Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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i was under the impression he lived with his mother..

no, my mother is staying with me, for a while, while her house is rebuilt.

i realize this is perplexing to you, but i LIKE my mother.

and in the spring i will (barring the unforseen) take time off work after my planting is done, and travel to her house in the bay area to plant her garden again.


hey, how about you insult my size 15 EEE boots, cuz "you gots big feet" is always a cutting barb.

nah, lemme make it easy for ya:

im fat. yes thats right, noi six-pack abs here, instead i got a pony keg.

you may now commence with the fat jokes, and demonstrate your superior moral, ethical and intellectual standing.
because if they had a full time employment their employer would have to give company benefits..see how this works?


MANY full time jobs dont offer "benefits" at all.

you see child, a long time ago, when this was still a cpitalist nation, if you wanted the best employees, you offered them more money, but in the late 30's a leftist marxist named Franklin Delano Roosevelt changed all that.

he made sweeping declarations which capped wages, forcing employers to find new ways around the wage caps, like offering free medical care , which eventually morphed in the the health insurance monster that ravages the kingdom today

another of the ways to dodge the evil twisted cripple's dictates was to offer "stock options" which has become the default choice in lieu of wages to doge taxation.

another of the monsters spawned by that degenerate gimp was the creation of the welfare state as we now know it. and while the leftists and marxists all feel good about the welfare state and how They (and by that i mean other people) are "Giving Back"

but then, as now, there are no mandatory "benefits" only ones which are expected by the brainless sheep who think that the way things are is the way they have always been.

thats right sweet pea, no mandatory benefits, not even if you work 40 hours a week.

The End.

and the reason many po-folks have 2 part time jobs is because thanks to Free Trade and Outsourcing (pioneered by BOTH THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT!) there are not enough real jobs out there.
Wow seems like you were horrible at everything you did and and had to settle on trying to pay yourself cause no body really wanted to pay you. Is that what it is, you weren't very good at cleaning shitters, most of those jobs pay more than min wage, were you not worth that much, Clayton bigsbys avatar comes to mind when I think about you.

actually i did quite well at those various jobs however as a differently abled person, i can no longer hump 70 pound of gear up a burning mountain, climb a 3 story newspaper press, scale a tree, or amble along a rooftop laying shingles.

still not ashamed of honest work, still not at all concerned with your opinion of me, since my opinion of YOU is always so much lower.

really, you cannot even comprehend how little your opinion matters to me.

likewise ou cannot fathom how lowly and insignificant your very existence is in my world.

but apparently im of the front page of all your newspapers, and dominating your TV.
shit your life must suck to try this hard to demean ME, a guy who used to clean and transport portable toilets, and still fail to create the shame you feel would brighten up your own drab existence.

next time im passing a church, i'll go in and light a candle for you.
wait, you are catholic right? you must be, nobody else carries around that much self loathing.
You would think she would avoid the topic of motherhood

I will trip you down all 12 giant steps. I brought you all presents! Against good judgment, but being a good host, you all have been dosed. The kettle-corn's been laced. The fudge has been lined. You're having a great time. But you might not recall, the rohypnol in the lemonade, Pinworm homemade......The happiest clown with the biggest frown....
Dirt bag..............


looks about right to me.
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