Microcab2 - - 5 Chocolate chunk clones - 5 Swiss cheese 12 12 from seed.


Active Member
So heres the first update from round 2.just finished a pc grow, got around an ounce form 2 clones.we're on day one of week six today, clones have maybe 2 - 3 weeks left. seeds have 5 - 6 i reckon.been feeding all the way through. nothing special, rose feed for flowering and orchid feed for a nitrogen boost when things get a bit yellow.apologies for the crap photos but this will be updated early next week when the cameras back in action.enjoy!


Active Member
How large are the photos?
I dont think its a problem with the photos as ive uploaded from this camera before. i think it was a problem with my browser, gonna give it another whirl now...hmm the 'manage attatchments' button isnt working for me! ive tried 3 different browsers on 2 computers... never had a problem before?Anyone else having problems?


Active Member
cheers wilma ;)
the case is 45 x 45 x 65 cm approx
plants are no more than 10 inches tall from the soil
sorry to mix measurements!

Still forgot to charge the camera so pic updates will take a while...


Active Member
update one of a few tonight, give me time...


Thats a 30 cm ruler, 15 inch i think for all you yanks. itl pop up a few times.

all have been fairly heavily trained.


Active Member
5 chocolate chunk clones are in black pots / cut bottles

5 swiss cheese in the snack pot things.



Active Member
nutes used?
Nothing special to be honest with you mate. Some doff rose feed for flowering and some miracle grow orchid food which has higher nitrogen for when things get a bit yellow. Feed almost every watering but the chunk clones are on flush now.
They're in some fairly standard 'citrus plant' soil aswell with a bit of perlite incase you wondered :p


could be baby bio orchid food haha