Well-Known Member
I would be 75 against a timely correct answer.
I am mentally what? can you please name the type of math that was?
Here: You can have this $290. This is what a minimum wage employee will most likely earn this week. Go get everything you, and your child will need to "survive".... Now... I'd love to see a scenario where you/the employee is not struggling to decide what bills to pay, heat or electricity, what food to eliminate from the shopping list, if going to a doctor is even worth it, by the end of that month. I'd also love to see a scenario where you can actually "live" on this amount, and not just "scrape by"...You have no idea what you are talking about.
echelon1KKK1 blows 7,000 homeless guys over an unspecified number of days in on-stop fashion. how many homeless guys per hour does echelon1KKK1 suck off?
All ready been there dude. I started my business in the 90's on minimum wage, less than 5 bucks an hour then. Lived with a couple friends, even a dude I scouted out from the paper once to help split bills and make life affordable all while putting a few hundred away over the course of many months.
This isn't some magic scenario. Many small business owners share very similar stories, as do many multi million dollar corporations....
Taco Bell - started at a hot dog cart.
Ben and Jerry - childhood friends who in their 20's split the 5 dollar cost of an ice cream making class, and made millions from there
Yankee Candle- started by a 17 year old who made his mom a candle out of crayons, neighbors were impressed, millions since have been as well
Mattel- started in a garage
Amazon- garage
Apple- garage
Wholefoods- dudes had to live at their store because they were kicked out of their house for using it as storage for the business
Starbucks- 3 dudes investing less than 1500 each
Many of these started on budgets of less than 2000. Wholefoods took a 50k startup, guys were broke so they borrowed it from anyone who would lend them a dollar so that one is tougher for most people to swing, but a couple grand....tax credits will give MILLIONS of people in just a couple months the opportunity to use it for getting out from under the minimum by either investing in education, or a trade/skill to make the more valuable to their boss, or to become their own boss. But I have this feeling, many will just blow it on shit they don't need and never even attempt to better their own situation.
I was sick of being broke and breaking my back for the minimum pay. So instead I started breaking my back for myself.
I guess those who want it are gonna go get it, cause it aint gonna come knocking on your front door.
Many of these started on budgets of less than 2000.
Are you sure you want to use this one on the poor mullet, UB? It's a pretty tough for an ignorant-shit-for-brains-racist-flaccid-dong-tickler to focus on simple elementary math, when being attacked in every direction.
View attachment 2925887
An amazing film about the REAL struggle ... Stragetic troll accomplished.
I know. I know. Sarcasm is hard! But, you'll get it one day, flaccid-dong-tickler...Just keep at it!
I'm glad to see you've joined the rest of society and refrained from manslaughter in lieu of sarcasm. how long and wide was the stretch* again?
Your text even slurs
All ready been there dude. I started my business in the 90's on minimum wage, less than 5 bucks an hour then. Lived with a couple friends, even a dude I scouted out from the paper once to help split bills and make life affordable all while putting a few hundred away over the course of many months.
This isn't some magic scenario. Many small business owners share very similar stories, as do many multi million dollar corporations....
Taco Bell - started at a hot dog cart.
Ben and Jerry - childhood friends who in their 20's split the 5 dollar cost of an ice cream making class, and made millions from there
Yankee Candle- started by a 17 year old who made his mom a candle out of crayons, neighbors were impressed, millions since have been as well
Mattel- started in a garage
Amazon- garage
Apple- garage
Wholefoods- dudes had to live at their store because they were kicked out of their house for using it as storage for the business
Starbucks- 3 dudes investing less than 1500 each
Many of these started on budgets of less than 2000. Wholefoods took a 50k startup, guys were broke so they borrowed it from anyone who would lend them a dollar so that one is tougher for most people to swing, but a couple grand....tax credits will give MILLIONS of people in just a couple months the opportunity to use it for getting out from under the minimum by either investing in education, or a trade/skill to make the more valuable to their boss, or to become their own boss. But I have this feeling, many will just blow it on shit they don't need and never even attempt to better their own situation.
I was sick of being broke and breaking my back for the minimum pay. So instead I started breaking my back for myself.
I guess those who want it are gonna go get it, cause it aint gonna come knocking on your front door.
Does calling people names make you more right in your own mind or something?
But please don't attacks me bro.
You work for a wage. The living is what you create with that wage.
Have you just worked that out? That is why it is termed MINIMUM WAGE.You do not LIVE on minimum wage. You survive.
Create me a Ben and Jerry's, or Taco bell, or Yankee Mattell something with $290 bucks.....maybe.......Starbucks? no?.............nope, you're stuck with eating, paying for gas, paying for your kids doctor bills, etc... You do not LIVE on minimum wage. You survive.
Start up costs can be less than that.
It's all the person(s) wanting and having the brains to start and run a business.