Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL, perpetual Stealth locker lots of pix

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Going through some rough times, and not wanting to pay some one else for my medicine, I decided to grow my own. Something I should have done a long time ago. I will admit, it was just easer to buy what you needed when you needed. However the local supply is less then desirable :(.

So it begins...

First thing is deciding what kind of grow... I don't need much so a micro cab grow would be perfect for me... looking around the house I picked this locker cab as the base of my grow.

I'll start with the top half, which has is separated into 2 chambers by a removable and hight adjustable shelf. I plan to use the top chamber for budding and the lower chamber for a clone mother and clones. I will work on the lower half later as my grow gets going.

I'm going for stealth, small scale and ease of use not to mention low cost. A trip to the city and about a $100 later I'm ready to get creative.

Used mylar emergency blankets to coat the inside for maximum reflection.

Will be using a plastic shoe box tub for a 4 plant cloner.

I could have drilled out 6 holes, but 4 is all I need.

The cloner will be DWC with an air pump feeding an airstone to oxygenate the solution. All the bubbles popping on the surface creates a fine mist giving it an aeroponics effect. Clones love that. The small tub has been completely covered with reflective chrome duct tape to keep light out, and reflect it back into the cab.

This is a great time to germinate some beans

Cut a clear plastic cup. Fold and role up a paper towel in the cup. Place 5 beans between the side of the cup and the paper towel. Add some water and keep it in a warm and dark place. Sneaking a peak everyday to add water and check for tap roots.



Well-Known Member
hey man, nice and clean setup, can u pm me or just show us some pics of ure plants at the moment? This is just a question but are u making it really stealth coz ure living with ure rents or just safety for cops and shit....?

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
hey man, nice and clean setup, can u pm me or just show us some pics of ure plants at the moment? This is just a question but are u making it really stealth coz ure living with ure rents or just safety for cops and shit....?
I'm keeping it stealth cuz I think micro stealth cabs are cool.. that and around here I just don't trust people... I have a medical marijuana card, so cops are no problem, though honestly the cops around here are not to be trusted ether.... I can see them taking my stuff, giving me a charge, only fore me to beat it in court... but still go through all the drama :-|

This way, the only people that know is me, my girlfriend..... and well, you fine folk :mrgreen:

Any way, this was an error post, you can find the rest of it here.....

