My apologies, but your sense of fear has overridden your sense of logic.
What you propose will happen, under anarchy, has ALREADY happened under a central coercive government which holds a monopoly on the use of defensive force, and a monopoly on nearly anything else you care to bring up.
I do like that you used the word kraal though, very African of you...Chaka Kynes.
No, anarchy, the absence of a central authority, is not the boogeyman, it is the logical end of freedom concepts.
Why you fear it is the boogeyman... you are likely uninformed, misinformed and indoctrinated.
Anarchy does not guarantee freedom, it guarantees the POSSIBILITY of freedom, which is more than ANY coercive central government ever has or can. A coercive monopolistic government guarantees the IMPOSSIBILITY of freedom.
Now go read some more and stop trying to argue that up is down.