Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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LLC is Free to register with the govt.

This is not correct. MA, LLC is $500. AZ, LLC is $65. States have different LLC filing costs. Once that is complete, you can let the feds know about the LLC, but in reality, they don't give a shit, they just care about the tax id you request before filing for the state LLC.
everybody who grows weed recognizes the same issues if they have the brains nature granted to an earthworm.

if your weed costs $20/oz to produce, you gotta sell it for MORE than $20/oz.
if people are willing to pay $120/oz, then you make $100/oz profit.
if the costs of production go up to $25/oz then you must decide if you will sell it for $125/oz, or only make $115/oz profit
if you must hire slangers to move your weed, they gots to get paid too, and that means higher prices or lower profit margins
if some other dope merchant moves into your block, selling cheap mexican brown for $55/oz then either you lower your prices, or advertise the virtues of YOUR dope over the cheap mexican dirtweed.
if the customers are still buying mexican dirt weed, then you MUST lower prices or get out of the dope game.
if the price you can sell your dope for drops lower than the costs of producing it, then you ARE out of the dope game.

Profit margins, dummies!


placed in a black box
the promise of salvation,
is enough to make us watch
there is no thought,
and there is no concern
we can't retrace our steps
across the bridges that we burn
but were content to be
getting what we're getting for free
so we lock our chains
and we throw away the key
but the free comes at a price
that we'd rather not think about
the free comes at a price
we'd rather not think about.
well we don' think much
about much these days
so the chance of that happening
quickly fades away
into another haze of emotion,
another blur of product
far from any pretense
and removed from any context
but nothing really seems
to be in context anymore
we sold our integrity
and now we are the whores
with our blue plastic checking cards
and silicone implants
our pre-constructed world
that has all us trapped

(and) All we are...
is a tool to be used to pay
for someone else's rent
a profit gain of 23%

(and) All we are...
Pieces of paper to be torn into shreds
a small piece of capital to be worked until our death

salvation in consumption
is an absurd way to live
products as religion
is too much to give
so we fill our lives with useless items
to make up for ourselves
and we fill our heads with excuses
to justify our wealth
but the greed that fuels our consumption
seems to be accepted
and not just as a fault,
but as a trait to be respected
how we got to this point
is a question without answer
we can blame it on TV,
but we set the standard
all of this hypocricy
just leaves me more confused
expecting something more
when i should just be amuzed
at the pettiness, the irony,
the ignorance, and abuse
the individual twines we braid
into one collective noose
cause at the age of 24
you can't expect me to accept
that the standards of humanity
could possibly be less
all we ever wanted
was to be something more than this
all we ever wanted
was to be something more than this!
he can be a handful at times, for the most part though he's a very independent and sometimes stubborn little guy. I've found as long as he gets his walk and run at the dog park daily he gets to exert his energy and relax of a night time. I saw your girl too, happy-go-lucky little thing she's loving life with you!

She's still very ill-tempered. She has this thing where she'll FREAK out when I change the garbage can. Poor thing. I have no way of knowing how hard she was mistreated. I just have to be there for her when she's tripping. She's very adjusted for a beaten pup. And, what a face, too, aye? Lookit! She's like 200% love!love!love! in this shot.....
Profit margins, dummies!


placed in a black box
the promise of salvation,
is enough to make us watch
there is no thought,
and there is no concern
we can't retrace our steps
across the bridges that we burn
but were content to be
getting what we're getting for free
so we lock our chains
and we throw away the key
but the free comes at a price
that we'd rather not think about
the free comes at a price
we'd rather not think about.
well we don' think much
about much these days
so the chance of that happening
quickly fades away
into another haze of emotion,
another blur of product
far from any pretense
and removed from any context
but nothing really seems
to be in context anymore
we sold our integrity
and now we are the whores
with our blue plastic checking cards
and silicone implants
our pre-constructed world
that has all us trapped

(and) All we are...
is a tool to be used to pay
for someone else's rent
a profit gain of 23%

(and) All we are...
Pieces of paper to be torn into shreds
a small piece of capital to be worked until our death

salvation in consumption
is an absurd way to live
products as religion
is too much to give
so we fill our lives with useless items
to make up for ourselves
and we fill our heads with excuses
to justify our wealth
but the greed that fuels our consumption
seems to be accepted
and not just as a fault,
but as a trait to be respected
how we got to this point
is a question without answer
we can blame it on TV,
but we set the standard
all of this hypocricy
just leaves me more confused
expecting something more
when i should just be amuzed
at the pettiness, the irony,
the ignorance, and abuse
the individual twines we braid
into one collective noose
cause at the age of 24
you can't expect me to accept
that the standards of humanity
could possibly be less
all we ever wanted
was to be something more than this
all we ever wanted
was to be something more than this!

so did you cut your wrists before or after posting this screamo garbage?

maybe you can rebutt my assertions with some "My Chemical Romance" or "Fallout Boy"?

if you start posting Miley Cyrus' new like, super meaningful artistic expression with layers of like, subtext and like, deep imagery, then we will know you are super cereal.
so did you cut your wrists before or after posting this screamo garbage?

maybe you can rebutt my assertions with some "My Chemical Romance" or "Fallout Boy"?

if you start posting Miley Cyrus' new like, super meaningful artistic expression with layers of like, subtext and like, deep imagery, then we will know you are super cereal.

Pinworm would SO twerk you into hypocrisy. You would love that, huh?! hahaha. But, a burn is a burn. So, here's that piping hot twerk you ordered:

and nonsense you are talking?

nonsense is a deed you have walking, or talking, or sitting on a pony.

this is the face and cloud when vanessa can submit to my gibberishness or get abandoned by govt with program indeed from thomas.

this is the reason i write spam messages for cvv selling scammers in mindless tweaker-speech

Read the thread, perhaps context will do you some good for once. Nonsense because you say so, same old schtick. You assign a dollar value to things I do not and it makes you an inferior human being by my standard. But put us together in life and I will embarrass you. Odd combo.....shameless and embarrassed...what are you speaking of. Nobody cares.
Read the thread, perhaps context will do you some good for once. Nonsense because you say so, same old schtick. You assign a dollar value to things I do not and it makes you an inferior human being by my standard. But put us together in life and I will embarrass you. Odd combo.....shameless and embarrassed...what are you speaking of. Nobody cares.

Burn Treatment:
First degree burns may take around 4-6 days to heal completely. Healing begins once the affected skin turns dry and starts peeling. The treatment can be administered at home itself. Here are some remedies that may prove beneficial.

► Soaking the affected area in cold water will certainly help.
► Application of cold compresses will also provide relief.
► Applying aloe vera gel can help soothe irritated skin.
Read more at Buzzle:
Pinworm would SO twerk you into hypocrisy. You would love that, huh?! hahaha. But, a burn is a burn. So, here's that piping hot twerk you ordered:

i very nearly replied with "Imperial Stars" but im not gonna descend to your level

i very nearly replied with "Imperial Stars" but im not gonna descend to your level

It's best you don't. We need me down here to keep things "equal". Besides. Moon and Dweasel would probably be totally pissed at us using their image to fight about minimum wage.....We just got a foot of snow:
Read the thread, perhaps context will do you some good for once. Nonsense because you say so, same old schtick. You assign a dollar value to things I do not and it makes you an inferior human being by my standard. But put us together in life and I will embarrass you. Odd combo.....shameless and embarrassed...what are you speaking of. Nobody cares.

why should i give a shit for your opinion?

inferiority is measured by unintelligible statements, not bold claims of being more touchy-feelie than thou.

the thread is full of goobers who think big economies and small economies operate on different rules, morons who think raising costs wont raise prices, and dolts like you who believe society owes them something.

why dont you go out to the street and shout at passersby to "PAY YOU WHAT YOU ARE OWED!!!" and see how long you last before somebody puts his slapper up your pie hole.

you cannot "embarrass" me, you lack the skills.

and as always, you are irrelevant.
why should i give a shit for your opinion?

inferiority is measured by unintelligible statements, not bold claims of being more touchy-feelie than thou.

the thread is full of goobers who think big economies and small economies operate on different rules, morons who think raising costs wont raise prices, and dolts like you who believe society owes them something.

why dont you go out to the street and shout at passersby to "PAY YOU WHAT YOU ARE OWED!!!" and see how long you last before somebody puts his slapper up your pie hole.

you cannot "embarrass" me, you lack the skills.

and as always, you are irrelevant.


I felt an immediate flash back when this was said....I felt an immediate robo-break:

It's best you don't. We need me down here to keep things "equal". Besides. Moon and Dweasel would probably be totally pissed at us using their image to fight about minimum wage.....We just got a foot of snow:

for you and all the gimmee gimmee squad:

"The Rich Community"????

if you Buy Buy Buy and never sell eventually you go broke.
if you continue Buying on credit eventually the debts must be repaid by Selling Shit (you labour, your car, your TV or your old lady's jewelry) of the repo-man will come and take that shit.
blaming your neighbor for keeping his checkbook balanced doesnt fix YOUR poor financial decisions

if you want more shit, sell your labour, make a product to sell, or sell your excess stuff.

everybody who grows weed recognizes the same issues if they have the brains nature granted to an earthworm.

if your weed costs $20/oz to produce, you gotta sell it for MORE than $20/oz.
if people are willing to pay $120/oz, then you make $100/oz profit.
if the costs of production go up to $25/oz then you must decide if you will sell it for $125/oz, or only make $115/oz profit
if you must hire slangers to move your weed, they gots to get paid too, and that means higher prices or lower profit margins
if some other dope merchant moves into your block, selling cheap mexican brown for $55/oz then either you lower your prices, or advertise the virtues of YOUR dope over the cheap mexican dirtweed.
if the customers are still buying mexican dirt weed, then you MUST lower prices or get out of the dope game.
if the price you can sell your dope for drops lower than the costs of producing it, then you ARE out of the dope game.

I am disabled but far from retarded. Did you attend an Ivy league school on a merit scholarship....I doubt it. Your economy and mine are nothing alike, just swallow that. Your lectures are boring and Narcissus peeks out every time. I am playing the epilepsy/neuropathy game asshole and cannot work or drive. 150 a week is my economy, I live upright because of people who are not like you...people who know what is right and have courage to act on it. GO PLEASE!
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