Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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To me, it looks like right around 2008 when the entire economy collapsed, many people lost their jobs, regardless of minimum wage.

I'm sure it does to you.

But I can clearly see that the poverty level started rising sharply a year before the 2008 economic down fall.
In fact, the majority of jobs lost in the first year or two of the collapse were construction and jobs in the housing industry, all of which pay more than minimum wage. Despite all this, there were significant increases in minimum wages in 2008 and 2009 but the poverty rate continued to climb.

I know you lefties will argue your point regardless of the proof that stares you in the face. The difference between a conservative and a progressive is,
progressives form an opinion first, then right or wrong, they try to build an argument to support it.
It's sad to see such a complete disconnect from other people. Most of you are using the standards you grew up with in todays economic climate. "Work harder", "poor people are just lazy", "just start your own business, I did!"...

As if someone riding the poverty line wouldn't want to start up a business. As if poor people wouldn't want to be able to pay for their own expenses. They all just want a free ride off the rest of you hard working Americans..

Couple this with the complete lack of empathy for your fellow citizens, it's a sad, sick time to be an American
It's sad to see such a complete disconnect from other people. Most of you are using the standards you grew up with in todays economic climate. "Work harder", "poor people are just lazy", "just start your own business, I did!"...

As if someone riding the poverty line wouldn't want to start up a business. As if poor people wouldn't want to be able to pay for their own expenses. They all just want a free ride off the rest of you hard working Americans..

Couple this with the complete lack of empathy for your fellow citizens, it's a sad, sick time to be an American

*a republican
The difference between a conservative and a progressive is,
progressives form an opinion first, then right or wrong, they try to build an argument to support it.

meh, everyone is guilty of that at some point, especially when it concerns something you have strong opinions about, which lefties certainly have in abundance.

Couple this with the complete lack of empathy for your fellow citizens, it's a sad, sick time to be an American

I hardly think trying to get able bodied people to be responsible for themselves and encouraging them to take risks in order to reap the rewards is hardly lack of empathy. When your momma taught you how to wipe your ass ( assumption on my part here) did you feel that her encouragement to do for yourself what she had been doing for you for your entire life to that point, make her a complete uncaring bitch in your eyes?
this from law firm in wisconsin:

[h=1]Wal-Mart & McDonald’s: Passing the Buck to Taxpayers[/h] Came across this post today: “How McDonald’s and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens.” News like this has become so commonplace that you almost accept it with a shrug. Yeah, big box stores and fast food chains are paying their workers cruddy wages, forcing them to go on state health insurance and food stamp assistance. Oh well. Move along. Nothing to see here.
But the outrage should exist. These stories make my blood boil. Many of these companies are making massive profits. You’re telling me you can’t pay a living wage? All of us, as taxpayers, are helping pad the the coffers of these companies. By not providing sufficient wages or health care, the actual taxpayers serve as the necessary social safety net for these workers. Is that really how we want our society and country structured?
Admittedly my experience is anectodal, but I see a number of these workers in my practice–from the greeters at Wal-Mart to those flipping burgers at McDonald’s. Many are making a minimum hourly wage of $7.25. No matter how hard they work (and, in my experience, some of these fast food and retail workers are the hardest workers out there, in light of their work condition), they cannot get ahead or make enough to avoid the necessity of seeking food stamp assistance or of searching for the local food pantry.
Corporations simply should not be able to get rich on the public’s back. As taxpayers, we continue to allow this grossly one-sided equation to continue.
It's sad to see such a complete disconnect from other people. Most of you are using the standards you grew up with in todays economic climate. "Work harder", "poor people are just lazy", "just start your own business, I did!"...

As if someone riding the poverty line wouldn't want to start up a business. As if poor people wouldn't want to be able to pay for their own expenses. They all just want a free ride off the rest of you hard working Americans..

Couple this with the complete lack of empathy for your fellow citizens, it's a sad, sick time to be an American

We hear this same argument from every generation, my grandfather heard it from my father, my father heard it from me and I heard it from my son, until he graduated and got an excellent job.

No offense, but I find it a bit disconcerting that most of the people on this forum doing all the complaining, are actually wasting valuable time on the internet, you could be out in real life helping the poor and making a difference.
Just saying
We hear this same argument from every generation, my grandfather heard it from my father, my father heard it from me and I heard it from my son, until he graduated and got an excellent job.

No offense, but I find it a bit disconcerting that most of the people on this forum doing all the complaining, are actually wasting valuable time on the internet, you could be out in real life helping the poor and making a difference.
Just saying

What's with the massive amounts of hypocrisy coming from your posts?

Once I made a comment about right wingers not letting the truth get in the way of a good story and you jumped all over it. Why is everything a right or left with me, blah, blah, blah? Yet all you do is incessantly post about progressives vs. conservatives.

Now you have the audacity to talk about how people are wasting time on the internet complaining when they could be out there making a difference. Yet you spend an inordinate amount of time sniveling about all the shit progressives do that you don't like.

Why not listen to your own nonsense? If you are so absurdly successful, how fucking sad is it that this is the only thing that you can think of to do with your time?
We hear this same argument from every generation, my grandfather heard it from my father, my father heard it from me and I heard it from my son, until he graduated and got an excellent job.

No offense, but I find it a bit disconcerting that most of the people on this forum doing all the complaining, are actually wasting valuable time on the internet, you could be out in real life helping the poor and making a difference.
Just saying

I'm trying to picture you as someone other than a 30 year old in your mom's basement.
What's with the massive amounts of hypocrisy coming from your posts?

Once I made a comment about right wingers not letting the truth get in the way of a good story and you jumped all over it. Why is everything a right or left with me, blah, blah, blah? Yet all you do is incessantly post about progressives vs. conservatives.

Now you have the audacity to talk about how people are wasting time on the internet complaining when they could be out there making a difference. Yet you spend an inordinate amount of time sniveling about all the shit progressives do that you don't like.

Why not listen to your own nonsense? If you are so absurdly successful, how fucking sad is it that this is the only thing that you can think of to do with your time?

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to travisw again.

I'm sure it does to you.

But I can clearly see that the poverty level started rising sharply a year before the 2008 economic down fall.
In fact, the majority of jobs lost in the first year or two of the collapse were construction and jobs in the housing industry, all of which pay more than minimum wage. Despite all this, there were significant increases in minimum wages in 2008 and 2009 but the poverty rate continued to climb.

I know you lefties will argue your point regardless of the proof that stares you in the face. The difference between a conservative and a progressive is,
progressives form an opinion first, then right or wrong, they try to build an argument to support it.

Interestingly enough, The Center for Economic and Policy Research, have recently come out with a study showing that keeping with worker productivity, inflation and dollar value as key variables, minimum wage should be roughly $21 an hour. But more importantly, since 2009, the last time we increased minimum wages, worker productivity has increased by more than 150% while wages, only recognized in 31 states, has remained stagnant. Are you saying people should work harder and not be compensated for it? And further, the CEO's, you think are the job creators, should be given even bigger raises and bonuses?
I'm trying to picture you as someone other than a 30 year old in your mom's basement.

I was thinking the same. My best guess is somewhere between 25 and 35, and lives in mother's or aunt's basement. And is forced to mow the lawn every two weeks.
Interestingly enough, The Center for Economic and Policy Research, have recently come out with a study showing that keeping with worker productivity, inflation and dollar value as key variables, minimum wage should be roughly $21 an hour. But more importantly, since 2009, the last time we increased minimum wages, worker productivity has increased by more than 150% while wages, only recognized in 31 states, has remained stagnant. Are you saying people should work harder and not be compensated for it? And further, the CEO's, you think are the job creators, should be given even bigger raises and bonuses?

and, in my experience, some of these fast food and retail workers are the hardest workers out there, in light of their work condition

The lumber jack community guffawed at that one.
oh, i'm sorry.

i had no idea that we were strolling through the fields of utopia, where everyone gets an engineering degree, makes $100k a year, and toilets automatically clean themselves.

tell me more about this utopia where everyone can just snap their fingers, get an education, move up in the world, and ditches suddenly start to dig themselves.

thank you.

And therein lies the fallacy. Getting an education requires WORK ( starting with actually attending grades K-12, making good grades, keeping your legs closed/wearing a condom and aspiring to be SOMEBODY. If you don't want to WORK towards a better life, then enjoy flipping burgers for the rest of your life. You want fries with that?
Interestingly enough, The Center for Economic and Policy Research, have recently come out with a study showing that keeping with worker productivity, inflation and dollar value as key variables, minimum wage should be roughly $21 an hour. But more importantly, since 2009, the last time we increased minimum wages, worker productivity has increased by more than 150% while wages, only recognized in 31 states, has remained stagnant. Are you saying people should work harder and not be compensated for it? And further, the CEO's, you think are the job creators, should be given even bigger raises and bonuses?

The question that came popping into my mind when reading this was....

Does that mean someone is saying a teenager making minimum wage at McDonald's now is working harder and longer than the teenager who worked at McDonald's 20 years ago?
Hrm, not sure how much I believe that.

By the way, the moment we start paying teenagers 22 bucks an hour, well goodbye to a lot of businesses, especially fast food. There will definitely not be a dollar menu anywhere.

Oh, and I will quit my job and take the 22 dollar an hour, stress free, minimum wage job as well.
And therein lies the fallacy. Getting an education requires WORK ( starting with actually attending grades K-12, making good grades, keeping your legs closed/wearing a condom and aspiring to be SOMEBODY. If you don't want to WORK towards a better life, then enjoy flipping burgers for the rest of your life. You want fries with that?

Ditch diggers don't make minumim wage, just for the record. There are also plenty of trade schools that require nothing more than some motivation. In my area there are tons of free job-training programs such as Job-Corps. Of course, to be in job-corps you have to follow their rules. That becomes a big issue with people who really don't want to work anyway.
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