midgrow NooB


Have a couple basic questions on the topic of cloneing and a curing tech. i found some info on but not the outcome.

1. will cuttings take to rooting if i mearly dip the tip in rooting powder and place into a 1.5 x 1.5 rockwool block and place it directly to soil in a solo cup with a 2 lit bottol to cover them?...soil is 2 parts black gold 1 part light warrior. floor temp 78.2 abient temp is 79.2 to 81 deg f. water is aged tap water ph ed to 5.5 to 5.8 no nutes.

2. I am 3 weeks into flowering my first crop and set up to hang the plants in a nice cool dry place down stairs. i have read the info on after that placing buds into paper sacks and turning them once a day or so. but i seen dome info one curing yer buds in cedar trys and tho i have found ppl who say they were gonna try it or had info on it none included the flavor to the budz or if this was a good way to cur um other then to say cigars are offten stored in cedar lined boxes...any more info on this would be awsome...ty


Active Member
you can dip them in hormone and place right in soil after you cut them and make sure that the 2 liter has a tight seal at the bottom
dont dry them in bags if you have to touch them your flattening your buds and knocking off the Crystals hang them upside down in a cool dark place until dry than place in a jar and open once a day for about a week or so