Miracle Gro and Flushing


Well-Known Member
I get good results with MG soil an Nutes in my lil cab.

Seen it win VS fox in comparison grows here.


Well-Known Member
Geez guys, 3 pages of bitchin about MG! and no one knows whether or not to flush or how.

It was a decision I made with my first grow (MG) Will I stick with it next time probably not. (that's why their called n00bs)

When I watered last night I had alot of yellowing leaves with purple stems. Watered 2qts with 6.0 ph and 2 ml of Pro Bloom 1-4-5. The shop recommended 10ml.

Trimmed alot of yellowing leaves to open up some smaller flowers to more light. All were fan leaves with yellow starting on the tip and edges with purple stems. Even some of the small growth at the bottom of the stem had completely yellowed. Are my girls starting to rob the fan leaves this early?

Clones were a Purple Haze, so I haven't been concerned about the color , kinda pretty if the damn things weren't croaking!

How bout some advice.



Well-Known Member
Oh forgot to mention I don't flush my plants.

I'd try upping the ferts a bit on one of em as a test.
Sound like your going real easy an they need N?


Well-Known Member
Surfing the board and Found this:

  • A Nitrogen deficiency of this causes yellowing of the leaves. its common during vegetative simply because the plant is using it up just as fast as your putting it in. It also happens during flowering sometimes because most flowering fertilizers contain little or no nitrogen, as this is not a key nutrient in that phase of the plant's life cycle.
    Usually the deficiency will be noticeable on the lower part of the plant, on the older leaves. then, as it progresses it will move upwards towards the newer growth.
    *unlike a magnesium deficiency, nitrogen def will start from the tips and works its way inward* (ill get to mag def later). Most of all yellowing of leaves is caused by this, and it will stunt growth severely!

My leaves are not as severe as this, but the description is dead on. The Pro Bloom 1-4-5 doesn't have alot of N. Worried about over fert. becuase of the MG.

ANy Good options?



Well-Known Member
Hey All, the girls are doing well as you can see from the pics. Still having yellowing of the leaves.

I decided to see what works for me. I have flushed T1 (Thing 1) and regular watered T2 (Thing 2) w/o a flush.

I upped the Pro Bloom to 10ml/gal and both with watered 1.5 qts. Have been watering about every 4 days.

These 2 girls are almost indentical is size and bud sites, so this should be interesting to watch.

I'll keep updates going if anyone is interested.

PUFF PUFF PASS1-4-12 T2 3.jpg1-4-12 T2 7.jpg1-4-12 T2 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
flushing is bad. flushing is what you do when you overferting to the extent that you cannot just stop feeding and them be ok.

its like overdosing, but instead of telling them to sleep it off, you need a stomach pump... no one likes getting their stomach pumped, and plants dont like flushing

underfeed them a lil, in the long run, starving them a little is better then over-ferting and flushing.

i think miracle grow is great, but not the time release stuff. as long as you stay away from that, youll be ok


Well-Known Member
It was time to water/feed yesterday, and I was shocked when I opened the door and T1 was noticably larger!
Longer stems (has T2 by at least an inch) Larger leaves, slightly bigger bud sites!

Flushing diffentatly gave T1 a jump start! Thought about continuing the experiment, but the results are in.

At least with the MG Potting Soil, flushing helps. I flushed T2 and hope she catches up to her sister now. Plan now is to flush before harvest, which should be the week of my Bday. At least I'll get one good present!

Thanks All, moving on.

Puff Puff Pass