MHRB Extraction

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I'm not really a picture type of guy... Sorry.
Nice on that new order. I'm really irritated that things like dmt and acid are worse to have than meth (according to law). I've never heard of anyone doin a B and E and committing felony theft over hallucinogens...
My roommates done a B and E with his head on hallucinogens. Didn't steal anything though. He wasn't going fast enough to fly through like a torpedo, he hit the window, broke it, and fell on the ground.


Well-Known Member
so how can i figure out if my mimosa tree in my back yard is mimosa hostilis. All mimosas are pretty much the same looking. its at least 4 years old cuz i hear they grow a meter a year give or take, but how the hell do i know which type of mimosa it is


Active Member
Best guide on DMT extraction IMO because is explains why you do the different steps

The following is not a Tek, but rather a concordance of Teks. Virtually all DMT extractions follow the same basic process; they differ only in whether the initial extract is acidified, and in what purification techniques they prefer. I posted it on another forum (the Shroomery), but figured it might be of use to some folks here.

The internet community has really stepped up in terms of providing step-by-step walkthroughs to guide the layman through the process of extracting DMT crystals. A quick search for DMT extraction teks turns up dozens of procedures; but how’s a body to know which tek to choose? I've seen a lot of posts by people having problems with purity due to trying to follow a tek too closely (especially ones that don't give the reader a target pH).

Really though, all of the teks out there boil down to the same process: Extract DMT into an aqueous solution, collect DMT as the freebase in a nonpolar solvent, then recover the freebase as a solid. All of the differences between teks are just differences in purification techniques. And depending on your starting material and available chemicals, the purification steps in any given tek may not suit your extraction. Which is why I've written the following extraction overview, so the extractor can chart a plan of attack that best suits their extracting conditions. I'm not going to go into mundane detail on accomplishing any particular step, just give enough information that someone acquainted with basic extraction processes could easily accomplish it. This level of detail is covered thoroughly in the teks.