Nutes and Nugs
Well-Known Member
[/QUOTE]Because I was aroused by that
Tell me then, why do you have "For entertainment purposes only" in your sig?
That makes sense doesn't it?
You sound like Buck just barking out the ass.
[/QUOTE]Because I was aroused by that
Tell me then, why do you have "For entertainment purposes only" in your sig?
you don't have to give a fuck about anything - not even your own mother. You can try refuting my points if you're capable, if not I understand you must stick to posting gay porn, bullshit music and illiterate insults...
Try Eche. He's been all over my jock all night in the PM box. OMG please ask me to post some of my favorite hits.....That's actually against RIU policy, but I'd do it. It's that fun..
If you're gonna flip burger or work at wallmart cool, just don't expect some exorbitant pay for a job teenagers can do.
Also, a better stat to use is that % of GDP per capita. Nz and aus are small population strong economy countries with very few minorities to drain the economy. Racist but true.
I've already spoken about my support for minimum wage laws, especially those that reflect age. The fact is though, people don't want it enough in the US or it would be a federal law.
I know for a fact it doesn't raise the price of consumer good to a ridiculous level. But entry level jobs are just that. Entry level. I didn't expect good money in my first full time job, I actually got paid around $12.50 - with no possibility of overtime - contractual stipulation, due to the fact you cannot charge a trainees hours as billable to a contracted client.
That sucked, as the year went on I looked for a new job and found one - paying just under double $22 and it also allowed me to complete the traineeship.
If you're gonna flip burger or work at wallmart cool, just don't expect some exorbitant pay for a job teenagers can do.
Furthermore, the corporations are abiding by the rules in place, regardless of right/left the representatives you elect are lining their pockets with all the donations and kickbacks from these same corps. It doesn't affect them so why would they care?
the US has the highest business taxes on the planet.
Apologies. I didn't mean to fuck with your masturabratory session. Please proceed. i will enjoy this. With gusto.
View attachment 2925935
. You deserve to have a living wage.
When he starts send sexy messages I will share them with you.
We all win.
you don't have to give a fuck about anything - not even your own mother. You can try refuting my points if you're capable, if not I understand you must stick to posting gay porn, bullshit music and illiterate insults...
no, just racist.
the people on the bottom work harder than anyone.
we agree.
some righties feel that $10.10 an hour indexed to cost of living is gonna be the end of the world though.
80% of americans support it though.
Facts cant be racist.
that's true, but it's also true that US businesses pay some of the lowest taxes on the planet.
doesn't mean a thing to have high taxes and pay low taxes. that's just a talking point designed to appeal to low information, knee jerk reactionary, free market utopia buffoons.
and here you are aping that load of tripe.
The cause is debatable, the fact is minorities earn less money and a higher % of minorities are on government assistance.
Facts cant be racist.
We all win. Sounds a little like socialist rhetoric. MARXIST!~COMMUNIST!~TED CRUZ! ~BARBARA STREISAND!