Mini Split???


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Csu, I'll let you know, gonna try to do mine on my own. I got him to $1050, so i don't think you did bad


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Vkambull that's a dam good price and looking back it would let me have room for expansion maybe I will see if he has shipped yet. Lol dam good deal yo...


Active Member
Alcohol sounds like you got a great deal especially with the warranty and installation on your mini. It's working we'll for you? Do you have a programmable thermostat?


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Vkambull hey man did you get the mini split. Just wanted to see what you thought? I got mine but its in the box in the garage still. Lol busy week. Also did you get the wiring harness with yours? I didn't see it with mine.


Active Member
Csu, Ya I got it Gettin ready to run wiring this weekend. It didn't come with wiring harness, called about it, and they said to just use 14-16 gauge wire.


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Kemp, was it just 2 wire 10gauge to outdoor unit, then 3 wire to indoor? Did you do the bleeding yourself? I found a rental vacuum pump, but no gauges.