Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Active Member
first time growing outside. here what the plants look like so far. The first one is ak48 (which has a weird single leaf mutation going on)(2PICS), the second is acupulco gold(2PICS), the third is california hash plant(2PICS) and the other clones are mostly white widow(THE REST)...

couple questions though..

a couple ww clones are starting to go purple. anyone know why? i've heard because of the cold at night, but it really doesnt get cold at all..

and second, any estimates on the yeild? like i said, ive never grown outdoors before so this is all quite an experiance..

peace & love fellow michiganites:peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
View attachment 1727658View attachment 1727654

1st pic is my cuz helping me water a couple of last years prize CMs' this year!. 2nd pic is just 3 fat little pigs.

Looking good skatman! Did you get your WW from GHS? I ran one last year, it caught some sort of bug and was fucked up a touch at the end but was good smoke all the same. I put some CM pollen on that WW last year and the kids are great for the head.


Well-Known Member
hic, they pigs are looking good man. last years pic is great. looks like ya got a shitload from her. hope mine do good they are about 5 ft now. i m finally getting preflowers.

when should i dust a bud with pollen? green crack with some milky way pollen. i havent had any yet but i have a female in flower room now. but too early ,no pre flowers. thanks hic. also the blueberry is curing nicely.


Well-Known Member
hammer the pic was tooken this year, as a matter of fact last night. I was looking to trick someone with how I wored that.

I put pollen on females when the females buds are about the size of a dime.


Well-Known Member
hammer the pic was tooken this year, as a matter of fact last night. I was looking to trick someone with how I wored that.

I put pollen on females when the females buds are about the size of a dime.
thanks hic. i need to check my pollen tomorrow and see if i can get some..


Well-Known Member
touma - your ladies should finish between the dates 9/20 - 10/25. A plant can yeild a half ounce to a pound " I would think".


Well-Known Member
Damn nice to see ya again GD, thanks for the gifts! I like the taste of that "the dope". Hope everything is pretty when you get to your ladies. Can't wait to hear the official report.

Any of you guys seen helicopters lately? I have not seen them in awhile it seems. I hope they are done for the year.


Well-Known Member
Damn nice to see ya again GD, thanks for the gifts! I like the taste of that "the dope". Hope everything is pretty when you get to your ladies. Can't wait to hear the official report.

Any of you guys seen helicopters lately? I have not seen them in awhile it seems. I hope they are done for the year.
I've been working on scaffolding everyday with a birds eye view of my area for the past month and haven't seen one. Hope it stays that way

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well guys the report is out of 20 Im down to 16 and they are alot smaller then last year ( its all on me) being bussy with work and not giving the girls the attention they should have gotten, just hope they will forgive me and have good size buds on a smallish plant .
they are all about 5' and not to bushy


Active Member
just checked on the girls today. The clones are about 6.5 ft and they look like they're just about ready to start flowering. Theres a couple white hairs here and there but they still havent taken off yet.

as for the bushes, still nothing.they're gaurenteed females, but its still nice to see them shoot out a couple hairs here and there.

ahhh, the outdoor game. waiting waiting waiting


Well-Known Member
and a waiting waiting waiting.

GD thanks for the report. Next year you will have to make time for your self and fuck everything else. Thanks again for the gifts!


Well-Known Member
GD do you think it would be a good idea to use this heavy harvest on the ladies in the GH? If so how much would you apply to the top of soil. They are in 20 gallons of soil.

The ladies are really coming along out in the woods. I will have buds on many maybe today? By the end of this weekend come Monday morning I will be singing the white top sing along song.

I am still concerned with the wind and the helis. My gut is telling me they will be around 1 more time around the end of the month. My head though says they have been around already for a couple days in this area at least 3 times this year and are outta money and satisfied with what they have already done round here.

I hope the more time that goes on the more the police learn of the auto flowering plants capabilities and will be done in the sky by end of july in the years to come. This will give me more peace of mind come harvest.lol That is the only reason.

How do you hide drugs from a cop dog in a car search? You add cajun pepper and black pepper to your carpeting and your seats half ass heavily. Why?..... To destroy a nose is to walk away a free man. Seek and Destroy and get your pot to market! Good luck boys.


Well-Known Member
Also seeing as I am putting transport on the matters to dicuss list I will also add that... You must wrap your sacks good with multiple layers of plastic to ensure your safety.

I will tell you how I transport my marijuana.

Rule/Step #1 - I try to never touch the marijuana when bagging. Before I begin bagging I place all that is needed on paper plates that have been pre-weighed just minutes prior.

Rule/Step #2 - I wash me hands. I then beging dumping the pre weighed pot inside of the baggies. "I usually do 2 ounces at a time" Without ever touching the pot again. This is done by simply bending the paper plate.

Rule/Step #3 - I wash my hands again and now put on gloves. I place the baggies in a vaccum seal bag and suck down 2 bags "Quarter Pound" inside 1 vaccum sealed bag. I repeat the procces according to situation.

Rule/Step #4 - Now the bags are vaccum sealed and I have "lets say 8 bags" to take care of. I take off my gloves wash my hands and apply another pair. I then put those 8 bags in a single vaccum seal bag and seal.

Rule/Step #5 - I have them all vaccum sealed into 1 bag. So I do it again and vaccum seal the whole thing 1 more time.

Rule/Step #5 - I look threw the fridge and I gather the trash. I put some nasty ass hamburger and whatever else I can find that is strait up nasty and cover the bag with it "steaks hamburger watermelon..etc" into its own trash bag. I then throw that trash bag into the normal trash somewhere on the bottom.

Rule/Step #6 - Take off the gloves and take a shower. After shower take 2 bags trash and peppers to trunk. ! bag of trash you are bringing is a couple days old the other bag of trash you have is more recent and hides your jewel. Put the trash in the back and apply your peppers half ass heavily!. Shut trunk.lol

Rule/Step #7 - Apply just a touch of pepper to the floor of the interior of the car. Throw the pepper shakers out of the car and everything else that will not link you to your character. " I go as far as to put 2 cristian music CD's on the passanger seat for all to see. I then take off to the arranged meeting that was set up in person weeks or days ago. After an air freshener is thrown out of obstructive veiw territory in the ash tray.

RULE NUMBER 8 and the most important rule. Do not smoke pot before you go. Wait until the chore is done! You will get home with $6000 dollars so everything you have done was worth it.

Your common sense and your lack of being a pussy will get you ahead in life. The pot never suffers from all the shit I put it threw. To clean the pot just take scissors to the vaccum sealed bags and wha-la good clean grade A smoke.

I was bored and thought I could share something this morning. Peace MI