Simple Tutorial For Beginners Using Hempy & Lucas

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
1) Cannabis Cultivation Basics Using Passive Hydroponics (Hempy) & Maxibloom (Lucas Formula)

Introduction: This tutorial is geared to a specific method which is adaptable/transferable to other methods of growing. Geared for the beginner grower, or those interested in a simple Hempy guide beyond drilling a hole (see ch 8 ).

Having good genetics (seeds/clones from a reputable vendor), a clean proper enviroment, and keeping it simple will give you great Weed.

The basics, and simple methods using the one part nutrient GH Maxibloom ( ), and the passive hydroponics of Hempy.

Check out for specific tutorials on plant training, sexing, plant problem troubleshooting, and other grow topics.

Get to know how to grow first before experimenting, and, or taking advice from amateurs (those that think they found the secrets). Use keywords like "grow", and "cannabis" in your internet searches to help narrow down results.

Quick Reference:

Veg: 18/6 Bloom: 12/12

6500K Veg 2700K Bloom (ok to mix in some 6.5K)

Maxibloom: 1/2 tsp (3.5 grams dry measure) per gal (500 watts, or less lighting). 1 tsp (7 grams dry measure) per gal (600 watts, or more lighting, or Sun)

Dynagro ProTekt (Silicone): .5ml per gal (nute jug)

PH: 6.0 (piss yellow using GH PH kit)

Bleach: 1-2 drops from a pipette per gal (do not exceed 3 drops, Do both PH 6, and nute jugs)

PH 6 Jug: 1 gallon of ph 6 water only

Nute Jug: 1 gallon of nutrient ph 6 water

Store jugs, and supplies in a clean, cool, dark, and dry place


Rockwool 1.5" starter cubes

Some Pipettes (Do not mix pipettes, or use the same one for different liquids)

General Hydroponics (GH) ph kit (ph up, ph down, tester fluid, and vial)

GH Maxibloom (2.2 lbs bag lasts a long time)

Dynagro ProTekt silicone (pint,or quart)

Hydroton clay balls (at least a 2 lb bag)

Several dark colored 40z hard plastic drinking cups

Two clean 1 gal jugs

Seeds from an Indica dominant strain from a reputable vendor

2) Photoperiods Vegetative & Bloom:

Veg 18/6: At least 18 hours of light keeps the plant in a growth stage. The plant can be kept like this indefinitely even in a small space using Bonsai, or LST (light stress training). The more you veg the more the mature the plant (1-2 or more months for maturity).

Bloom 12/12: 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of uninterrupted dark makes the plant stretch (strain determines how much), and produce flowers (buds), or pollen sacks (balls) if male. Light leakage during the dark will stress out plant, and cause it to hermaphrodite (hermie), or grow male parts. Applying Bonsai techniques, or root trimming stresses plant in bloom, but some LST is ok.

Blooming from seedling can be done, but less yield compared to a mature plant.
Indica typically takes 2 months to finish blooming, is bushy, and produces a body stone.

Sativa can take 3 months, or more, tall lanky, and a head cerebral high with some psychedelics.

Most strains are hybrids of the two. Avoid autoflowering strains, or feminised seeds which are counterintuitive to this tutorial.

Light Spectrum/Color Temperature:

Veg: 6500 K (Kelvin) bright summer daylight blue hue. Fluorescent tubes, CFL bulbs, or Metal Halide (MH) lighting.

Bloom: 2700 K fall harvest orange red sun. Fluorescent tubes, CFL bulbs, or High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lighting.

For veg stick with 6500k only, but in bloom mixing in some 6500k is beneficial.

Colored cfl bulbs (red/blue/orange) used for mood/party atmosphere do not work. LED lights with these colors are a different thing, and do extensive multisourced research before buying LED grow lights. Halogen, and incandescent bulbs do nothing for plants except give off heat. Plants cannot see green light which people use (green flashlights) to inspect during the bloom dark period (I would only do this if absolutely needed).

There are reflective coverings people use to line the walls of their grow such as Mylar. I prefer to use flat white paint with low voc (volatile organic compounds) which is premium house paint. If using MH, or HPS buy a quality metal reflector for it instead of having mylar, or paint falling on the hot bulb.

Less wattage is needed in veg. More wattage is needed in bloom to dense out the buds. Floros are great for veg, does the job for bloom, but HPS will have an edge over floros in bloom.

Get to know your specific lighting's penetration, sweetspot, and distance recommendations.

3) Target Temperatures & Humidity Level (the ideal enviroment which to dial your system into the best you can):

Plant: 70°-75°F

Root zone: 65°-72°F (higher temps can lead to root rot while lower temps can stress with freezing being fatal).

Germinating Seed:

75°-80°F It's most important that the emerging Taproot does not dry out, and not saturated, but moist (remember that the root takes up oxygen).

Humidity level no more than 50%. It's less important during veg, but crucial during bloom. 40%, or less during bloom along with airflow will fight off mold. 50% during vegetative will help plant take moisture through it's leaves rather than through the roots.

Airflow: Air exchange/flow is good to move around oxygen & carbon dioxide molecules the plant uses (through leaves & roots). Moving air fights off mold. Ideal flow is cooler air flowing around containers, then moving up through canopy. By using silicone it negates the need to strengthen the stem by having a fan blowing the plant around (people over do this). The above as a guide & blowing on plants yourself when you tend them is enough.

Silicone gives the plant more resistance against environmental stresses, insect resistance, and gives an overall strengthened plant.

Foliar feeding (misting feed under leaves) is silly. It's a technique for prize Roses that have a compromised root system due to over hybridization. People over do things for a weed.

4) PH 6 & Nute Jugs:

Take two 1 gallon jugs and fill up with tap water. One jug will be your zero strength solution even though tap water, or well water will have a certain parts per million (ppm) of minerals the plant feeds on. The other jug will be your 100% nute strength solution.

PH 6 jug: Just adjust water to ph 6.0 (piss yellow) as per directions. Remember that slightly orange, or green is not piss yellow.

Nute jug: Add .5ml of Dynagro Protekt (shake bottle beforehand) silicone, and shake jug (white flakes in the Protekt is normal). Then add 1/2 tsp Maxibloom (500 watts or less). You may want to slowly spoon it in rather than heaping it in. This will help it dissolve, and help prevent spillage. Shake vigorously, let sit a minute, and then adjust ph to 6.

Check jugs an hour later just to make sure that they remained stabilized at ph 6 (they should not change). In time if your water source is consistent, then you will know how much ph up, or ph down is needed without taking ph readings. It's good to check incase your water source fluctuates in ph.

Bleach: Each jug after ph adjusting receives 1-2 drops of regular chlorine (nonscented) bleach. Do not exceed 3 drops from a pipette (drops from the bleach cap will kill your plants). If your tap has a strong chlorine smell to begin with then use just 1 drop, or none if really strong. Some people (I never needed to) store jugs overnight with the cap off before preparation. This gases off the tap water chlorine.

5) Using PH 6 & Nute Jugs:

The PH 6 jug is used by it's self when zero strength water is needed. To ph balance rockwool, Keeping seed moist, or propagating clones, flushing out, or resetting the reservoir.

The nute jug is your 100% feed that you vary to lesser strengths in percentages using the PH 6 jug.

Feeding solution example using 50% strength:

Take your feeding container (cup, or other), fill up halfway with nute, fill remaining half with PH 6, and stir. This is 50% feed.

The one constant mistake I would do is over strength feed. This will nute burn the plant causing outer edges of the leaves to crisp off. This is more critical in bloom.

The closest to 100%, or 100% depends on factors such as plant maturity, lighting intensity, feeding the 12/12 stretch, and your particular strain's needs.

Making sure you are ph'ed to 6, keeping a proper environment, and knowing under strength nute is better than overstrength will ensure your success.

6) Rockwool Starter Cube (1.5") Germination:

When Rockwool is dry treat them like fiberglass insulation. Do not ever squeeze RW. They are naturally alkaline (high ph) so they must be ph balanced.

Fill a bowl with PH 6 solution (you can presoak seeds separately at this time), put in the RW cubes, and let soak a few minutes. Take cubes out, and for each one flick it (snap of the wrist) to release water (do over a sink & do not squeeze). Return to bowl to repeat. Keep note how it looks soaked compared to flicked out (you want some air pockets when inserting seed).

Repeat with a fresh bowl of PH 6 solution. One more fresh bowl but catch flicked water, and test ph. When it comes out ph 6 it's ready.

The cube will have a slit, or hole on one side. Make sure cube is moist not saturated (touching back of hand to it will leave light perspiration), and place seed on it's side below surface no deeper than seed width. Rip off a corner of cube, and cover up seed gently.

Place in Tupperware tub, lightly mist sides (no pooling of water), cover with plastic wrap with some poked holes. Put in dark 75°-80°F place. Wait for sprouting checking once in awhile to let in fresh air, and monitor moisture.
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7) Seedling Care:

Do not saturate, or let RW cube dry out.

If it pops out of cube, open up the hole a little more, and gently put back in with taproot facing down. If seed shell looks to be stuck apply some drops of water to shell to soften it. Gently removing shell casing with tweezers should be a last resort.

The plastic wrap should be slowly removed as seedling emerges from cube otherwise they have to be weaned off the humid environment they came into.

Do not add nutes, but continue to keep moist (use a mist sprayer with PH 6), and warm (the round leaves have energy stores in it).

When the seedling is opened (hopefully upright) gently bring light to it (you may have to coach it upright). A 6500k cfl bulb (no more than about 25 watts) on a utility clamp light with parabolic reflector is good. Bring it in slowly like the rising sun to around 8"-6" above it. Watch closely what it is telling you. If it starts drooping it's too much light, or moisture in the cube. If it starts to stretch it needs closer light, and is in danger of fatal stem constriction leading to collapse.

Keep in mind the round leaves have energy stores. Misting with 1-3% feed can wait a day, or two. Slowly ramp up strength when serrated leaves appear.

You are waiting for root to emerge from bottom of cube. When it does you can move cube to your medium, and the root as it grows will become less sensitive to RW cube saturation. Slowly increase light, and nute strength while watching it's needs.

8 ) Hempy=Passive Hydroponics:

Hempy imitates nature without soil. The roots have an air zone, and a water table which is the reservoir.

Hempy can be in a 5 gallon bucket, 1 gal, 40 oz cup, or 12 0z cup. Just have a 5/8"-3/4" hole on the side 2" from the bottom of the container.

Just water/feed till it comes out the hole. Done!

Hydroton: Soak a new bag with some bleach water, rinse, and let dry (this washes off the dust, and sterilize). To reuse pull them apart from roots & wash. Hydroton is great to amend with soil (air to roots & drainage) for dirt growing.

Fill your Hempy with clay balls, leave room for the cube so it's top is level to Hempy top, and fill around with the Hydroton. If a vegetative plant in soil, gently soak off most of the dirt, and place gently (roots closest to res) in Hempy (not recommended for a plant in bloom due to stress).

Keep watering gentle strength, and when the root hits the reservoir you see the plant take off. You cannot over feed a Hempy, but you can over nute strength the plant.

Just pick a dark colored container so light has less chance getting in root area. Roots do not like light, and nute eating algae grows inside (algae on cube, or top of Hydroton is no big deal, but makeshift light reflecting covers help block light). Roots trim themselves (because of light) around the hole, but an occasional blockage can be poked clear.

You can reset the reservoir (if over nuted) by placing finger over hole, fill with PH 6 solution to near overflow (top), hold a few seconds, and take away finger. Then give a feeding with readjusted nute solution. The plants love a reset every once in awhile so note the results when you do (you are mimicking a cleansing downpour that refreshes the roots).

Use plastic trays to catch runoff, and you can use the runoff for outside plants. Keep a nose for a sewage smell that comes out the hole. Root rot can set in if temps get too high, or not keeping up on setup cleanliness. Take plant out of Hempy, cut off the rotting res roots, give gentle root soak, put it in a clean Hempy with fresh hydroton that was displaced from removing the rotted section, and feed.

Once I saw a flying insect come up out of the hydroton. I popped the plant out to see it's larvae eating my roots. I dunked the roots in a bowl of water with six drops of bleach for 15 minutes. Bye bye bugs. The plant looked fine thanks to the silicone, and the simplicity of Hempy.

9) Cloning 123:

1) Take shute, or shute's off donor plant using a sterile razor (rubbing alcohol). Doing multiple shutes I would place stems in a bowl of water to keep it wet.

2) Make cuts on the shute's stem (see pics). Place stem in a polyurethane foam collar (that was prewashed using bleach), and put in a prepared Hempy cup.

3) Put Hempy under light while keeping foam damp. In two weeks you have a rooted plant that's exactly the same as the donor plant. You can put it directly to bloom, or continue to veg it out.

You can keep a Mother donor plant in stasis with low watt light/low nute, or in production by raising the lighting/higher nute. Just keep her in veg (18/6). Cloning is the heart of a perpetual grow.

A readily available female that's mature, and no waiting growing from seed wondering what male/female ratio you have.

Watch, or read cloning tutorials, and stay with the information contained in the pics where other's methods differ.

No rooting hormone needed. The key is the damp air pocketed foam collar, and keeping the main leafsets above the stem cuts intact (leaf inside collar will promote rot).

Cloning Pics:

Preparing to make clones:


Steep angle razor slice to open up the stem's inner layers:


Opposite side of stem gets a minor slicing around top level of your major slice:


Leave leafsets intact for energy reserves for rooting. Any leaf too close to collar gets removed:


Make sure foam collar is 40% compressed around stem when installed, and water pools around stem when watered:


How clone looks before getting polyurethane (foam) wrap:


Keep stem damp (white polyfil shown as medium instead of hydroton as an experiment):


Clone box; 65-75°F, 50 watts 6.5K lighting 8" above, 18/6, an occasional breeze (pc fan on timer), keep damp, and wait two weeks (note this clone box was enclosed with just a towel as a door & to breathe air):

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10) Odor Control:

In general plants in veg do not smell, but I heard of some that do give a light smell. I would weigh the benefits of making a mom out of a stinky vegger.

Blooming plants are going to smell, some more, and some less.

I heard of the ONA gel, but never used it. I wanted zero smell, not a transformed smell. Google "Grow ona odor masker diy".

Activated carbon that's used in aquariums worked perfectly for me. I just slightly modded an Holmes stand alone hepa air filter. It was perfect for the setup & situation. A 3/4" layer would last about 1.5 months, but I would have it on a timer enough so that the smell would not go beyond room.

Other situations require direct venting into an inline carbon filter. There's tons of diy carbon filter info on the net from the simple to the complex.

If I did inline, I would try out a 5 gallon bucket setup. Your goal is to push, or pull the skunky air over a layer of carbon. The thicker the layer the longer it lasts, but the fan has to be strong enough to run air through the carbon media. You can squeeze a little extra life out of carbon by cooking off the organic compounds (30 minutes 350°F), but I never tried that because my filter was economical enough.

5 gal bucket carbon scrubber:

Bucket, lid, window screen, filter material (the thin white porous sheet used for vents) you cut yourself, activated carbon, and miscellaneous hardware.

Attach vent hose to top of bucket lid. Cut a hole slightly larger than vent hose at the bottom of bucket. Cut & attach window screen to bottom of bucket to cover over hole amply (I would use zip screws with washers, and silicone good around). Lay vent filter down covering hole & screen. You can lay the carbon down on top of filter & screen as is, or lay a rolled up towel around the perimeter to corral the carbon over the hole. Attach lid with hose, and hang off the ground by the bucket's handle.

It should work, but modding it so the vent fan is pulling air through the carbon instead of pushing might work better?

The white filter material is to prevent the carbon dust from blowing all over (do not breath in). I would put some carbon on a paper towel & gently roll it on it to catch some of the dust. Humidity will shorten the odor scrubbing life of the carbon.

Keep an ALERT nose (hose can come loose, extra humidity shortened life), or be careful getting used to smell.

11) Training:

There's many techniques used to get your plant to do what you want (space limitation, or optimization of light source). Google "LST topping grow", "Bonsai mom grow", "12/12 sog", or check out the growweedeasy site.

Topping: In veg you can cut off the very top, and two new tops will take it's place. You can do this just before 12/12 so it stretches bushy.

Pinching: Pinch a branch enough so it falls over some. It will heal, and adjust growing to the new angle. I had to do this in bloom for a certain strain because it wanted to stretch past the lights.

String, or wire: I never did a screen of green (scrog) because I would just sea of green (sog) rooted clones straight to 12/12. I did use bendable wire to spread apart branches (mainlining) to open up clone sites for Bonsai moms.

Root trimming: To avoid a plant being root bound I would trim bottom roots in veg every 2-2.5 months. It recovers in a couple days. Do not do this to a blooming plant, or right before blooming.

12) When to Harvest:

Trichomes: The mushroom like things that cluster around your bud. Best seen with at least a 30X jeweller's loupe, or a microscope (100X's +). Look at the mushroom heads.

When Trich's (resin glands) are clear do not harvest.

When Trich's are mostly milky harvesting now will give you a head high.

When Trich's are mostly amber the high will be a stoned body couchlock.

Going past this with coffee looking, and black bursted Trichs gives you a headache (or at least it did me).

Be careful of the mostly amber trich window because it can sneak up on you transitioning to shit.

Secret to smooth smoke:

Having a dedicated mom pays off by knowing when to exactly harvest. After the 12/12 stretch you start backing off nute strength. The last two weeks you are "flushing". Flushing is letting the plant use up it's own reserves by bringing down the nute strength to just ph'ed water in the last week (keep in mind the plant is dying anyway so it's normal for the leaves to look the part). Besides the cure after harvest, a proper flush will do wonders for the smoke. Later grows you can experiment with using stuff like Blackstrap Molasses for the last week...Tee-Hee!
13) Bud Drying & Curing:

Drying & curing involves two dangers which is over drying, and mold. People just hang the buds upside down by the stem, in a cool, dark, and circulating air enviroment. There's no magic by hanging buds upside down, but for convenience. They are done drying when stem is springy near snapping when bent.

Buds then go in the cure jar (Mason Jar) no more than 3/4th full. The goal is to further dry, and gas off plant matter. Less plant matter smoke the less it interferes with the THC smoke making smoother, & more potent smoke. Keep jars cool, dark, and open them to quickly exchange air a couple times a week keeping a nose to mold. People cure for 3-24 weeks. Check out the growweedeasy site for further details.

By flushing the plant properly before harvest making the plant use up it's nute/fert reserves you can build a bud dryer. This makes smooth & smokable buds in three days.

Bud Dryer: A small to mid size plastic tote, pc fan, window screen, an optional small bulb for heat. Basically one end near the bottom you mount a pc fan for exhaust. The other end towards the top are drilled out holes for intake. Then you mount the screen inside the tote so that incoming air flows over, and through the screen towards exhaust.

The screen holds the trimmed up buds. In a cool, dark, less humid space allow buds to dry to a springy bud. Adding a low watt bulb shielded by metal (to block light to buds) inside tote helps keep moisture dispersed, and able to exhaust. Low humidity, and proper airflow around buds is most important.

You can put to cure, but properly flushed, and dryed bud is smokable as is.

14) Notes, Tips, & Links:

Dissolved Oxygen (DO): Roots take up oxygen, so shaking your water before application puts DO (the fizz) right to the roots.

Green chutes tend to clone better than older woody chutes. Some plants may have a stubbornness to root, and I would count this as a negative in it's genetics.

Your grow is on a need to know basis. Only you, and whoever potentially would share the blame. Be knowledgeable enough to shut key systems down, and, or steer people away from said systems if you are not at grow sight. Avoid talking about growing no matter how exciting it is (there's plenty of forums to chat on, and learn from). Assume everyone has a stupid mouth, and if a select few know, think about making the few fewer.

It's better to under nute than to over nute. A good seed vendor should have uniformity in their strains, but a plant from the same seed pack may have differing needs.

How to make seeds: Two weeks after you 12/12 a girl you 12/12 a male. When balls show you take male to a separate makeshift bloom area with little circulation. When pollen starts popping out of sacks you bring your female to same area. With an artist's paint brush tap pollen sacks while holding a folded piece a paper to catch the pollen. Now just dip the brush in the pollen, and paint it on the buds of your female. Let sit an hour then blow off excess pollen, and return her to main bloom area. Discard male, or repeat for more opening pollen sacks. Partial pollination ok.

Plant Training:

PC fans are good for grow boxes using floros with remote mounted ballasts.

Beginner's guide to pc fans:

Using the methods in this tutorial produced 1.25 ounces of smooth smoke every 17 days. This was using a 2x2x2 ft bloom box with 500 watts of floros (pll 55). Putting four rooted clones (in 40 oz Hempy) to 12/12 while harvesting the oldest four in a 2 week rotation. Sixteen plants would be in bloom box at all times in 2 week intervals of bloom stages. This is what's called a "Perpetual Microgrow" using a Bonsai mom, and putting her clones right into bloom once rooted. I could have increased yield with using just 2-4 plants ( in 1 gal Hempy) in the bloom box for the 8 week bloom cycle, but this requires plant training techniques.

To add an organic component to your grow use .5 ml per gal of GH Diamond Nectar to the nute jug. This helps mobilize nutrients up roots, and in my opinion gives a taste that hints you put more labor in your grow than you actually did.

Using Maxibloom in proper strength & ph should not lead to any deficiencies. A pinch to a 1/4 tsp of Magnesium Sulfate (nonscented Epsom's salts) per gal to your nute jug should not be needed. A bottle of cal/mag (calcium & magnesium supplement) should not be needed.

Fight the urge to over nute strength your plant.

I had no major issues with Maxibloom dissolving in solution. You can fill nute jug half way, add nute, top off, ph 6, and do bleach drops.

People spend big money buying multiple bottles of nutes while Maxibloom is nutes without the water.

Maxigrow is the veg nute with higher nitrogen, and less bloom nutes. Maxibloom works just by it's self via Lucas Formula. Maxi's instructions assume you are using reverse osmosis water.

There's many supplements, boosters on the market. Get to know how to grow with this tutorial's methods first before experimenting, or following advice. Keep in mind people tend to make things harder than it actually is.

After some grows under your belt try just adding .25 ml per gal of Dynagro Bloom to the nute jug.

Search "How Grow Got Busted", or other keywords to read other's mistakes in the forums. Forums are a rich source of information, but watch out for misinformation.

Advanced Stuff:

Simple automated Hempy: Mount 1 gal Hempy over a slightly larger plastic tote so Hempy hole drains into tote (make sure if top overflows it goes down into tote too). Place a small pond pump in tote, hook hose up (using 90° elbows) so it dispenses over stem just above medium. Fill tote with 2 gals of nute solution, run pump, and add more solution if not running smooth (be sure to mark off the level in the res for future reference). Time it 15 minutes on every hour. An airstone in the res timed the same as the pump is optional. Keep the res to the marked off level using PH 6, and, or nute solution according to plants needs. Check res ph, and adjust accordingly directly in res (run pump). As long res is kept cool, clean, and properly added to, it should last a month or more. Leaving a mother alone with low nute strength, and lighting for a week is no problem with this setup as long as the Hempy hole drains out.

Playing the ph swing: Ph 6 is the optimal median for the roots nutrient uptake range (see GH ph chart). Placing the ph slightly acid, or alkaline from ph 6 gives an edge to the plant depending on photo period.

Ph rises in veg, and during the two week 12/12 stretch.

Ph drops starting early mid bloom to finish. This is a result of the type of nutrients the plant takes up.

Veg through 12/12 stretch set ph 5.5 (slightly orange to orange).

Post 12/12 stretch set ph 6.5 (slightly green to green).

Ph 6 (yellow) is the standard simple method.
Grows and stuff learned to make this tutorial:

Big Blue (1st passive hydroponic grow):;action=display;num=1333957795

Experimental grow:;action=display;num=1348314962

Passive Hydroponic Cloner:;action=display;num=1356672832;start=


Lazy nasty hash;action=display;num=1359609094

Lazy & simple Canna-oil recipe:

Take a Crock Pot & fill with high fat vegetable oil. Put in stems, leaves, buds chopped up some. Set low for eight hours while stirring every two hours or so. Let cool, sieve out plant matter, and store cool/dark like oil.
Remember new growers: Do not suffocate those roots, and under nute is better than over nute.

Here's an early harvest straight to 12/12 rooted clone while I let the three other clones cook:lsg_0070707.JPG
Did a great thread , I enjoyed it and am sure will keep going back and reading it lol I'm in week 2 flower almost and I use the kiss method maxibloom and pro tek, I also have cal mag on hand , I use tap so I only use cal mag every other feeding, I hear maxibloom makes your leaves yellowing in flower, but I've been having good results besides my 2 alien plants that's strech ing like a mf, been doing I've done lst and supercropping lol seems like it don't phase them
Did a great thread , I enjoyed it and am sure will keep going back and reading it lol I'm in week 2 flower almost and I use the kiss method maxibloom and pro tek, I also have cal mag on hand , I use tap so I only use cal mag every other feeding, I hear maxibloom makes your leaves yellowing in flower, but I've been having good results besides my 2 alien plants that's strech ing like a mf, been doing I've done lst and supercropping lol seems like it don't phase them

Cool! Thanks...

Got to love a girl that takes training like a champ. Good luck with your grow.

Only problem with Maxi was my own habit of going over nute strength. I did not do cal/mag while using tap, but I did put in a pinch of Epsom's salt (mag) to my nute jug for insurance.

I just found out what looks like my old grow journals from another site are now gone (unless an error?). I'm glad I saved some pics, and wrote up this tutorial.

I mentioned using 40 oz cups, but they are more like 32 oz (I was drinking Old English 800 when I wrote that). I also did 8 oz Hempy grows which was cool

Playing the ph swing is geared for hydro while doing soil with beneficial organisms needs to be closer to ph 6.5.

In when to harvest I mentioned not to let Trichs turn Coffee. What I meant was do not let them turn mocha. I rarely drink coffee, but when I do I add milk making it mocha colored. So mocha Trichs with blackened bursted ones is a harvest of disappointment.

Remember new growers that this tutorial supplements the Growweedeasy site, and that Hempy used here is optional. I think Hempy with Lucas is better than soil. I like Hydroton as the medium because Perlite, and, or Coco fiber acts too much like soil. Some of the pics show my experiments with Polyfil which works great too. Once you establish a plant in a 8-32 oz Hempy, you can transplant to a bigger one.

Edit: Just to be clear the method in the tutorial is drain to waste passive hydroponics called Hempy.

:hump: World Of Hempy:
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U ever run into Micro-Nutrient deficiencies using Maxi-Bloom only? I have used only maxibloom for 3 cycles and the first 2 came out great but the third was a new strain and it was very fussy with its nutes. I eventually determined that i think it had a micro-nuitrient like boron or zinc deficiency because the maxibloom doesnt have these micro nutrients. So now i am using Maxi-Bloom mixed with a little Flora-Micro which has all the micros.
U ever run into Micro-Nutrient deficiencies using Maxi-Bloom only? I have used only maxibloom for 3 cycles and the first 2 came out great but the third was a new strain and it was very fussy with its nutes. I eventually determined that i think it had a micro-nuitrient like boron or zinc deficiency because the maxibloom doesnt have these micro nutrients. So now i am using Maxi-Bloom mixed with a little Flora-Micro which has all the micros.

No. But your solution was spot on for your issue.

Also .5 ml per gal of
Dynagro-Bloom added to the mix should work as well, which I adopted as an extra measure.