Just like you said your rights end with my fist against your face. Your rights to your body end when it involves killing another. An unborn baby, is just that unborn. It's still a baby.
i don't like abortion debates, but here is how i would handle it hypothetically.
i would grant everything you claim, that abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, is murder (since all human life is worth saving, no matter how formed).
next place i would go is to define the consequences of accepting a fetus as life.
if the mother trips and falls thus killing the fetus, what should she be charged with? murder? manslaughter? criminal negligence?
to protect the life of the not-yet-born, should we make sure that all pregnant women are fitted with ankle bracelets that alert local authorities when they are using a staircase or an uneven sidewalk?
should we administer mandatory monthly pregnancy tests to every woman in america to determine who is pregnant, thus telling us who we need to outfit with ankle bracelets to make sure they don't walk on uneven sidewalks, possibly leading to homicide via criminal negligence?
while i sympathize with the "pro life" crew, i just can't imagine how to possibly implement an existence where a fetus is given all the rights of a regular citizen.
and just to be clear, as far as i am concerned, the mother owns whatever is inside her, potential life included. it is her decision and her decision alone how to proceed in my mind.
the other argument i use goes like this: i would ask you if you support abortion in the case where it might threaten the life of the mother. most people who are not completely dogmatic grant this exception. from there, i point out that any pregnancy whatsoever could threaten the life of the mother, and sometimes with little or nor warning. at that point i have trapped my debate opponent using only mutually agreed upon terms.
in any case, i respect your view.