Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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Clever dogs they are, I was going to buy one last year because I love that breed but I fell in love at the shelter and that was that.

Working dogs, collies. They love to "have a job". Perfect for a farm. I had a gorgeous collie mix, that would keep the livestock, and chickens etc. in the close vacinity. Very protective though. Especially around their pups.

EDIT: Smart as 7 year old kids -- just like retrievers.
Working dogs, collies. They love to "have a job". Perfect for a farm. I had a gorgeous collie mix, that would keep the livestock, and chickens etc. in the close vacinity. Very protective though. Especially around their pups.

In retrospect I think they have too much energy for me with the rest and sick time I have but maybe stem cells will heal me.
In retrospect I think they have too much energy for me with the rest and sick time I have but maybe stem cells will heal me.

I "have" to take my girl for a run every day. At the very least 1 hour of exercise. If my daughter can run with us both, it's a gnarly good day. She gauges how good the day is with how the puppy reacts to the run. If puppy is tired, daughter takes "the nap"...if puppy is still restless, bye-bye nap --- hello disney marathon.
I "have" to take my girl for a run every day. At the very least 1 hour of exercise. If my daughter can run with us both, it's a gnarly good day. She gauges how good the day is with how the puppy reacts to the run. If puppy is tired, daughter takes "the nap"...if puppy is still restless, bye-bye nap --- hello disney marathon.

That sounds perfect....cartoons, puppy, and the daughter.......lucky man,
Pit-mix. She is just submissive, cowardly, needy, and the main thing is when I move suddenly toward her she seems scared but is getting a lot better. It is a gut feeling and I see sadness in her eyes. I don't know if that sounds odd but it is what it is. Any tips maybe?

I'm by no means a dog expert; for this I refer to Caesar Milan's media/literature. But IMHO you're right, what you're seeing in her eyes is sadness and fear - that existed before you rescued her.

It also sounds like she is anxious and nervous. This can be the result of removing them from their mother too early and in turn her brothers and sisters which can lead to a dog not knowing exactly how to be a dog (pack socialisation) couple that with abuse/neglect and you've see for yourself just how detrimental it is. In short, she doesn't sound like she is enjoying life as a dog - through no fault of your own.

The best advice I could give is to have a read of this article and take this mans advice like gospel. No shit he is the Mexican Jesus for dogs.

How to Be Calm and Assertive

By Cesar Millan

Dogs use constant energy to communicate. Energy is what I call beingness; it is who and what you are in every moment. Dogs don’t know each other by name, but by the energy they project and the activities they share. They know humans in the same way.

As humans, we too are communicating with energy – whether we realize it or not. And, though we may attempt to persuade, explain, and rationalize all day long, these energy signals are the only messages getting across to our dogs.

The first energy that a puppy experiences after birth is mom’s calm, assertive energy. Later, the puppy will follow a pack leader who projects the same calm, assertive energy out of association. As pack followers, dogs return a calm, submissive energy that completes the pack balance. It is important to understand that most dogs are born to be submissive, because there can only be so many pack leaders.

When a naturally submissive dogs lives with a human that does not lead, he or she will attempt to right the pack balance by filling what they see as a vacant pack leader role. This is how behavior problems develop.

To establish yourself as the pack leader, you must always project a calm, assertive energy. This natural balance (calm, assertive leadership with calm, submissive behavior) nurtures stability and creates a balanced, centered, and happy dog.

Of course, many people ask me, “How do I learn to project calm, assertive energy?” This is where a very powerful human ability comes in handy: Imagination. Imagine someone who inspires confidence in you – a parental figure or mentor; a famous leader or hero; even a fictional character. How do they carry themselves, and what in them inspires confidence in you? Now, imagine that you are this character, real or fictional. Stand like they would stand. Move like they would move. Take long, deep breaths. Relax your body, but keep your head up, shoulders back and chest out.

When I was appearing on “Dog Whisperer,” I used this technique with a woman who could not control her dog on the walk. She chose Cleopatra as her inspiration. Once she began carrying herself as she imagined an Egyptian queen would, her dog started to pay attention and show calm, submissive energy in return.

When you become comfortable with the feeling of being calm and assertive, communicate with your dog with your energy and body language only. Don’t be surprised, once you’re projecting the right energy, if your dog spontaneously sits next to or follows behind you wherever you go. Now you’re ready to continue the conversation in a balanced way.

Through all of my interactions with people and dogs, one thing I know for certain. The world is an animal-loving, dog-loving place. The balance is what’s thrown off. So I have made it my mission to continue spreading this message of balance around the world. If we can do this with one dog, and one human at a time, maybe we can eventually bring that into entire communities and countries, so we can all live as my greatest teachers (dogs) do – mindfully aware, and emotionally in tune.

His books are a lot better than his shows, more depth and detail, if you can learn everything you can from Caesar Milan. I've been to one of his Australian shows, he is 100% legit...
It's all in your facial expressions, eyes, energy and intent. Show dominance, but try and focus on the ground rather than her face. Let her sit next to you in EVERY spot you will be sitting in. Make her an equal. Be slow when showing dominance.... Like, when picking a spot on the couch, sit with confidence, then look at her, like you are confused as to why she isn't sitting next to you. She will understand, almost RIGHT away. My mom used to train golden-retrievers for the disabled. I saved my girl from a fucked up family that used to leave her outside in -10 cold, on top of beating the shit out of her. She has a low tolerance for bullshit anymore. What a good girl though.

I almost 100% agree, with only a small edit to the bolded...
You would change your mind in 48 hours with my income I guarantee.....milk would be a huge issue still, what about a cavity? You talk big and cheap and "schlep around cash" more than anyone. What would you do? You would refuse disability? Would you pay somehow no matter what?

so, not wanting to "stick it to the man" by drafting new laws to penalize a company for being larger than the approved size means im "talking big"?

you cannot solve systemic issues by targeting the symptoms. our economy is suffering because of the following problems:

Lack of Tariffs: there is no penalty for importing products, so it is always cheaper to export production to places without restrictive regulations of confiscatory taxation
Free Trade: exporting production to foreign lands where cheap abundant disposable labour is easy to use and abuse, which means those employees are NOT part of our economic merry-go-round, so their wages are spent in foreign lands
"Insourcing" Greencards: even if you keep your production in the US, if you dont want to pay the wages demanded by americans, you can import cheaper foreign workers easily, and pay them whatever you like
Open Borders: illegal aliens can, at their pleasure, flood in when the economy is strong, driving down wages across the board, who then export those wages to foreign lands
Usury Taxation: progressive tax rates create a disincentive for success. when your increase in profit/income hits the edge of a tax bracket, you face "marginal rates" which force you to decide whether to take home less by making more, or take home more by making less.
Onerous Regulations: when the EPA can shut you down without even trying very hard, why not move your plant to mexico, thailand or china?
Government Favouritism: the current ideal in government circles is the "Service Economy", where low environmental impact retail and service jobs are preferred to manufacturing or resource extraction. wal-mart and other retail businesses get sweetheart deals to open new stores in cities and towns, while established businesses dont get the tax breaks and subsidies, thus giving the New Hotness the edge over tired old played out smaller shops, and manufacturing gets cornholed with fees, taxes, zoning regulations and endless injunctions.

as long as the government continues encouraging the exporting of US economic activity to foreign lands, open borders, free trade and "service economy" bullshit, capital will continue to see the US as a place to sell shit, not a place to actually do business.

these are MARKET FORCES too. they variously drive up costs, drive down wages and generally ensure that burger flipping becomes the next occupation of the future.
when the debts catch up to us, and we no longer have vast stores of money to send overseas the flow of sweet "Consumer Goods" will stop, and we WILL be left holding an empty sack.
great half baked theory.

one problem again. not a single concrete example to back up your half baked numbers.*

your example may have been better received if you supposed they paid a few million to save several hundred million though. your absurd, deluded, unrealistic ratio is what did your non-empirical, theoretical example the greatest disservice.

You're one of the most intellectually dishonest people I have ever met. Businesses spend money for three things; they spend money to make money (buying products to resale,) they spend money to save money (such as security cameras to detur loss or to provide evidence against false tort claims) or when mandated to pay taxes by the government.

In my example I stated there was a cost of avoidance, such as retaining the services of professionals who can help them take advantage of our very complex tax code and whatever loop holed it may provide.

Your dumb ass assumes that I was trying to say that they spend more money for these services than their tax liabilities would demand.

Then when you don't get it I provide a hypothetical scenario, which you criticize as not concrete.

You fucking moron, it's an example, I could have used single digit numbers and the point would have been the same. It's your dumb ass that either can't grasp a very simple concept, or is too proud to admit that you might have made an incorrect assumption.

And if you dont believe a company would be interested in spending 60 grand to avoid a 100 grand liability then you have even less business acumen then I thought you had. Fucking Microsoft, while able to throw around 100k like I might toss my niece a quarter would endeavor to save 40 grand at any opportunity.

Are you inherently incapable of honest dialogue?
I am getting sick of these fucking problems in the rich community. You don't know shit about inflation, or the fundamental aspects of human cooperation. If the meek do inherit your spherical estate we know where to find you real problems...I wouldn't suggest it happen but you gotta learn somehow.

"The Rich Community"????

shit you must be retarded.

economies operate the same way whether big or small, personal or national.

if you Buy Buy Buy and never sell eventually you go broke.
if you continue Buying on credit eventually the debts must be repaid by Selling Shit (you labour, your car, your TV or your old lady's jewelry) of the repo-man will come and take that shit.
blaming your neighbor for keeping his checkbook balanced doesnt fix YOUR poor financial decisions

if you want more shit, sell your labour, make a product to sell, or sell your excess stuff.

everybody who grows weed recognizes the same issues if they have the brains nature granted to an earthworm.

if your weed costs $20/oz to produce, you gotta sell it for MORE than $20/oz.
if people are willing to pay $120/oz, then you make $100/oz profit.
if the costs of production go up to $25/oz then you must decide if you will sell it for $125/oz, or only make $115/oz profit
if you must hire slangers to move your weed, they gots to get paid too, and that means higher prices or lower profit margins
if some other dope merchant moves into your block, selling cheap mexican brown for $55/oz then either you lower your prices, or advertise the virtues of YOUR dope over the cheap mexican dirtweed.
if the customers are still buying mexican dirt weed, then you MUST lower prices or get out of the dope game.
if the price you can sell your dope for drops lower than the costs of producing it, then you ARE out of the dope game.
haven't you heard? the right wing already solved the min wage problem.

step 1: have all min wage employees magically bootstrap themselves up to engineers and whatnot.
step 2: have high school kids take over all min wage jobs
step 3: ???
step 4: PROFIT!

they seriously solved the problem already. thank those people.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UncleBuck again.
And programs remember? Disability is a need I have not a settle, or welfare, or my entitlement. This is the time and place when you can agree with a govt program without being abandoned. This is the reason I make 150.

and nonsense you are talking?

nonsense is a deed you have walking, or talking, or sitting on a pony.

this is the face and cloud when vanessa can submit to my gibberishness or get abandoned by govt with program indeed from thomas.

this is the reason i write spam messages for cvv selling scammers in mindless tweaker-speech
What a stately figure, and noble expression. I bet she/he is a handful. Very energetic, corgies. And, smart too.

he can be a handful at times, for the most part though he's a very independent and sometimes stubborn little guy. I've found as long as he gets his walk and run at the dog park daily he gets to exert his energy and relax of a night time. I saw your girl too, happy-go-lucky little thing she's loving life with you!
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