ur night ahha but never spill a beer man that is just a crime against humanity ROFL
i may be wrong im sure some of u others hit it too back in the day
the ? u need to ask is are u my daddy and not call them son
i may be wrong im sure some of u others hit it too back in the day
the ? u need to ask is are u my daddy and not call them son

You have the most convoluted way of typing. It has absolutely nothing to do with you personally and everything to do with your writing.