Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Problem is they ALL lie a honest man can not get elected its the man with the MONEY
Why do you think they spend MILLIONS to get a offie that pays 150000 a year


Well-Known Member
I agree with the both of ya for sure. I know for a fact if ben flanklin,and thomas jefferson should up they would not be happy. Alot of people died PROLONGING our freedoms.


Well-Known Member
Problem is they ALL lie a honest man can not get elected its the man with the MONEY
Why do you think they spend MILLIONS to get a offie that pays 150000 a year

I hear ya bro, But we can still try I for one will never give up!


Well-Known Member
I agree with the both of ya for sure. I know for a fact if ben flanklin,and thomas jefferson should up they would not be happy. Alot of people died PROLONGING our freedoms.

I'm sure they are rolling over in there graves with what is going on in this fine country.


Well-Known Member
i'll be at arts beats n eat's in pontiac today supporting the med community, just seen in the news a guy had his card, got raided, and while waiting to go to court to get his shit back, died of a heart attack from all the stress...how the fuck does this happen, we voted for medical marijuana, and now they want to scare us from getting a card, and growing medicine..these ppl have some balls, and I for one plan to castrate them!

you better belive next picture you see of my outdoor garden, you'll think im outta states...100 ?,200 ?,300 ?,700 ?

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good cause
Wish I would have known earlier and I would have done a road trip Got the kitchen floor torn out now sure the wife wont let me out of it now


Well-Known Member
Well I have had my first plant stolen! It was a 5 foot cm.. I had no feeling towards the plant cxcept I wanted to smoke it, so I am taking it well. There will be no investigation or house burning or episode on my end. That was the only plant in that area, so no worries. I still would not mind it if the person that stole it found out he has cancer to tomorrow and will be passing on next month though.

everything else is fine. my seeds are really staring to fill out! Man did those plants love that rain, I see a real increase in size as to 3 days ago! Good luck boys.

Dam bro that sucks sorry bout your loss..:peace:
I hate rippers!:evil:


I'm not sure if I agree with that. The longer the plant grows in the veg cycle the bigger it will get. The bigger it is when it hits the flowering cycle the more places on the plant for buds to develop. Besides, I am waaaaay too impatient to wait until July. I wake up and go to bed thinking about my grow. My baby's are gonna be soaking up the sun no later than June 1:weed:
I always prep the grow site around may 10th, then plant the little guys or just the seeds by may 20th.. I always get around 5 1/2 foot christmas trees.


Well-Known Member
ponticrack! hhah lol never heard that before...shit I hate going anywhere outside the sticks and onto concrete I feel so outta place..I dress like a skater which is semi ghetto I guess..some of it, but I'm truly 110% a hillbilly...I was born in the city but grw up in the sticks and I cant bled in well lol!

rzza we never ended up going! I was pissed ..my buddy has a screen printing biz..fucking designed some MMJ shirts and everything and had extra to hand out to hot girls...never made it...ended up in luna in royal oak instead...sweet little bar...I got about a half O and an 8r of hash...im down to medicate!..sounds weird saying that to me

my keyboard is fucked its so hard to type...anyway all seems well at this point my area has a new hydro shop and the owner is bombarded with new patients looking for a caregiver in the area I think I'm going to get a few...maybe all 5..just sux I dont have the cash I expected to set up a pro gro..got getto tek going agian! damnit!


Well-Known Member
mornin boys! You cut a few down this weekend GreenDave? Anyone got anything to share with the class today? I will have a few recent snapshots after the morning check-up!. Well we finally got the rain go figure, only a couple months late.

A tip for the newbies... I know you want your buds big, but don't be getting experimental now. Many of us in michigan did not get the rain we needed this summer. In return your soil may not be as clean as you think.. If you have fertilized your plant or plants through-out the summer without giving them ample water through-out the grow you may have a issue waiting to erupt..Now is not the time to have a chemical fert overdose.

I know many of the newbies will be going out soon to give there plants a feeding they "won't soon forget". And the reason you are doing this is valid "to get those buds huge". But before going out with a potent mix of ferts think about it for a second. Make sure that tonic is not a bit too strong, remember if you have fertilized through-out the summer there will already be "stuff" in the soil from lack of summer rain. There can be a real good chance of stunting your ladies this year.

This is indeed crunch time. If you stress your girls now your harvest "will" reflect that.... Keep the soil clean..That'll make them buds mean...it rymes lol

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Not yet when I checked last Thursday trics were all cloudy will be going Saterday to take at least 2 or 3 want thick buds why take them early after all this time 1 more week I can wait


Well-Known Member
Happy labor day! I got a few more weeks till I'm gonna pick a Afghani strain I'm running, All the other plants are sativa dom so they will be ready the first week of October I hope.


Well-Known Member
kloset, luna is cool we have gone there a few times. i just dont like the crowd very much.


Well-Known Member
I picked my second plant and the bottom half of the first plant I cut. This plant is really good, it has a great smell and lots of crystals. It is only about 20 grams though, but really good. Between the two plants I cut so far I have about an ounce and a half dry. I will grow this strain again next year as every year it is the first one done, the only bad thing is I've grown four plants from these seeds and the tallest one was like three feet. One of my big plants got knocked over in the storm last Friday and doesn't look too good. I tied it up and it seems to be recovering. My other big bagseed plants are doing really good, the buds are really forming and I think they'll be ready by Oct. 15th. Screw the police, here are some pics.100_0089.jpg100_0088.jpg100_0091.jpg100_0093.jpg100_0090.jpg100_0094.jpg100_0092.jpg100_0096.jpg


Well-Known Member
firelane....are all your plants bagseed? I cannot remember if you told us earlier or not.


Well-Known Member
rzza the crowd depends on the night you go they have like 80's nite, alt rock night, all that..I went friday and it was alt rock night..it was pretty dope I fit in in that crowd, not like the hardcore punk but more like clean cut skater i guess...just cuz I skate and listen to hardcore /screamo doesnt mean I need to dress like a "freak". for lack of better word, so its been a while no word, nothing even in the paper, I talked to the local hydro shops and they said there has been alot of ppl in my area having the same thing happen to them since the laws are GREY as fuck, cops taking ppl's grows..I'm going to do this next year outdoors but I'll have a nice fence and a greenhouse and only 6-8 plants outside and the rest indoors, I also plan to get some patients, well, all 5 actually..and set up somthing big. I also plan to find a hydro shop that wants to do seminars or classes this way I can give back to the community and make a little cash with the knowledge I have..from what I've heard the ppl in my area DESPERITLY NEED HELP

OH and I will also be printing t-shirts that I designed thru my boys company d1m3clothing his site and clothes on there now are lame..sad to say but the shirt I got out is bad ass..fully supporting the med community I'll get some pictures and what not soon maybe a few of you fellas can help me push um..or hook me up with some dispencry owners that may need shits made for them as well..