Wife and I harvested 3 pods we want to add them to our native habitat area. Anyone have any tips in planting them? Planting area has wood chips with soil underneath, area gets full sun. Cheers and thanks!
Those silky white ,flossy inards that emerge from the pod with seed and float around all day saved many a soldier , sailor , downed pilot in WW II .......the floss material is naturally water-repellant and buoyant . I'm pretty sure that is also a good insulator........by the way , they are not a weed ( not that you said they were ). Speaking of milkweed ,
when younger I was determined to find the source of a naturally occurring opium that I had read articles about.
Long story short...from old articles read, I zeroed-in on the white , creamy milk from milkweed pod..........went to a nearby pond and filled my mother's 1970 Pontiac's trunk(ya could of put 12 dead large bodies in there). I collected shit-tons
" milk " on a sheet of glass....dried it.......put it In a pipe and took a haul.......
f'ing nothing , not a bad taste. Come to find out , listening to a Native American
medicine woman , it's what the people did back then for chewing gum.........
I had such high-hopes....the things I had in mind !