Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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Red, I'm sorry. I'm being a total dick. I apologize. I do not think for one second you did something to your family. That was completely out of line.

But, you are bit edgy and are quick to call people names. My earlier remarks were supposed to be taken as silly, you took it as serious and immediately started name calling. In response I was a big dick back to you. I should not have done that. I am sorry. I, however, do not apologize for having a large penis.
Says the guy who gets more threads closed because of his blatant racism.

Sorry man, I just can't take you seriously anymore. I don't know what causes a man to type what you did to Red, but it doesn't get much lower than that. Calling me a racist based on no facts and knowing I have never caused a thread to be closed doesn't help people's perception of you. I'm not getting sucked into your sick little troll game. Get your jollies being a lowlife lying scumbag to someone who will take the bait. You are one messed up individual to get off on this sort of thing, I sincerely hope you are not like this in real life.
Sorry man, I just can't take you seriously anymore. I don't know what causes a man to type what you did to Red, but it doesn't get much lower than that. Calling me a racist based on no facts and knowing I have never caused a thread to be closed doesn't help people's perception of you. I'm not getting sucked into your sick little troll game. Get your jollies being a lowlife lying scumbag to someone who will take the bait. You are one messed up individual to get off on this sort of thing, I sincerely hope you are not like this in real life.

Story of my life bro. I haven't taken you seriously since day 1. But you go ahead and continue to think the drivel you call conversation as something profound and insightful. How can we take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously? Amaright?

I said the things I said to Red because they are plausibly true. What's wrong with sharing the truth? I realize that is near impossible for you to do or comprehend.
This inflation is bad, especially with foods. The times merit thrift, I am not obtuse, I just believe hard work is worth that. It's a rarity I hear people supporting the status-quo as you do. We are gonna keep paying 12.00.

I think the minimum wage should be $24/hr. Yet, you only pay your workers half of that.

Why do you hate your workers, slave driver?
Sorry man, I just can't take you seriously anymore. I don't know what causes a man to type what you did to Red, but it doesn't get much lower than that. Calling me a racist based on no facts and knowing I have never caused a thread to be closed doesn't help people's perception of you. I'm not getting sucked into your sick little troll game. Get your jollies being a lowlife lying scumbag to someone who will take the bait. You are one messed up individual to get off on this sort of thing, I sincerely hope you are not like this in real life.

I'll admit I'm a ball buster, no doubt about that.
But I do have some morals, in real life and on the forum. As much as see4, Bucky, AC and Cheezy irritate the hell out of me, I would never stoop as low as to say some of the disgraceful things these guys think are entertaining, if that's what it takes to learn how to internet, I'll pass.

BTW, I do think most of them are like this in real life, they're just smart enough to keep to themselves, the fear of getting a real life beat down will do that for ya.
I'll admit I'm a ball buster, no doubt about that.
But I do have some morals, in real life and on the forum. As much as see4, Bucky, AC and Cheezy irritate the hell out of me, I would never stoop as low as to say some of the disgraceful things these guys think are entertaining, if that's what it takes to learn how to internet, I'll pass.

BTW, I do think most of them are like this in real life, they're just smart enough to keep to themselves, the fear of getting a real life beat down will do that for ya.

Says the guy who has not once put his own picture up for all to see, citing, "Im not that stupid".

Coward. All you do, and can do, is run your mouth on the internet. And you call us disgraceful? You're a joke dude.
Don't be silly, nobody 'works' on the moon.

Good point. Last time I saw you up there, you were busy ass banging your pinball machine.

Good point. Last time I saw you up there, you were busy ass banging your pinball machine.

It must work, I still have the high score.

'sides, that's the mouth...the front part.
Says the guy who has not once put his own picture up for all to see, citing, "Im not that stupid".

Coward. All you do, and can do, is run your mouth on the internet. And you call us disgraceful? You're a joke dude.

So, I'm a coward because UncleBuck was foolish enough to post a real life picture of himself, and I'm not?
I don't think any of your progressive friends will even agree with you on that, and if they do, let them put their money where their mouth is and post their photos too!
They START from a conclusion, then defend it with assumptions. "Everybody deserves a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage". Circular logic?

actually your fail is bigger than i thought..i fixed it for you..the correct statement is "Everybody who is employed has the right to a living wage"..your comment above is the circular one..this is because you start out with the same 3 words you end with..A CIRCLE FUCKING JERK..

now you know why this decision is not yours to make..
You have decided to resort to fictitious personal attacks like Bucky?

I am not throwing excuses, I am throwing solutions. You just do not want to hear them.

I started my own businesses years ago, I am making a nice living. I am explaining to other people how to do it and you are still chanting about making minimum wage higher.

How much does someone get paid for a job that is too expensive to offer?

solutions? where? i don't see any solutions *schuylaar looking around, on the floor, under her chair

guess what boys.."always been thus" is out the window:lol:
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