Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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Kind of pathetic honestly. (+shitty music)
There's no way I'm writing long assed rebuttal to your liberal responses.
They won't change your stubborn attitude.

but it should be so easy to convince me that you can start any business whatsoever with no capital.

just give me a basic overview of how that works.
so what kind of business are you starting on your subway wages?

I know plenty of people working for under $10 dollars an hour who have thousands of dollars saved up. Perhaps the economy is above national average here, but I don't know anyone working for minimum wage, maybe not much over it, but nothing pays exactly that wage.

These folks didn't save up that money in a month or two, it took a couple of years. But where there is a will, there is a way.

I worked at subway for three months, it's been over 2 weeks since I started doing something else. For the time being I live at home, moved back in with the parents when I got clean. So, I was able to save because my situation was not typical.

Something else came along and I'm not doing this, but this was my plan, and I saved enough to do it.

At the local farmers co-op they had a combo deal; trailer, 2 mowers (one rode, one push), 2 weed eaters, back pack blower and some other things one would need to start a lawn service. 11 grand, or $1500 down and finance the rest. I had saved more than enough to get that financed in the three months I was at subway.

For a person with an acceptable amount of intelligence, a little drive, and some discipline jobs like subway are not the end of the line. They are something you do when you can't do anything else right just then.

While I agree with you these places could afford to pay a little more, there isn't a lot of need for it. There is money out there just waiting to be made. If someone just wants to sit at their shitty ass job and never do anything to try and make their life better, although mcdonalds could afford to pay them a bit better, I'm not sure they deserve it.

While you feel you are on their side, folks like you aren't doing them any favors. If mcdonalds workers listened to folks like you long enough, wouldn't take long before they became jaded and started performing poorly at work.

Long term minimum wage is for two kinds of people; teenagers and losers. If you are worth a fuck at all, after some time something better will happen to a proactive individual.

I can imagine a very rural community with a very depressed economy. Get the fuck out of it.

I think a lot of your problem here is that the person in this situation has no easy solution. Lots of folks from around here just packed up everything they had and moved to Ohio and Michigan in the 1950's to work for one of the Big Three. They were poor as fuck when they left, but they did what they had to do to improve things. That's the attitude one needs.
What does that make 80% of them voting against their interests, or because of religious pressure?

i don't know why they fall prey to such silly delusions.

it doesn't matter if i show them that min wage went up 40% and the big mac still just went up with inflation, they think min wage going up will cause prices to soar anyway.


it doesn't matter if i show them that min wage is more than double in australia yet the big mac is the same price, they still think min wage will cause prices to soar.


it doesn't matter that they damn well know that not everyone can become an engineer in the spare time they have with $290 a week, they just keep chanting it as if it held some truth value.


they've even started to say that capitalism doesn't require capital.

these people delude themselves in circles all day long and blame their dizziness on people like me who try to reason with them using empirical evidence.

i wish they would stop blaming my simple exposition of facts for their lack of mental faculties and easily brainwashed minds.
While I agree with you these places could afford to pay a little more, there isn't a lot of need for it. There is money out there just waiting to be made. If someone just wants to sit at their shitty ass job and never do anything to try and make their life better, although mcdonalds could afford to pay them a bit better, I'm not sure they deserve it.

Who are the one's who deserve it? The McDonalds fortune you speak of (to be clear).
Don't wurry? Knowledge will get my $30,000 college education debt paid? Try again.

I am not capable of taking 290$ to the market and back. Gimme a does this brilliant product idea I have get me off of disability. Its' either you or the seminar at the Sheraton.....throw me a bone here.

he has it all figured out.

but he won't share his secret with anyone.

he won't even put it into motion himself.

i wonder if it's because he is simply harboring a delusion that he was brainwashed to believe by right wing propaganda?
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