robroy, in your little utopia, why do you think that little kids can consent to sexual activities?
why does your utopia include pedophilia?
You are persistent in your false allegations, I'll give you that.
When the bad man touched you, in the hypothetical situation, the lil bucky character consented to the act. You seem to have excerpted that from your narrative poopy pants. Although a person acknowledging that some acts can be consensual is not the same as that person approving of those acts is it?
For instance a person can consent to many things, you could consent to letting someone shit on your floor and that's your right, it doesn't mean that I approve of it, does it? No, it doesn't. Of course, you as a child could have consented to any number of things I wouldn't approve of, just as you as an adult could. If your consent was not under duress, it's between you and the bad man sweetie.
My utopia doesn't allow people to engage in forcing people to do things, yours does....rapist.