and how much will the things you want and need cost when everybody is making $100/day?
burgerflipping would then be worth 3k a month for fucks sake, so the prices of EVERYTHING will shoot through the roof.
if you can find somebody to pay you $100 a day, i dont begrudge you that, but apparently if i feel somebody is worth LESS than that im cheating them?
there are some jobs any schlub can do, like posting crazy assertions on the interwebs, but other jobs require skills far in excess of smacking some keys and hitting the twatter post button.
if 100/day is the minimum wage, then the cats with skills who are in demand will have to be paid FAR more, resulting in 3k a month becoming the new poverty floor, and then youll be out there shouting at clouds demanding $200 a day as the minimum, then in a few months, whe zimbabwe style inflation catches up, youll NEED $400 a day just to keep up...
lern 2 real market forces ernie, bert is getting tired of footing the bill for your lifestyle.