Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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The scholarly efforts of a dog catcher? a tweeker? what's is the purpose you fill?... a monumental poser, like you ought to be acting as an extra. Oh, you already are.

Dog catcher? How fuckin old are you, Methuselah?

You're not very good at the internet insult gamez, are you?
Red is a coward. Red goes around telling people how moronic they are and how they can never answer a question, yet in the face of it, he never really answers anything.

That being said, I am seriously concerned that he may in fact sexually assaulted his children and burned them alive in a giant glass house fire. I am considering contacting Florida state police and seeing if they could open up an investigation. He more than likely has committed various hate crimes as well.
Dog catcher? How fuckin old are you, Methuselah?

You're not very good at the internet insult gamez, are you?

That being said, I am seriously concerned that he may in fact sexually assaulted his children and burned them alive in a giant glass house fire. I am considering contacting Florida state police and seeing if they could open up an investigation. He more than likely has committed various hate crimes as well.

This is how it's done, Meth. (Even though he left a out)

See4 will teach you.
Red is a coward. Red goes around telling people how moronic they are and how they can never answer a question, yet in the face of it, he never really answers anything. That being said, I am seriously concerned that he may in fact sexually assaulted his children and burned them alive in a giant glass house fire. I am considering contacting Florida state police and seeing if they could open up an investigation. He more than likely has committed various hate crimes as well.
You just can't sink low enough, can you? Coward would be making vile, slanderous accusations because you can't support your arguments while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
If I were an hourly employee, I would be paid roughly $130 an hour. I certainly will not pay employees $65 an hour unless they deserve it. Some of them do. And some get paid more than $65 an hour. But most get paid less than minimum wage. Only for the fact they work on the moon. Despite what Kelly4 says, people can work on the moon. And most of them have large cocks.
You just can't sink low enough, can you? Coward would be making vile, slanderous accusations because you can't support your arguments while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

I have not accused, only questioned the possibility of such, and have expressed my concern of the possibility. I take sexual assault very seriously, it is not a game, and if you have done something to your children before burning them alive, you should be condemned for it.
If I were an hourly employee, I would be paid roughly $130 an hour. I certainly will not pay employees $65 an hour unless they deserve it. Some of them do. And some get paid more than $65 an hour. But most get paid less than minimum wage. Only for the fact they work on the moon. Despite what Kelly4 says, people can work on the moon. And most of them have large cocks.
Hold on, I didn't say they can't, I said they don't.

The bigger question is why you treat "moonies" different? Are you afraid of them?
Whoa, wait, I want a redo..."Wow, Glory Holin' pays well!"
You drive an obnoxious truck, have bad tattoos, a few illegitimate kids, no degree, listen to Sublime, think your a thug, homophobic, have a bad sense of humor, a criminal record, and awful timing.......pretty much it
You drive an obnoxious truck, have bad tattoos, a few illegitimate kids, no degree, listen to Sublime, think your a thug, homophobic, have a bad sense of humor, a criminal record, and awful timing.......pretty much it

You nailed it.

Are all "truck stop trannies" as clairvoyant as you?
do the math on your own numbers! wage went up 100% but the expenses you cited went up 400%! how does that work, you still think you would be able to live like you did back then, your delusional. Min wage workers have to work 1 hour to pay for a loaf of bread and gas, your wage back then got you a lot more.

yes, inflation hits those with the least hardest.

the truely wealthy, who run the "Means of Production" can always raise prices, and if you cant afford what they sell, tough noogies.

a price will always be whatever those who need it will pay.

raising the minimum wage simply makes the number higher, and after a very short time, the cost of everything will go up MORE than the increase.

there is no way save nationaliziation or price fixing to keep inflation from accelerating as long as the money supply continues to be increased with buckets of newly printed fiat currency.

if you wish to nationalize industries or set price caps, then those with the capital can simply flee to foreign lands with their capital and do their business from there.

the solution to an import dependent, out of control economy is the same as it always has been, TARIFFS.

when importing foreign goods becomes more expensive than producing it locally, capital will come back, production of the goods will occur in the nation with the market for those goods (thats us by the way), and there will be employment for those who want work, until of course the southern border once again floods us with cheap easy to use disposable labour, which will drive down wages.

if the borders are secured against illegals, and the free greencards for any foreigner who will work for less than their local counterparts are suspended, then the economy can improve for those on the bottom, those at the middle, and yes, also for those at the top.

it is all about market forces, and always has been.

ohh look. another TLDR, cuz complex issues always have to have solutions that fit on a bumper sticker.
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